GG speak (published as Gyan Guru's Column in The Hindu-EducaionPlus'05)
Hey Dudes & Dudettes, Its Monday…and I am back. Having talked about the right attitude for a couple of weeks as a part of those typical GG’s style opening lines, here I am waking you up this Monday morning with a fresh line that actually deals with the act that how important it is to have the right kind of confidence…and it goes like this, “to say that I will win is self confidence, and to say that only I will win is arrogance”…and hey, isn’t that really so true?! And I am sure it’s that right kind of confidence that Rear Adm GJ Dufek had when he landed an airplane at South Pole on this very day in 1956 and in the process became the first American to do so. Talking about airplane and landing…good news for all those in the E-Tribe who are looking to take off on a career in Aviation Industry…as today’s E-plus carries a 2 page special on it …so don’t miss it guys. Alright folks, lemme start all the gyan for this week; Let’s welcome my new friend Gayathri V, who wants to know if a comm...