
as GG on 'Success'

‘It’s really not always that big move of yours that could make the world sit up and notice you…it could well be one of those little yet successful move that matters in terms of bringing that incredible change in your life and in those around you'…And that folks is what 'success' is all about when it decides to come your way as a 'surprise' to others! GG

as GG on 'being focussed'

‘It is as easy to be clear & confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly, stay focussed and act accordingly’ GG

as GG on 'opportunities'

'Its not always you get that lucky to get to experience something that sounds like a world of opportunities knocking right at your door at a high decibel level and sounds nothing but success' its all about stayin' alert, seekin' for and grabin' one that comes by! GG

as GG on 'being the sound specialist'

"The guy who really has what it takes to be the wizard on those complex looking sound mixing consoles with all those colourful lights traveling up and down in an synchronized manner in a noble process to create what millions of ears are dying to listen!" GG

as GG - 'I can'

"Always remember you could turn out to be the next person to make history in some way or the other through your own achievement in life and all you need to do is to believe in yourself and start saying 'I can' ." GG

as GG on 'Confidence'

“Holding you head high, making that incredible effort to be the best you can be even at times when you get to realize that life has many challenges in this competitive world around you, taking them on giving your best shot with the hope that time will bring better tomorrows and most of all, to never give up…means ‘Confidence’.” GG

as GG on D'wali

"It’s the season when we really get to celebrate and experience the highs…be it indulging ourselves in lighting those firecrackers or getting absolutely out of control in relishing those mouth watering sweets and chocolates" GG