GG’04 Hey Dudes & Dudettes, Most of you guys are through with your exams, some of you have even got your results and for those who are thinking that may be a little more marks would have helped you get into something you wanted…but hey GG has got this line just for you…"The problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us", so cheer up guys because you’ve got the whole big world of opportunities waiting for you to step in and succeed. With that thought I start my gyan for this week: Say hello to Priya! My friend who is doing her 1st year B.Tech - Information Technology in Easwari Engg. College appreciates and says that GG is doing a very good job (hey hold on…its not getting vacant guys and moreover there can be only one GG around…right?!) She wants some gyan on ‘Inplant Training’ and who offers such training. Well Priya you can check out (EEC) Electronic Engineering Corporation, log onto their websites www.e...