GG Speak (Published as Gyan Guru's column in The Hindu - Education Plus'04


Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
Most of you guys are through with your exams, some of you have even got your results and for those who are thinking that may be a little more marks would have helped you get into something you wanted…but hey GG has got this line just for you…"The problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us", so cheer up guys because you’ve got the whole big world of opportunities waiting for you to step in and succeed. With that thought I start my gyan for this week:

Say hello to Priya! My friend who is doing her 1st year B.Tech - Information Technology in Easwari Engg. College appreciates and says that GG is doing a very good job (hey hold on…its not getting vacant guys and moreover there can be only one GG around…right?!) She wants some gyan on ‘Inplant Training’ and who offers such training. Well Priya you can check out (EEC) Electronic Engineering Corporation, log onto their websites to find out all the details.

Meet Mahesh, a B.Sc Mathematics Graduate who claims to be confused, wants to know all about CSIR, JRF-NET, UGC-NET as he wants to plan his move for his post graduation. (hey guys…GG thinks that it is as easy to be clear & confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly and act accordingly) My friend, log onto for all the details that you are looking for on Council of Scientific & Industrial Research and you can obtain information relating to the examination on their website for Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) National Eligibility Test (NET) and to know more about UGC-NET, log onto All the best dude!

Welcome aboard Jacobson (or should I say Mr. Watson Jacobson seen along with Mr. Sherlock Homes) My buddy here who has finished his 10th tells me that his ambition is to become a Detective Investigator and he wants to know all about that (Did you guys know that it really takes guts to think differently and when you actually do so, man you’ve already covered half the distance towards that inevitable success) and he also tells me that GG is very cool with a good hairstyle and a cool bike. And yes Jacobson, that’s an offbeat career option with its own highs and to know more about that, log onto and check out for Offbeat Career – courses for Detective Investigator.

Hey Krish, how are you doing out there?! My buddy Krish has just finished his 12th and is very interested in Marine Biology and wants to know the career options and the colleges that offer this course. (Say hello to someone here who really wants to explore the secrets of the ocean…he might just turn out be our own Jacques Cousteau…all the best buddy!) Krish is slightly worried because he hasn’t done Maths in his 12th. Well normally it doesn’t matter that much when you want to do your M.Sc Marine Biology as it depends upon what you do in your UG. And Krish to really give yourself an introduction to this field, its merits and if you wanna be a marine biologist log onto & and you can check out colleges such as Cochin University of Science & Technology, Berhampur University - Orissa ( and Annamalai University (

Now lemme ask the entire E-Tribe to say a big hello to Pallavi! She tells me that she is one big fan of GG and wants to know if GG can take her on his special bike and wants to tell the world that whosoever joins the E-Tribe are the most coolest persons on earth. (Wow…that’s a big statement you made dudette…in fact I’ll call it the statement of the month…and GG takes his most graceful bow twice!) With that wonderful message to everyone @ the E-Tribe, Pallavi who is doing her B.Com final year wants to become a fashion designer and hey, she wants to design a real cool designer wear for all the guys of E-Tribe and a special wardrobe for GG. (Hey you really are one good friend of the entire E-Tribe and hey you might just be the lucky one to be chosen for that cool ride on GG’s special bike!) Well Pallavi your destination will be NIFT @ Taramani and log onto for all the details.

Rockxy Chauhan who is doing his Engg. In Aeronautics takes a bow of respect to GG for guiding the youngsters of today to a bright path (Hey isn’t that a little too big a praise guys!? Thank you and GG will always try & be the best) He wants to go for IAS and wants to get into a coaching center. Well Rockxy you can check out Brilliant Tutorials and to know more log onto
I sign off here and hey, keep the E-Tribe the hottest thing happening around in town. Keep smiling, get addicted to E-plus, stay hungry for more of GG’s gyan and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

How are you guys doing out there?...Its Monday and what a way to start the week with E-Plus in your hands and just ready for all the gyan from the one and only GG…! “When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it”. Keeping in mind a simple yet an awesome truth that “One word can frame the goal” and believing that these little words might just do that for the entire E-Tribe, lemme start all the gyan for this week. Here I go again:

Say hello to Rina, one of the biggest fan of E-plus and she tells me that she has never missed even single issue of E-plus. She thinks E-plus is really cool & informative.(Thank you dudette…stay addicted to E-plus and we’ll keep giving you more) She is currently doing her BA Economics in Madras University and she is interested in Journalism and wants to know all about it. Well Rina, Journalism is an exciting option that you could take up and more so as you have all the interest in taking it up as a career option. (As GG always says…if you believe that you have got what it takes…then just go ahead…follow your heart) Indulge yourself in a lot of reading…be passionate about what you want to do and hey I am sure you are gonna make it big time in Journalism. And to get started your destination can be Asian College of Journalism or you could also check out some special courses offered by Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan.

Ramya, Shruthi, Karthik and all those in the E-Tribe who wanted to learn Japanese…here some good news for you. (Its always good to learn languages because you’ll never know when, where & how it will be absolutely helpful and more so in your professional life…and hey you really get to have that edge when you walk up the ladder in your career) To learn to read, write & speak Japanese all you guys can check out a special course being offered by the Indo-Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry @ Teynampet (24352010).

Let’s welcome Ashok who is doing his final year in Madha Engineering College. Ashok tells me that he is getting addicted to E-plus (That’s the way it’s got to be…dude! And once you are in…you never get out of E-Tribe…and that’s exactly what E-Tribe is all about!) He also congratulates GG as he thinks it’s wonderful to have this column (Merci beaucoup…dude!) and he goes on to say that soon he might start a fan club for GG (Correction buddy…that’s got to be ‘E-plus Club’ and GG promises to be the co-founder member…OK?!) Ashok wants to know if he can take up a course on .Net as he is interested in it. Well pal…yes .Net rocks and hey since you got your interests’ right, just go right ahead and take the course as the opportunities are plenty.

And hey!...for all those at the E-Tribe who wanna know all about the world-class education being offered in Singapore…here’s your chance. Don’t miss the Singapore Education Exhibition 2004 is to be held at the Taj Coramandel, Chennai on 4th & 5th of September…to pre-register and to know more log onto

With that I end my gyan for this week. I urge you all to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan from the one & only GG, keep smiling because it makes you look good and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line.
Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"The law of the competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, but hey…it is best for the race, simply because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department" and I am sure that’s exactly the effect what the recently held CAT exams had on all you guys who gave it your best shot…and I am also sure that the E-Tribe did well to prove that we really are the fittest CATs on the prowl to survive the toughest of the competitions.
OK folks! Its Monday again and I am back as usual right on time to shake you up just enough to give that incredible & exclusive E-Tribe look that says it all powerfully in just two little words ‘WE CAN’. Yes…with a look like that and a ‘never-say-die’ attitude, lemme start rolling with all the fresh gyan for the week right away:

First lets welcome my friends Manoj, Brutus and Sowmya. They all want to know something about CAT and they are hungry for the one & only GG’s gyan.
Manoj who is doing his B.Sc from Madras University appears on GG’s screen promptly in a quest for more Gyan (That’s really cool man…always be hungry for more and stay addicted to E-plus!)
Manoj wants to know, as an alternate option if he wants to prepare from home, what books he could refer. Well buddy, there are several books and guides on CAT and with an effort to satisfy a hungry soul like you, these are some of the books that I came up with…these might help you in your preparation dude.
CAT: 10 Years Solved Papers (1994-2003) authored by Dinesh Kumar, Master Resource Book On CAT authored by Ravji S Kaushik, Think Without Ink - An Adventure With Quantitative Problems authored by K Venkatraman and you check out "How to Prepare for the CAT" by Muhamed Muneer & published by Tata McGraw Hill in which the author is a consultant who has collaborated with two management gurus - Professors G. Venkataramani and C. Regina - in putting together this comprehensive volume. A down-to-earth advisory at the beginning of the book describes the CAT structure and offers some practical tips on how to prepare for it.

Next we have Brutus (You too Brutus…have just rocked into the one & only E-Tribe with a hunger to know more and a desire to acquire knowledge…keep it up dude and stay addicted to E-plus!) My friend Brutus is a 3rd year student in Sriram Engineering College and he tells me that right from his childhood his desire, ambition and dream is to do MBA in IIMs. (The future belongs to those who dare to dream…and I am sure you have what it takes to believe in making it a reality dude!) Brutus wants to know whether he should take up the coaching classes for CAT right away or get a couple of years of working experience before joining the coaching classes and he also tells me that he is in this big dilemma. (Are you guys thinking what I am thinking now?…GG thinks that we sure have a CAT on the wall right here…right?!) As an outcome to the networking had with some of GG’s ‘expert’ friends among the CAT trainers, this is what I came up with. (And you guys are thinking that GG is so lucky to have these expert friends…and isn’t that cool…but hey that’s what happens when you get to be the one & only GG!) Well Brutus, though it actually
doesn’t make much of a difference, basically the determinant is only going to be your performance in the exams and when we talk about that, you’ve got to think of the fact that whether you will be able to devote time for preparation when you are working…so I guess it’s better when you take it when you are in the learning mood…during your final year for graduation. All the best dude.

And now say hello to Sowmya who is doing her B.Com in Meenakshi College and her CWA simultaneously. She makes the following confessions…she likes GG’s bike very much, she thinks that GG always looks smart and wants to know what the secret is. (Ooh…la…la! Thank you dudette. And hey the secret is…well it is sometimes best to leave secrets as secrets and especially the top ones…but hey you stay addicted to E-plus and you might just get to know what it exactly is!) Sowmya wants to do her MBA and wants to know about the coaching centers. Well Sowmya, you can check out centers such as TIME, Career Launcher, etc. All the best dudette!

Let’s welcome John who is doing his B.Sc Maths @ Loyola College. (Welcome aboard buddy! And now that you are in the E-tribe, just keep the campus rockin’ – the E-tribe way!) John wants to know if it’s possible for him to take up a GNIIT or IBM course right now. Yes, you can take a course right away and in fact you get to save time & get the advantage too by acquiring a dual qualification.

Ok…here comes the line just before I sign off, when I see myself urging you to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rocking and keep appearing on my screen. Don’t forget to mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

How is the ‘E-Tribe’ doing out there?!…..Its really nice to see your entries for the contests run in our one & only E-plus and winning prizes. Keep up the spirit guys and hey I’ve got a lot of gyan this week for all you who stayed hungry for it all through the week. Here I go again:

Welcome aboard Karthick. My friend Karthick doing his B.E Computer Science in Dr.MGR Engg. College tells me that he really admires the way GG renders his gyan and he feels jealous about GG’s super cool dress. (Hey! The outfits are exclusively designed only for GG! But hey GG might jus’ think about gifting you one very soon….so stay right there as one in the ‘E-Tribe’) Karthick wants to know where he can take up a course on Mainframe along with J2EE. Hey all you have to do is to indulge yourself in scanning through the pages of E-plus and you will find those Institutes that offer the course you wanted. (As GG always says ‘Isn’t that really cool guys!?’)

Hey Aarthy! She is doing her 10th Std, and she read the article on Bio-technology in E-plus and she wants to do the course. (Isn’t that great to know that E-plus is all about helping you ignite that little spark of an idea in you into an awesome flame of an interest to ‘Just do it’ and emerge as a winner!) Well Aarthy to do B.Tech in Biotechnology you can select a group with Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Computer Science or Biology. And there is no separate entrance examination for B.Tech in Anna University. All the very best Dudette!

Say hello to Murali, who wants to do ‘Visual Communication’ after his 12th. And he wants to know all about the course and its opportunities. Well Murali that’s a good course to take up and hey, if you are looking to make it big in the advertising / media business, then you are on the right track. (GG thinks if you got what it takes, then you could see yourself as one big name in the exciting world of advertising and media)

Ajan, who is doing his 1st yr BSc – Correspondence in Madras university wants to know if he can join the regular college directly to 2nd yr. (GG thinks campus life is something that’s really a cool experience you can’t actually miss…Don’t you guys think so!?) Ajan, my guess is that it is possible within the same University. So check it out dude.

We’ve got two good friends here... Sabarish and Bharani. They want to do Forensic Science after their 12th and they want to see a change in GG’s costume. (Well dudes, GG’s got good news and not-so-good news for you.) The good news is that you are going to see GG in a new outfit very soon and the not-so-good news is that there is no UG course in Forensic Science, but hey you guys can get to do a PG on that.

R. Sriram from D.G. Vaishnav College doing his UG in Maths wants to do MCA and go on to do MS. As he has also done a 1yr course in computers along with his UG, he wants to know if that will be counted in for the 16 yrs of study in order to apply for the MS. (GG think’s that Sriram is one good Maths student specially in additions!) Well my friend, your 1 yr computer course along with your UG will not be taken into account (hey…it depends where you did that course because if you had done it in NIIT then you really are one lucky dude!) And IIT’s do not offer MCA. All the very best pal!

Hey Kailash, Wassup?! My friend doing his CWA wants to become a model and wants to know where to get started. (Watch out guys …we might just be talking about another Milind Soman in the making…and right here from the one & only ‘E-Tribe’…isn’t that cool?!) Kailash check out some of the best hands in the business such as Alchemy (52140304), Kont-act (24925236) or VIBA (24353007). (As GG says, if you really got what it takes, you’ll sure be groomed into one of those ‘all-eyes-on-me’ types of a ramp-walking dudes!)

Deepak, doing his 12th wants to join B.Arch. course and wants to know about the training for the aptitude test and he wants GG to wish all the others in ‘E-Tribe’ good luck for the exams. (GG wishes ‘All the very best guys’ - anything for a good friend like you and that’s GG for you Deepak!) I can’t really think of any course and hey, the aptitude test is to bring out your ability to draw and to test your creativity. (So don’t you worry pal…I am sure you can sharpen yourself to get the right sketch when tested!)

Aswin wants to know what subject he should take in 11th to get set to do IAS. (This is what GG calls good ‘P & P’ – Preparation & Planning) Hey Aswin, you can choose any subject or group of your choice. We have Raghuram (a great fan of GG) who wants to do a PG correspondence in IT and which course he should take up. Well Raghu, you can do MSc. IT as it scores better in terms of it contents as it deals with lots of technical aspects. (That’s what the’ expert’ friends of GG say!)

I end my gyan right here, once again leaving all those in ‘E-Tribe’ taking on their exams with two most power-filled words– ‘I CAN’. Don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in subject line. C’ ya.

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
It’s Monday and I am Back! And hey…lemme congratulate all those who got themselves registered for our ‘Pre-Councelling Guidance Programme’ for professional courses exclusively designed and to be presented to you on 2nd July by the one & only E-plus that helps you map your career. Isn’t that really cool?!…Hey, it’s for the E-Tribe so it can’t be anything less! And for those who haven’t registered yet…do it today…with that note I get rolling with all the gyan for this week:

Say hello to Srinath! (I am not sure if he can bowl that well guys, but he really loves to fly!) Our Srinath wants the E-plus to feature all the information about the studies dealing with aeroplanes in a similar fashion like the one about the studies dealing with sea carried in one of our previous issues.(Alright …we sure think that you are one bright dude who is all set to conquer new heights with flying colours!) Don’t you worry my friend you might just get to know all about that very soon. Keep reading E-plus every Monday and hey…if you want to know what was already covered in our previous issues, all you have to do is to log onto and check out the archives on E- plus that are available date-wise.(Isn’t that really great guys?!…E-Tribe really rocks!)

Welcome aboard Priya and all those aspiring RJs in the E-Tribe who’ve been quizzing me with those queries on what it takes to be an RJ. “Hey Wassup?! How is Chennai doing out there…this is your one & only GG…your favourite RJ all set to give you that incredibly awesome and a never-before experience of lending your ears to some of the best music just enough to lose yourself and let the rhythm take control over you …so lets party!!!…” (Now that probably would have been one of those opening lines from GG the RJ if he had to take on the mike…and hey, how did you guys like that one?!) Ok, this is what GG thinks about Rj’ing…it’s absolutely important that an RJ should try not to sound like anybody else and this can be done through practice and by changing styles. It is actually not that simple and hey, the stakes are high simply because as an RJ you are voice of the station who has the power to create a friendly atmosphere to draw in the listeners. So…if you wanna really make it as an RJ, create your own styles, work on your voice modulations, stay fresh every time you go on air, be different in your delivery and hey work really hard at it. Well Priya, who is doing her B.Com in M.O.P. and wants to become an RJ…like GG always says if you really got what it takes, just go for it…All the best dudette!

Hello Ashy! (No prizes for guessing the full name guys!) Ashy likes graphics and animations and wants to choose between B.Sc -Viscom and BE Computer science. Well Ashy, since you are interested in Graphics & animations…your choice should be B.Sc – Viscom. And most colleges are offering some exciting courses on Viscom.

Geetha who thinks GG is as cool as a cucumber (Ooh…la…la) and GG’s Bike is simply superb. (Thank you dudette…it really adds to GG’s magic spell on the E-tribe…right!?) She has done her Engineering and she wants to know where to head, as she is interested in doing a course in Embedded systems. Well Geetha you can check out training institutes that specialize in this course such as Accel Academy. To know more details, all you have to do is to flip through the pages of E-plus and you will find them all. (That is definitely as cool as cucumber…don’t you guys think so?!)

We have Santhosh, Sunitha and Girish with a hunger for a similar gyan from GG. They wanted to know all about the education options, courses offered and so on in Singapore. (That’s an exciting place to head for higher education guys!) Well guys your destination is the Singapore Tourism Board – Education services (STB) office located @ Ispahani center in Nungambakkam. (I am sure you wouldn’t ask for a better reason to hop into Ispahani center…right?!) Walk in there and you are sure to get all the details you are looking for and hey, keep the E-Tribe rocking out there in Singapore too..

Swetha who is a big fan of GG’s good looks (Thank you!…GG takes his most graceful bow now) thinks that E-plus is very helpful (GG bows again) She is in the final year of her Engineering and wants to know about the Sun & Microsoft certified Java programming courses. Well Swetha, NIIT offers these certified courses.

With that I sign off here! Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for GG’s gyan and keep smiling because you’ll never know who is falling in love with your smile right now. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Did you guys miss me last week…I bet you did! And hey…GG too missed the one & only E-Tribe. Well I am back with a bang…with more ‘spice’, more ‘garam’ and ‘super fresh’ gyan for all those who stayed hungry for two weeks.
If education is the ‘power to think’ clearly,
let e-plus be the ‘battery’ that powers the best of your moves
If education is the ‘power to act’ well in the world's work,
let e-plus be the ‘stage’ that brings out the best in you
and if education is the ‘power to appreciate’ life
let e-plus be an addictive ‘habit’ in your campus life.

And with that awesome thought let’s get started with all the gyan for this week:

Lemme introduce to the E-Tribe, our new buddy Bachu. He wants to know about the institutes offering GATE coaching in Chennai. (Isn’t this someone who is all set to enter the GATEs of success!) Bachu, if you are looking for the best in town, then you could check out Brilliant Tutorials ( You can also check out institutes such as SSC at Kodmabakkam & Anna Nagar.

She thinks that GG is really cool and his hairstyle is the best in town (Merci beaucoup dudette…GG takes a most graceful bow!) and lemme introduce a very talented Varsha to the E-Tribe. My friend Varsha is doing her 11th Std and her interests are Photography, Ad film making and writing scripts. (That’s a lot of talent dudette…and hey, E-Tribe is full of talents and that’s exactly why it really rocks!) Well Varsha, to start off you can take up Electronic Media course offered by some of the city colleges or a course on visual communication. As for your interests in writing…keep writing whenever you find time and develop your own style and you can be sure that it will all come good at the right time. All the best dudette.

Say hello to Prasath DV who is happy to join the one and only E-Tribe. (Welcome aboard buddy. You just did the most exciting thing in life!) He is a B.E –IT graduate who wants to get into the world of Animation and wants to know where to go. And we also have another dude Haroon who is doing his Engineering in Computer Science and tells me that GG is very handsome especially the cool hair style (Thank you dude…you just made my day and hey its called the ‘GG cut’ and as I always say ‘you really got to be the coolest one when you are in the best and the one & only E-Tribe’…boy it really rocks!) Haroon also wants to know all about Animation and the pioneering institutes that offer these courses. (Well GG thinks that we’ve got two ‘Nemo’ fishes looking to reach the destination called ‘success’ with a hunger for knowledge!) Well the world of Animation rocks and if you really got what it takes…be sure you are gonna make it big time guys, because it’s a world of opportunities out there and it could well be the right choice to turn your animated dreams to reality. So keeping your interest levels high in pursuit of excellence in this field, you can check out institutes such Arena Multimedia, IMAGE College, etc.

Hamsa who is in 12th Std thinks GG’s column is a great idea as it is very informative (Thank you dude…and hey its you guys who make it better…stay addicted to E-plus and keep it rockin’ buddy!) Hansa likes to know about B.Tech in non-conventional energy sources and wants to know where it is offered. Well there is something just for you buddy. (GG thinks we have one lucky dude out here who is looking for something new and he is just about to get it!) To ensure economic growth by way of exploitation of abundantly available renewable energy sources with environmental safety and conservation of natural resources, manpower development is necessary. Realizing the importance of this situation, a course on “B.Tech. (Energy and Environmental Engineering)” has been started at Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) from 2004 onwards at Coimbatore Campus. It is a first of its kind in India to offer a bachelor degree in the combined subjects of Energy and Environmental Engineering as a self supporting programme. To know more log onto

Ok folks! I sign off right here…urging you to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; keep smiling and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

The following are some of the things that could happen to you in the next few days to come, in this part of the year…
You may get excited about the all night party and the celebrations on the New Year’s eve; You might just get to make creative resolutions that are hard to keep; You might simply look forward for a brand new year with full of expectations; You will eventually enter into it and make that conscious effort to write 2005 instead of 2004 whenever you do the date line; You might just manage to make those adjustments in your life styles…But hey!…If you think that a New Year’s eve should bring all the excitement in life, hold it right there, simply because…
You might just get to celebrate the New Year this time on Jan 3rd 2005; You might just get zapped with it all week long; You might just get terribly lucky that you will keep pinching yourself forever…!
YES!…the one & only E-Tribe is about to witness one of the ‘BEST’ and the ‘BIGGEST’ issues of
It’s the E-plus 1st Anniversary Special issue…packed with many Special columns, Hot topics, Interesting views, Absolutely MEGA versions of ‘Brainbytes’ – to give all the action for those quizzing heads, ‘Virtual Views’ – to turn in the best of your creative side in graphic designing, ‘Mobile in Style’ – to set the speed of your thumb in SMSing right, ‘Know your English’ – to test your skills on what you speak, ‘Power of Knowledge’ – to pick your brains on what you know, ‘E-plus Crosswords’ – to check out how well you fall in line with the right words, ‘Figure IT out’ – to sharpen your IT edge, ‘GG’s Middlers’ – to ignite the spirit of success in you…And all these created just for you (regular ‘contest’ buffs, those of you who always wanted to try it out and all the rest who never tried before) to win those absolutely awesome & Mega Prizes.
That folks, is the last and the final Trailer – reel no 4. Now trying hard not to lose myself in all the excitement lemme roll some gyan for this week:

Let’s welcome Amruth Prathap doing his 1st year B.E in Electronics & Communications in Anna University, who wants about the future prospects of Communication & Networking and whether he should take up an additional course. He also wants to know if he should attend a personality development course and get to do mock interviews. (The future arrives one day at a time…and hey its always the ones who smartly plan & prepare for it, get to have that incredible edge to enter it as winners…and GG sure thinks that our pal Prathap is all set to do just that!) Well Prathap according to the ‘experts’ friends of GG in the field of IT backed up by the predictions from Nasscom, the telecom & communication is one of the fastest growing industry and is all set to boom in the near future with tremendous opportunities just for the rightly equipped dudes like you. And hey you could take up a niche course based on your speciality, just enough to top up your skills when you get to the 3rd year of your B.E course…and yes attending one of these personality development course will definitely help you to get yourself tuned in well with the much needed soft skills (The way you present yourself really matters in this world of competition and the future belongs to those who stand differently out from the crowd out there…right guys!) Prathap, you can check out one of the Zeal centers around to get what you need…and hey happy cycling …and keep the E –Tribe rockin’ out there in your campus.

A part of this gyan also goes to my friend Pavitra who is a final year Commerce student who wants to take up a job after her graduation. (And hey…if one voice can speak with wisdom…you’ve got to speak first…and I am sure you’ll get it to be the one dudette!) Well Pavitra…you can also check out institutes such as VETA, and hey…All the very best dudette.

It’s a brand New Year that’s in store for us…with all the awesome things that life has to offer…
And hey future is something that we enter…so let’s get to be the champions to know that the best way to enter it is to create it and success is inevitable.
I sign off right here for the last time in 2004 with all what it takes to be the one & only Gyan Guru in a fresh 2005, urging you… to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line and hey…wishing the entire E-Tribe an action-packed, never-before, successful and thoroughly exciting New Year 2005. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

How are you guys doin’ out there? I am sure some of you are having good fun with all the action and excitement @ Saarang and hey I was there too. Ok….as my mail box is getting full these days I’ll try and be my best in releasing the dose of my gyan for this week. Here I go:

Hi Shweta…she is doing Law and she tells me that E-plus is really cool and she wants us to keep up the good work (Hey Shweta thank you and we will continue to give you the best and when GG gives his word he always keeps it up, especially to an intelligent lawyer like you …right?!) Shweta wants to know more about Cyber Law….well Shweta check out these sites:, and for training institutes check out or which has an office @ T.Nagar ……all the best.

My pal Mohamed Faizan from Loyola who likes GG’s attitude and a witty Srinivas who is ‘being calm’ @ Vivekananda College are very interested in Journalism. Well Mohamed if you are looking for a part time course then you can check out Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan and for you Srinivas for a full time course your destination is Asian College of Journalism. Well guys if you got what it takes go ahead and make the world read what you write. (Srinivas, you think you can be GG?….there can be one & only GG and that’s me who you are getting the gyan from…..Ok?!)

Hey Fredrick! My friend from Loyola tells me that E-plus is very interesting and useful to students like him and he wants to know whether he should do MSc(IT) or MCA after his B.Com. Well Fredrick both are good and if you ask the experts as I did they might just tell you that MSc(IT) has an edge over MCA. (the argument continues….and hey GG is gonna take the expert’s side).

All you guys welcome our new friend Sadequr Rahman from Bangladesh. Sadequr has finished his B.Sc and plans to go to Australia for a Masters in Networking……but hey Sadequr just loves India (Isn’t that great to hear…..GG joins all you guys in giving ourselves a pat on our back for making India such a lovable place!) and he wants to do the course here……Well Sadequr you got it all right and you’ve got places offering Networking courses right here. And hey you did the right thing in choosing your English fluentzy course and I am sure its gonna help you. We wish you all the very best.

My friend Balaji wants to know if Networking course will help him and if it is really the hot course around. Yes Balaji Networking is really hot now and hey go ahead and take the jump into it. Coaching centers like NIIT, Advantage pro, CMS, CAP technology are the places you should check out and hey if you want to know about more Institutes flip through the pages of E-plus….(Lemme just say this again….Isn’t that really cool!!)

We’ve got couple of our friends Priyanka doing Biotech (who doesn’t miss E-plus as she thinks it is great) and Pawan student of IIT Kanpur. They want to know where to find some stuff on Civil Services and to prepare for the exams. Well guys check out sites like ,,, and I guess you’ll find what you are looking for. (GG wishes you guys ‘happy fishing on the net’….!)

Rasna is learning all about Pharmacy and Naresh Kumar is equipping himself to be an engineer but hey guys, they both have one common interest. Guess what? they both want to fly. (Do you guys sit on your terrace or your balcony and dream that you could just fly like the Superman and save people in trouble…..hey remember all achievers are good dreamers…..GG is one too…a dreamer!) Well Rasna and Naresh joining the Indian Air Force is just about the right thing you can do and yes a course to become a pilot is expensive….but hey you can still check out institutes like Orient Flight School and Madras Flying Club for the details.

Hey Dinesh all you have to do is check out places like The Unwind Center, Musee Musicals if you want to learn music. My good friends Maithreyi and Helen (She just likes GG and she waits for his gyan) thank you for your valuable suggestions and keep reading E-plus. My gyan for this issue stops here….watch out for me @ Saarang and don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in subject line. C’ya

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
Life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying! Yes, for all those in the ‘E-Tribe’ who have completed their exams, stop thinking & worrying too much about the exams-results, just go ahead take a vacation – wet yourself in the beach or climb a cool mountain or adventurously check out a forest or experience the thundering rhythm on your head right under a waterfall…do something & enjoy your holidays, but hey! Whatever you do, make sure you don’t miss E-plus.

Anusha who has taken Computer Science in her 11th Std, is totally into Graphics & Animations and therefore wants to know if she should take up Viscom course when she gets to college. (GG sure believes that we have one creative animator & visualizer in the making…and hey may be she can help GG out with a new bike design…won’t you Anusha?!) Yes dudette, you are on the right track and taking up Viscom will definitely help you realize your beautifully animated dreams.

Specially for R.Shanmugam alias Vivek and Neelagantan, (a couple of dudes who wanna make a career on water) who wanted to know institutes offering course on Marine Engineering & Ocean Engineering, the list includes Marine Engineering Research Institute (Kolkata), Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime studies & Research and Mumbai Maritime Training Institute (Mumbai), Maritime Training Institute (Pune), etc. All the best dudes!

Welcome aboard Swathi! She wants to do Psychology. (hey guys…isn’t it great to be qualified to understand, experiment and bend minds that effects a change in the behaviour!) Well Swathi, you can do a BSc – Psychology as it is being offered.

Hariharan who thinks GG is very cool & informative, tells me that GG has to have an extra seat on his bike to take his girlfriend out (…that’s not a bad idea, but hey GG likes to share his seat with her as much as he likes sharing all the gyan with you!). B. Arun Kumar who is doing is 11th Std tells me that he never misses GG column (you are doing the right thing dude…stay addicted to E-plus). Madhura (Maddy) doing her 12th Std in SBOA and a Black belt in karate tells me that GG is cool and the bike with those stylish tires really suits GG (hey Maddy, thank you and did you know that GG too is one good karate student?!). All these guys and R.Deepa (who wants to become an Astronaut) wanted to know all about Aerospace & Aeronautical Engineering. Well friends, log onto or for some interesting info and apart from the IITs (log onto for details) HIET- Chennai, Hindustan Electronics Academy- Bangalore, National Institute of Aeronautical Engineering- Dehradun, Nehru College of Aeronautical & Applied Sciences- Coimbatore, P.A.M.E College- Patiala and School of Aviation Science & Technology- N.Delhi are some of the Institutes that offer these courses.

Hi Shiwani! Her hobbies are drawing & painting and she wants to become an architect (GG thinks that we have someone whose drawings & paintings will one day turn into some of the best landmarks in the city) Shiwani all you have to do is to wait and watch for the notification in the Newspaper for the (AAT) Architectural Aptitude Test sometime in June, which will be the entrance test for your course. Anna University, Sathyabama, SRM, Bharath are some of the institutes that offer this course.

Santhosh, doing his 3rd year IT is interested in Palaeontology and wants to know all about that. (Don’t you guys think that its really cool to stay hungry to know the unknown…!?) Ok Santhosh, log onto (Dept. of Earth Science, IIT-Mumbai) and get to know all the info about Palaeontology as you get to study it as a part of M.Sc.(Applied Geology).

Say hello to Murali, an engineering student who thinks GG is fantastic (Thank you buddy) wants to know about IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Well dude, this is an internationally owned and globally recognized direct English language assessment of high quality, available throughout the world and all you have to do is to log onto to know more.

We have got Sandhya, who thinks GG is ‘Khewl’ & unbeatable. (Thank you dudette! And hey only GG can be the ‘one & only’ GG) She writes poems, essays & stories (GG thinks that she is one good writer in the making!) and she is looking for publishers. (Are you publishers reading this?) Yes Sandhya, you need to contact publishers and if you really got what it takes, nothing can stop you my friend.

I sign off here. Stay addicted to E-plus & the one & only GG’s gyan. Yo! GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Boy…What a week that went by! An awesome game of bat & ball that poised itself to be an absolute thriller so much so that it went on to excite the very nature to pour out the much needed rains in Chennai…An absolutely action packed real life police operation out there in the jungle that ended in the countryside…But hey the one thing that keeps the E-Tribe rocking week after week with all the excitement, has got to be the one & only E-plus…right guys? Ok lemme roll out all the gyan for this week:

Listen up folks! Let’s salute Subha and Madhura. Subha who is a new entrant into the E-Tribe (Welcome aboard dudette!) is doing her 3rd year B.E in Valliammai Engineering College. She tells me that her ambition has always been to join the Indian Army and serve the country and she wants to know scope for engineers in the army.(Kudos to you Subha…you’ve really done the entire E-Tribe proud with an ambition like that) And we have Madhura who is not new to the E-Tribe (remember the karate kid from SBOA –Anna nagar…and a great fan of GG) who wants to join the Indian Airforce and tells me that she is really proud to be an Indian and she is ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of this great country (the entire E-Tribe joins me in offering you our salutations dudette!...keep up the tempo, we are sure you are gonna make it big up there in those high altitudes defending the pride of our country.) Well dudettes, your dream destination could well be any of the Indian Army academies which promises to build men and women of character (and hey…GG thinks we’ve got two dudettes here who sure ‘have it in them’ to make it there!) Subha you can join the technical stream and give yourself a chance to earn a Post Graduate degree in Engineering from one of the finest institutes of technology in the country. If you are selected for the prestigious Defence Services Staff College course, you can get a Master of Science degree in Defence and Strategic Studies and hey…you can even get into Research & Development if you desire. To know more you can log onto And to add on some more gyan especially for Madhura, there are several disciplines of study and training that you can into in the Indian Airforce dudette. They include flying, technical & non technical, security, meteorology, medical and other miscellaneous courses. Check them all out by logging onto (Don’t you ever forget to think of GG when you gals get your first assignment and be sure that the one & only E-Tribe will proudly be looking up on you!) All the very best gals.

Say hello to Nanditha Narayanan from Alibag, Maharashtra. She is in her 12th and she tells me that E-plus is really useful and especially GG’s gyan rocks. (Thank you dudette! GG takes his most graceful bow) She wants to know when GG’s birthday falls on and the reason being she is just curious about GG’s age (Ooh…la…la! That sounds like a one curious and a smart dudette!...well Nanditha to know about GG’s birthday, you just have to stay addicted to E-plus and get the clues that I am gonna offer you…and to now about GG’s age, well you’ve got to keep guessing pal.) Nanditha is interested in Physiotherapy and wants to about the colleges offering the course in Chennai. Well there is a great opportunity in Physiotherapy as it represents an important discipline in the medical profession…and hey with the technological challenges ahead of us, it requires well trained physiotherapist around the globe merely for what your services. (after all we might all need medical attention and a physiotherapist sometime in life…and hey you guys have got to be around…right?!) Well Nandhita you can check out colleges such as Sri Ramachandra College of Physiotherapy, Bharani Swathi College, Maharaja College, Madha College, SRM College, Jaya College, Saveetha, etc. (GG thinks that she made a wise decision to study in Chennai as it is our own town that really rocks in the field of education and more so with the one & only E-Tribe)

Listen up folks, here’s some good news for the E-Tribe. Abhishek Ranka who is doing his final year in electronics & communication @ MNM Jain Engg College, Chennai tells me that his paper has been selected for presentation at ISPACS 2004 (International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing 7 Communication Systems) an IEEE International Conference to be held in Seoul, Korea on Nov 2004. 9And that’s exactly why we proclaim to the world that E-Tribe really rocks…you’ve just done it dude!) My buddy Abhishek is looking for sponsors (Are you corporates listening ?!) Well pal, your targets could be the top corporates in this field of Engineering…talk to the people who matter…do some effective networking…move it through your college…and hey I am sure you’ll make it buddy. All the best.

I sign off right here when I say…Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; always wear the best attire which is your smile; keep E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
It’s Monday and I am back! The one & only E-Tribe really rocks…and GG was thrilled to know that hundreds of you guys checked out the psychometric test (refer Page 5) presented by ‘education plus’ & ‘NIIT’. Congratulations guys and for those who haven’t yet logged on to it, hey its still on…so go ahead, just take your best shot at it…now. Here I go with the gyan for this week:

Hello there Ambica! My friend who thinks that learning never stops, tells me that GG’s gyan is very informative. (Oh yes dudette! To learn something is to acquire something and it never stops; and when it becomes a habit, is such an awesome thing to do that it is never too late to start learning something!) Ambica has graduated in literature and she wants to know all about M.A Literature and M.Phil Communication courses in correspondence. Well, you can log onto which is the official website of the Govt. of India – Department of Education and you can find the list of all the institutions offering courses on Distance Mode and open Universities in India.

We have a gang of three friends out here (they are the terrific threesome…with names that you would love to keep calling, with an interest to learn more and hungry for success in life…and you guys thought that I am referring to some Charlie’s Angels here!?) They are Alifiya, Bhavika and Sai who have finished their 10th and looking ahead. They tell me that they haven’t missed even a single issue of E-Plus and GG’s gyan (Stay addicted dudettes!) and they wanted to know the colleges that offer B.Sc-IT course. Chettinad Arts & Science, Chidambaram pillai College for Women, Christhu Raj College are some of the colleges in Trichy; J.J College of Arts & Science – Pudukkottai; Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Arts & Science College (W) – Perambalur and you have PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore offering B.Sc-IT. This course is similar to BCA, but the experts say that it is more towards the technical side. As for your query on becoming a pilot…give your best shot at the airforce or check out institutes like Orient Flight School @
St. Thomas Mount. All the very best dudettes.

Sriram Raja, doing his 12th Computer Science group, wants to know all about a course on Visual Communication. (We sure have someone here who wants to become the Raja of the art of communication…visually!) Well Sriram, a three year course will take you to the tour of media studies, introduction to visual communication skills, drawing, graphic design, printing & publication, photography, computer graphics, advertising, television production, film studies and web publishing. Many colleges in the city offer this course. This piece of gyan also goes to my friend Bala who has finished his 12th and hey Bala E-Tribe is the most hip & happening student community that you and I belong to.

Say hello to Niveditha (Nivi). She tells me that GG’s bike is amazing and wants to know what make is it. (well…lemme share a secret with you, its not a Harley but it’s a special piece of mesmerizing machine that is custom made exclusively for the one & only GG) She goes on to say that a million compliments would not be enough to appreciate GG and his style. (Ooh…la…la…GG takes his most graceful bow once again! Merci beaucoup Dudette) Nivi has finished her 10th, wants to do medicine and she badly wants to attend training classes for the medical entrance exams. Well Nivi, you can check out AIMS (24364954) as they offer a 2-year coaching program, the right kind that you are looking for to suit your matriculation background.

Hi Anushka G.H! (…and you guys thought that she too wants to do medicine!?) My friend who is doing her 12th tells me that E-plus is very informative and GG is really cool & encouraging. (Thank you pal) She wants know all about Law. (GG thinks that here is someone who is all set to adorn the black robe with those lovely looking white collars to seek justice in the courtrooms!) Anushka, your destination will be The Tamil Nadu Dr.Ambedkar University @ Greenways Road or log onto to find out all the details.

Vinod doing his B.Com tells me that it is nice to that GG is there to guide him in his search for excellence. (GG is thrilled to play that role buddy…and promises to try & be the best!) He wants to do Oracle Finance and wants to know where. Well pal, you check out Institutes such as Oracle Corp. and DSRC.

Hey guys…I just realized that I had come to the bottom of the page, which means that I have just enough space to urge you to take that ‘Psychometric test’, to get addicted to E-plus, to stay hungry for my gyan and to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

What a wonderful way to start off a whole new week with the one & only “E-plus” in your hands. And hey I am back with all the gyan for this week and isn’t that really cool. Thank you all for appearing on my screen and as always I’ll try and be my best ……here I go:

Hello Ashwin Sharma & Koushik! My friends here are doing their 12th Std and they are interested in aeronautical engineering. (Hey! do you guys sometimes wonder how these aeroplanes fly and realized what an astonishing invention it is..?!) Well Ashwin you can check out HIET which is well within city limits and Koushik you can a find yourself a place in Orient Flight School. All the best dudes!

Hey Aishwarya! (guys chill! I am not talking about the Miss World here…) our friend Aishwarya is doing her B.C.A, at M.O.P Vaishnav College and she tells me that GG is the smartest and the coolest. (Thank you pal) She is currently looking for an organization where she can do her internship. Hey! all that GG can tell you is this…..first put on your best smile, be as friendly as possible to your seniors and find out the list of prospective places where they did their projects……Or think of that Cousin / Uncle / Aunt of yours who’s working for that big IT company….just go on a hunt….I am sure you’ll find what you are looking for. (Hey mail me as soon as you succeed…OK?!)

We have Arun, an engineer in computer science. Arun says hats-off to GG for doing a good job (GG takes a graceful bow.) and he wants to do a course in Siebel. (Hey I am sure your quest for knowledge will never end…..and it actually becomes your habit to know more when u become one in the ‘E-Tribe’.) Check out institutes such as Test Lab Solutions, Savvy Systems, Astem Tech and you just have to flip through the pages of ‘E plus’ for their contact numbers.

Rajashekar who is doing his final year Viscomm in The New College is interested in learning Hair styling and wants to know where he should go. (Do you guys know how important it is to have a well groomed hair style? and hey it really helps in your appearance…and in your overall personality) Well Rajashekar you can check out Pivot Point @ Adyar and all the best buddy for your course (hey pal, promise me that you’ll suggest a couple of Hair styles to GG!)

Wassup Chintu! How are you doing out there? Well guys Chintu here thinks that she’s got what it takes to be a playback singer she wants to become one. OK… Chintu make it point not to miss any of the college culturals and other cultural competitions, try the small screen first and get noticed. Well learning Carnatic will definitely be an advantage and hey never ever stop singing. (As GG always says……if you’ve got what it takes, just go ahead and give it your best shot…..because that’s where your heart really is!)

My friend Sowparnika has got a job in Dubai and wants to learn Arabic language. (Now that’s a smart move because it is very important to get equipped to face the challenges ahead) Well Sowparnika find yourself a place in Murthuzavaya Educational & Cultural Foundation (28546579).

OK guys and now is the time for a ‘GG’s Fundoo Fact’ –
Did you guys know that ‘it is impossible to lick your elbow’? (Hey wanna try……go ahead challenge the guys @ campus and show the world that we @ ‘E-Tribe’ are a class apart.)
With that my gyan for this issue comes to an end, but hey I’ll be back next Monday with more gyan… stay hungry……and don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. ……. Mail me with Gyan Guru in the subject line. Yo,

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It has been a memorable week guys!...I am sure everyone of us were excited about that peak performance by our Indian shooter who believed that ‘he can’ just do it…when he hit the target with that spectacular performance that not only won him the first ever silver medal for an Indian @ Olympics, but also reinstated the incredible fact that we have what it takes to be a winner. With that thought, lemme get started with all the gyan for this week just for the hungry E-Tribe:

Say hello to Rakesh who is doing his 3rd year IT in SRM Engineering College. He tells me that he is very interested in the field of Astronomy and wants to take up a PG course in Astronomy after his Engineering. We have Indu who is currently doing B.Sc Physics and tells me that she is really into Astronomy and wants to do M.Sc Astronomy course in India. Indu also thinks that GG is Supercool especially with his super bike (Thank you pal!) And we also have Ragamalika (aka ‘Malik’)…who claims to be one of GG’s greatest fans and tells me that GG has got a cool style and that all the guys should learn from GG (Merci beaucoup dudette, but hey you wouldn’t wanna have all the guys in town in GG’s style…there can be only one GG and moreover I am sure you wouldn’t wanna see duplicates…right?! But hey, just for my buddy Malik’s sake, GG will be happy to pass on a couple of ‘fundas’ with the guys…hey you guys just got lucky…and thank Malik for that!!) Ragamalika is doing her 11th Std in Sri Sankara Senior Secondary school and is interested in Astronomy and wants to know all about it.
Well guys, now for the gyan on Astronomy… both Astronomy and Astrophysics are grounded in mathematics and Physics and all you aspiring students should get to do as many courses as possible in either of these subjects. Malik you could choose a suitable undergraduate course to start with as in India very few Universities offer those undergraduate courses. As for Rakesh and Indu, you guys can take up a degree in Astronomy at an M.Sc or Ph.D level and some of these courses have a specialization in theoretical astronomy and these courses are offered by many Universities in India such as Punjab University – Patiala, Osmania University, Aligurh Muslim University, Indian Institute of Science, Madurai Kamaraj University, etc. Well guys…there are many observatories all over the world generating data and such information needs to be interpreted and you as astronomers are going to be the ones to do that.(That really sounds like an exciting and a promising career ahead…right!?) This piece of gyan also goes to Pavitra’s friend Vardhini who is doing her 12th Std. The entire E-Tribe joins GG in wishing all you guys the best of success.

Let’s welcome Ragavan into the one & only E-Tribe. My friend is doing his B.E (E.C) and wants to know what extra qualification he requires to join reputed organizations like Infosys, Wipro, etc. (We sure have one dude here who has set his goals right and is looking to work towards them!) Well Ragavan, before you could decide on what courses take up, its important that you first get to know what these organization are actually looking for…know what the required skills are to get there and the best way to do that is to look into the The Hindu Opportunities pages on every Wednesday. And that will help you map your skills and your career.

Say a big ‘Hi’ to my friend Divya. She is interested in becoming a voice-over artiste and wants to know whether knowledge of phonetics will help. (What we see, however good it may be…is well complemented and adds to its completeness…if it is accompanied by the right kind of narration…more so by a good voice-over artiste) And this exactly why it makes a great and exciting profession to be in. Well Divya, yes! Knowledge of Phonetics does help you as a voice-over artiste and you can check out some of the courses in Media presentation covering phonetics, offered by institutes such as Ace Academy @ Loyola.

That’s it for the week folks! Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for the GG’s gyan, keep appearing on my screen and hey!...never cease to keep smiling because it has a ‘S’imple yet ‘M’emorable, inevitably ‘I’nteractive and ‘L’ong lasting ‘E’ffect…just enough to win hearts. Keep smiling and keep winning hearts the E-Tribe way.

Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be…more so because it has a way of arriving unannounced…and that’s exactly why you hear me say that the future belongs to those who dare.”
Hey…I just announced my arrival on a Monday morning, pepping you all up just enough to get ready for the challenges the future holds right through the whole week…and urging you the E-Tribe to dare take on the ever changing future to carve your own niche in success…simply because that’s what E-Tribe is all about…It rocks! Ok folks…for all the hungry souls out there, here I go with all the gyan for this week. Let’s roll;

Let’s first welcome some of our non-resident E-Tribe members (…and you guys are wondering who I am referring to?!) Well say hello to Amar all the way from Indianapolis, USA and he tells me that he is a regular reader of the GG’s columns and rates the gyan as very informative and helpful too. (Thank you dude! Your appreciation will always be the best & the strongest dose of motivation…that GG thrives on! Especially as it safely reached my mailbox, swinging in all the way across the seas!) My friend Amar works in the US and for some time now he has been thinking about the civil services exams and he wonders if he could make it from there. (GG thinks we sure have someone whose heart is right here with all the desire to see himself making it big at home in the near future) Well dude…for your query on the websites providing online coaching for the same…I cannot think of anything exciting…hey as you know there are study materials available on the net to an extent, but nothing like getting coached by some of the top institutes such as the Brilliant’s and the Rau’s right here. However dude, I wish you all luck in whatever way you want to do it …and I am sure you will remain a proud Indian to achieve your goal soon.

Let the E-Tribe now say hello to my other friend from the US, Krishna Prasath who is a working professional in the IT field. (Welcome aboard dude…you just rocked yourself into the one & only E-Tribe…so just stay addicted to E-plus!) Krishna Prasath wants to know if there is any Indian Universities that offer a UG/PG course through distance education in the field of IT. Many universities offer courses through correspondence but hey if you are looking at something completely through correspondence…you can check out those online courses offered by (NIIT) which offers a US Degree in tie up with ITT University in the US. All the best dude and keep the E-Tribe rockin’ out there.

Chitra tells me that she is a regular reader of E-plus (you are doing the right thing dudette…stay addicted to E-plus) and she likes GG’s lines and the gyan very much (Merci beaucoup! GG takes the most graceful bow!) Chitra is an Electronics & instrumentation graduate who has just passed out and she is looking for a job, but at the mean time she wants to update her skills by taking up a course so that she could get the edge. She is thinking of Embedded systems, .Net, JAVA, Mainframe, Integrated software courses, etc and wants to know what course to choose as she is confused and also from which Institute. (Don’t you worry my friend…the most destructive habit is to worry and hey cheer up simply because "The road to success is always under construction"…and I am sure you are in the right direction heading towards the inevitable success!) Ok Chitra, one of the best courses that you can check out is the one offered by NIIT called ANIIT course which is tailor-made to suit an engineering graduate like you…and hey you could also get placement support from the premier institute. All the very best.

Anbu Chembian M is a regular reader of E-plus and the GG’s columns and he always liked the GG’s bike very much (hey…did that by any chance sound like one of the regular starting lines of a story well told in those old black & white documentaries that were once played in cinema halls…if so it’s a deliberate attempt to bring you a story of a young man living in Tambaram and he wants to learn French and he thought he could learn it somewhere in Tambaram itself.) Well Anbu, if you are looking to learn French the way it has to be learnt, with all the fun in getting in & out of the heart of the Chennai city…then your destination could well be the Alliance francaise @ Nungambakkam. Have a great time learning French dude!

I am sure the E-Tribe rocked enough to prove we really are the CATs in the recently held examinations and hey I’ve just realized that I have reached the bottom of the page where I get to sign off urging you all to - stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subjectline. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

First lemme congratulate all those who got lucky to chill out watching ‘Cold Mountain’ especially as one in the ‘E-Tribe’. This is exactly what happens when you choose to be a part of the one & only ‘E-Tribe’. OK dudes, here I go with all the gyan for this week:

Hello there Debasish. Thank you for the Holy wishes to GG and I am sure you had a colourful blast! Debasish wants to know where he can take up a course on ‘Diamond Cutting’. (Hey isn’t that cool to have an interest in shaping some of the most expensive stones around?) Well, you can check out Gemstones Artisans Training school @ Jaipur and to know more, log onto and check out the career options there. All the best dude. (Will you shape a stone for GG too?!)

Say Hi to Mahendra who is doing his 12th Std. Our friend here wants to do Law and wants to know the details. (Don’t you guys think that it’s really cool to master the laws that govern us and to be an instrument that establishes the right note of justice…?!) Your destination is the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University @ Greenways Road and for more details, log onto

Rasool who is finishing his 12th Std, tells me that he likes GG very much and is thoroughly a great fan. (Thank you buddy and welcome to the ‘E-Tribe’) My friend wants to be a pilot and wants to know all about that. (Have you guys ever imagined just how it feels to control a huge flying machine up there high in the sky where there are no roads and no traffic jams…..!) Well Rasool that’s a cool career and you can check out places such as Orient flight school or Madras flying Club to get yourself a pair of wings.

Let’s welcome Ms.Bhanu (a caring mother) and her daughter Divya, who is doing her 12th Std, to the one & only ‘E-Tribe’. (GG declares that this is the first family mail that has come into his mailbox!) Well guys they both have mailed GG wanting to know about the PG course in Genetics. Well Divya, you need to become a Science Graduate to take up a PG course in Genetics and log onto to find more details.

We have Navin and Duke. They both have a common interest, as they want to take up Hotel Management. All right Duke, a degree or a diploma in Hotel Management will sure benefit you in your career aspiration, and yes its one big industry with a lot of opportunities. (Hey as GG always says ‘if you really got what it takes, you can be sure of your success that is inevitable) Institute of Hotel Management @Tharamani, EMPEE Institute, Canan School, MGR International Institute, etc in Chennai.

Hi Antony! My friend here wants to do a course on 3D Animation (I am sure our Antony has an eye for animation……and that’s an exciting career too. Guys watch out for the E-Tribe’s own Antony the animator soon.) Well Antony check out institutes like Arena Multimedia, Image, Art-labs, etc.

S.Kumar, after doing couple of courses in Communication & Networking has changed tracks and is now doing his B-DIT and wants to know what add-on course could give him an edge. He is also learning Japanese. (It’s always good to stay hungry for more…..specially to acquire more knowledge that actually sharpens your mind to carve better future for yourself) Kumar, as you are doing B-DIT currently you can look at a course on ‘Software Architecture on .net’ as the experts rate it high.

Say hello to Vidhya doing her B.Tech in SVCE. She tells me that it would be nice if there are two Mondays in a week as it happens to be day for the ‘E-Tribe’ as E-plus is pretty cool and informative and Gyan Guru is her favourite column. (GG is thrilled and takes a graceful bow!) Thank you Vidhya and my friend Rahul N Bhatia from SSN who thinks GG is simply the best (Thank you dude) for your valuable suggestions and hey keep reading E-Plus as we keep giving you the best.

And for all those in the ‘E-Tribe’ who are right now thinking about your future….GG’s line goes like this
“Jus’ go ahead …..Dream…as the ‘Future’ belongs to you when you have the guts to believe in the beauty of your dreams.”
With that I end my gyan. Stay hungry for more gyan and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me with GG in subject line.

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
That’s exactly what E-Tribe is all about…right?! Ok, with that wonderful thought lets get started with all the gyan for the one and only E-Tribe that stayed hungry all through this week. Here I go again:

Say Hello to Aarnica. M! She tells me that she hardly reads the Newspaper, but when she does it’s got to be E-plus with GG’s column because she just loves reading E-plus. (Stay addicted to E-plus dudette and hey I am sure you’re gonna start spending more time with newspaper everyday, very soon!) She has just finished her 12th and she is confused about whether she should do Engineering or take up some degree course and then go on to do her IAS. She also tells me that her parents want her to take a professional course. Well my friend, from your mail I gather that you really want to do IAS and that’s where your heart is. (As GG always says… it is really good to follow your heart and if really got what it takes, just go ahead and do it!) And hey the point is you can still get to do a professional course which actually adds a lot of value to your UG degree and thereby paving a wider path for you to enter and get on with your IAS. I am sure your interests are well in line with your parent’s choice. (Parents always tend to offer the best advice to their children…simply because they are the ones who really care…they are unbeatable in that!) All the best Aarnica!

Welcome aboard Sathish! My friend who is a 2nd year B.Tech – Biotechnology student, simply loves GG’s hairstyle & the bike and he tells me that E-plus & GG are very useful & informative for the students. (Thank you buddy! Keep reading E-plus and be more informed…as we try and keep giving you the best & the latest!) Sathish wants to do his M.Tech in Biotechnology and the institutes that offer that course. Well buddy, you can do that right here in Anna University, Chennai or in any of the following: Birla Institute of Technology & Science – Pilani, Jadavapur University, University of Calcutta – Kolkata, Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University – Hyderabad and University of Lucknow – Lucknow. And to know all about the career options and the scope, all you have to do is to log onto and check out (in the archives) an exclusive article published in the issue dated March 8th 2004. (Isn’t that really cool?!)

We have S. Sarath Chandar who just finished 12th with 93% (Congratulations man…The entire E-Tribe is proud of you…GG thinks that you surely are one bright dude the E-Tribe is very happy to have!) And my friend is doing his B.Tech in Bio-Informatics. We also have Hamsa Mukund who thinks that GG is doing a great job taking time & effort to offer the best of the gyan to many youngsters like him. (Thank you dude! Your appreciation is the best & the strongest dose of motivation…that GG thrives on!) Hamsa also wants to know all about Bio-informatics, its future & scope. Well guys, log onto which is an official website of Bio Informatics Society of India and you might just find all the details that you are looking for.

Hi Asma! How are doing out there?! My friend Asma tells me that he is very happy to have GG. (GG too is very happy to have you & the entire E-Tribe…and hey E-Tribe rocks…and rocks big time man!) Asma wants to do M.A in HRD and wants to all about the course and its scope. Well pal, as a HRD professional your main areas of work start right from head-hunting to motivating & guiding the right people to join the company, cultivating a +ve attitude, carving a career growth, training and developing them, designing the right remuneration packages, building a sound and healthy working environment and an attractive performance appraisal system, and developing the appropriate strategies and policies to differentiate the performers from the non–performers. (Now that really sounds like the hot seat that actually requires a smart dude like you who are all set to take that right step in life by doing this specialty course in HRD). And with the incredible growth in IT, Healthcare, Financial Services, Telecommunication, Hospitality industry, etc., the demand for HRD professionals is definitely on the rise. All the best and hey… you are on the track dude.

Karthik B.S. doing his 3rd year B E Computer Science wants to know if the E-Tribe could get to know what the one & only GG is made of. (Well GG thinks that we sure have one inquisitive dude out here…you really are one smart cookie buddy!) He wants to improve his communications skills and wants to know where he can do that. Well Karthik check out places like Speak2achieve @ T.Nagar or ZEAL @ Anna Nagar.
With that I end my gyan for this issue. Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Some of the best things that life has to offer you are those tests that eventually makes you realize what you are and how good you are…and that exactly makes you bring out the very best in you. So there is competition, and hey… ‘Life’s battles are not always won by the strongest or the fastest one around, but sooner or later you get to see that the dude who wins is the one who actually thinks that he can’.

Yes…as GG always says the two most power-filled words are ‘I Can’ and that exactly is going to be the tip from me to all you dudes & dudettes in the one & only E-Tribe out there… And you guys are wondering what exactly is the GG’s tip for…!?
Well folks…many interesting and action-packed contests…thoroughly exciting and never-before prizes to be won…absolutely awesome and mind blowing experience…all of these amazingly packaged in an extraordinary issue just for you…! With that I really have to struggle and force myself to end the trailer - reel no 3. And you wanna know more…keep looking for the clues…it’s all there in today’s issue of E-plus. Alright, lemme start rolling with all the gyan for this week:

Let’s salute and welcome our new friend S. Dhanya who is doing M.Sc IT 2nd year in Anna University. She tells me that she became a netizen recently and the first thing was to join the E-Tribe. (Welcome aboard dudette…you just rocked or should we say, cycled your way into the E-Tribe!) Hey folks, she goes on to say that she’ll never miss the Monday Magic brought out by The Hindu – the one & only E-plus which not only exposes the students to many fields that are blossoming but also to those that are in the budding stages and it provides important insights on today’s educational trends. (Thank you dudette! We really value those chips from your brain when you spill some to us…you sure made us feel healthy and high with that awesome dose of motivation…and you stay addicted to E-plus pal!) And hey…she tells me that GG’s gyan is really cool for someone like her who is looking to reach the sky! (Ohh… takes his most graceful bow…twice!) Dhanya is keen on learning graphics in C as she is interested in doing a project and she wants to know where to go. Well Dhanya, any C course will actually do as they all handle this subject and you can check out any of the institutes as most of them offer the course. And you will find them all in these colourful pages of E-plus. (Isn’t that really cool?..and that’s exactly why E-plus rocks!)

Say hello to Ahila, who finds Mondays most interesting because of E-plus and GG’s column as she finds them very useful. (Way to go dudette…and don’t you guys ever forget that as E-plus makes the Mondays interestingly different, its you who actually make E-plus special enough to bring you that difference.) Ahila likes to improve her English, her accent especially and she is looking for an American one. (GG thinks we sure have someone who knows what she wants in life…yes it’s the soft skills that play a vital role in getting you where you wanna be…and I am sure she has what it takes to acquire that skills…as GG always says ‘To learn something is to acquire something and it never stops; and when it becomes a habit, is such an awesome thing to do’) Well Ahila you can check out places such as the Planetworkz, where they offer you such special courses that deal with neutralization of your MTI (mother tongue influence) and helps you get that American accent you are looking for. All the best dudette.

Surekha who tells me that GG’s hair style is cool and his bike is great (Relax guys…they all really like the hair style and my bike too…but hey that’s exactly what happens when you get to be the one & only GG…right?!) wants to take up a course on embedded systems and wants to know where.
Then we’ve got Roshini from Bangalore who happened to read E-plus and she goes…Wow! as she tells me that she finds the cool GG’s column very interesting. (Sometimes it makes you say that ‘the best things in life happen only when you least expect them to’ …but hey, very often you might just find that life offers many a chance for us to make those best things happen!…and don’t you guys think that’s exactly what happened to Roshini…! you stay addicted to E-plus dudette) She is interested in wireless, mobile technology, VLSI & embedded systems and wants to take a suitable course. Now Surekha & Roshini…you gals can look at taking up a course on .NET – the NIIT way as it covers all these comprehensively to give you dudettes the edge…and you can also check out on the other courses covering VLSI and embedded systems that are being offered by Institutes such as Accel Academy.

Carol singing, Mistletoe, beautifully decorated trees, the ever-charming Santa and music in the air…yes, its Christmas time folks…here comes the season and here comes the time when I get to wish you all ‘A Wonderful Christmas’ urging everyone at the E-Tribe to take time to love, to care, to share, to gift, to smile and to spread the message of peace. Keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and mail me at Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Football fever is peaking at its best and its Cricket again all set to take on the sport lovers…France & England might not have done that well with the ball on the soccer ground…UAE might just pull off a surprise act on the cricket pitch…but hey its Monday and what is really hot about it is…it’s the day of E-plus and I am back with all gyan just for all you guys out there who stayed hungry all through the week. Ok let’s roll:

Say hello to Deepak who wants to know all about Viscomm and Electronic media, as he wants to decide on one of those courses. (Did you guys realize that the number of television Channels is on the rise like never-before and that means that many programmes to be produced and someone has to do all that…!?) Right this is one field that is growing in super pace and the opportunities are plenty. Fresh talents, ideas and creations are in great demand. Well Deepak you sure are looking at the right picture and Viscomm handles most of the topics that are related to advertising, print & TV production, copywriting, arts, media and so on. And a Viscomm student gets to choose the specialty in which he or she excels and can pursue it professionally. On the other hand when you talking about Electronic media, the focus is obvious as it spells out everything to do with electronic media. So Deepak…do a swat on yourself and find out where your heart is…and you could choose any of these two exciting courses to get your ticket to the world of glamour, action and all the excitement. This piece of gyan also goes to my good friend Murali Krishnan, a regular reader of E-plus and a great fan of GG Hari Haran and all those dudes out there.

Lets welcome Suchi into the E-Tribe. Suchi likes GG’s stylish look and she tells me that GG is really cool. (Merci beaucoup mademoiselle…GG takes his most graceful bow.) Suchi wants to know if she can proceed with her decision on taking up B.Tech – IT. Well Suchi GG sure thinks you are one smart dudette and hey …B.Tech –IT rocks simply because IT rocks and that is evident in what you see happening around you in the world of IT…(I guess I made that simple, but hey that’s all I could say !) so you go ahead and I am sure you are gonna make one brilliant ‘IT-Dudette’. All the very best.

Aishwarya simply likes GG, his gyans, his hairstyle and his super bike! (Hey this isn’t a headline appearing in ‘Filmi – gossip’ column…and if you guys thought so, check this out it is better than that!) Aishwarya who has finished her 12th tells me that she missed GG’s bike for the past two weeks (Don’t you worry dudette…I cruised in for this issue on my bike just for you) She is planning to take up Engineering in Computer Science and she wants to know if she can do a GNIIT course by NIIT and what branch to be chosen. Well Aishwarya, lemme first wish you good luck for your Engineering and for your query on GNIIT, the experts at NIIT say that they have 2000 organisations selecting candidates from their campuses and that’s real good news for you. And regarding the choice of branch, you could choose software Engineering track because it is said that 74% of the job opportunities for GNIIT are in Development industry.

Gautham who is doing his 3rd year Engineering (ECE) is interested in learning programming languages like c.c++, java, J2EE, .net technology etc, but she kind of confused and wants to know how to go about choosing the right course. (Hey did you guys know that the road to success is always under construction…and hey you really got to find the right block to build that road just for you to step on and walk away towards success) Well Gautham choose a course that comprises of the core concepts like c,c++, java etc., and when you are in your final year of your study, along with your project concentrate on the key technologies such j2ee, .net, etc., (And hey GG thinks you are one intelligent dude all set to enter a bright future with the right kind of stuff in you.) All the very best dude.

Hey…how about some ‘fundu facts’ straight from the one & only GG’s “Gyanic’ Collection”. Okay…did you dudes know that ‘more than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call’? So next time when you are on the phone…be happy just for the fact that you are a lucky one to be talking on the phone and hey…talk with a smile, it actually makes you sound better.

With that smile, I end my gyan right here. Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan, stay fit & healthy, keep smiling and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG on the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Hey…! Its that part of the year when we the student community get to have the best of fun with the college culturals happening around us and what a way to kick off with Saarang jus’ about to begin and hey I am sure you guys are all happening there @ the IIT campus and I am gonna be there too…..obviously in disguise…ha..ha..! Here I go with the gyan for this issue:

We have B. Bakkiyaraj, Rejin Philip, Ahila, Stanley (hey guys …Stanley here is one responsible big brother as he wants my tip for his brother), Elangovan, Sanjiv Raj. All these guys are doing their Engineering and they wanted to know what are the courses that they should take up to enhance the Engineering degree. Well guys all you have to do is take a stroll and hey…you will find a NIIT center and just sit with their councilors to know all the courses that can suit you. And yes there are some really good Hi-end courses just for the engineering students and they broadly fall under categories such as Programming Language & Tools, Web Application Development, Database Management Solutions and Systems Administration & Networking ……so go ahead and check them out now.

Hi Mukesh…!my friend Mukesh from Veltech feels that the info offered by “E-plus” is simply mind blowing. He wants to write for publications and he wants to know how to get started. Well Mukesh if you think that you are good at this, just go ahead and let your pen do all the writing. Start contributing your stuff to your own College magazine or a local publication for students and hey….you might just get noticed soon……(Mukesh I just gave you this tip on one condition that you will write only good about GG….OK?!)

Sharath Aswin is doing his 2nd year Biotechnology, but he is interested in Creative writing……in advertising line. Well Sharath that’s an exciting line and hey as GG always says “Its good to pursue something where your heart is”…….and you can check out places like Advertising Club – Chennai and Ace Academy @ Loyola for specific courses on this….(hey! Do you guys think that GG is very creative….??!!)

Sumesh…..if I got you right you want to know about Call Center training institutes…..well Sumesh you can check out places like Sunderland Supersight Academy, CCA Infotech and there are few more and you wanna know their contact nos……all you have to do is flip through the pages of Education plus…….(hey isn’t that very cool?!)

Yo Radhika…..Wazzup? she is in 11std in Adarsh and she wants to become a RJ….well Radhika iam sure you are one good non-stop sweet talker……(Hey….do you guys think that GG will make one good RJ sweet talking to all of you…?) Radhika go ahead and try your luck doing some shows @ School, @ parties and hey you might just make it big….and if you want to take up some course….check out Ace Academy @ Loyola or talk to some well known RJs around….all the best and jus’ don’t stop talking.

Mohammed Saifuddin wants to know all about handling Group Discussion……hey Mohammed, my tip to you is be Positive, Clear & Confident in what you say and make sure you are a team player...... spot the guy who is not talking much and get him to talk after you have finished making your point…. And hey.…
(GG is just about to share a little secret and it goes like this…) Always keep smiling.

My pal Niranjan from College of Engineering, Guindy is interested in designing the models and shapes of cars and fighter planes and want to know whether CAD will be useful…….Well Niranjan….Yes it will definitely help you and hey check out CAD Center, as they have a special course on this…..(hey dude….promise me that you will gift GG one of those models you come up with…won’t you?!)

Hey guys! Don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen… Mail me at with Gyan Guru in the subject line. C ya.

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
How is the one & only E-Tribe doing out there? With Cricket ‘hot’ on TV, the exam fevers getting ‘hotter’ round the corner and the weather outside looking to get ‘hottest’ this year…boy it’s all happening! But hey nothing beats E-plus and the evergreen gyan from the one & only GG…right?!

Welcome aboard Bharadwaj to the ‘E-Tribe’. You have just qualified yourself to be a part of the most hot & happening thing in town. My pal Bharadwaj from Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan Sen. Sec. School, wants to burn calories (he tells me that his hip size is 40 inches…oops! Yes I did get that right guys!) And he wants to know about short-term courses on Robotics, Kung fu - Mad monkey & Shaolin styles, Aeromodelling and Basketball. (GG thinks that is really a big list of things that our friend plans to do!) Alright Bharadwaj…for Robotics check out Anna University as they used to conduct short term courses which can be very useful to you, for Aeromodelling all GG can say is talk to experts in the field such as Mr.Kamala Karan (24455147) and you might just give yourself a flying start, for Basketball you need to meet your PT Master @ School or any of the local club and for Kung-fu…here’s the tip: Visit the nearest Video library, pick up movies such as ‘Snake in the Monkey’s shadow’, ‘36 Chamber of Shaolin’ & ‘Shaolin Temple’…watch & work out those steps @ home…it really helps. (GG is gasping for breath now!)

Hey Raja! My friend is doing his B.C.A in Madras University, completed his Diploma in Computer Technology, knows a bit of C and C++ and he wants to learn VC++ for upgrading his carrier prospects. (Here’s somebody who believes only in the +’s in life…isn’t that good?…what do you think guys?!) Well Raja, the ‘expert’ friends of GG suggest that you take up a course on .net technologies as it will help you graduate to the latest and VC++ is supposedly an older technology.

Hi Boon, I am talking about Bhuvana who calls herself Boon from Kanchipuram. Doing her Diploma in Computer Technology, she says “J” to GG for all the gyan and that E-plus is very helpful (hey Boon!…everyone in the E-Tribe is joining GG in a “J” to you as you really are a boon to kanchipuram…keep your town rocking with E-plus dudette) and she is interested in Biology and wants to get into a course which includes Biology & Computer Science. Yes you can check out a diploma course in Bio-informatics.

Balaji doing his 2nd yr BE in production Engg. tells me that GG is so cool & informative not only on every Monday but all through the lives of the E-plus readers. (Wow! That really is one big statement that you made dude! GG gladly takes a graceful bow and hopes to live up to your expectations!) Balaji wants to know about the software course related to his production line that he should take up. You can check out courses on MAYA and CAD CAM that will be helpful to you. All the best dude!

Hey Mythreyee! My friend here is doing 1st yr B.Sc Math @ Stella Maris and is interested in Aeronautics and wants to know all about it. (hey guys…aren’t we talking about someone with a lovely name, a cool & high flying interest!) Well Mythreyee, log onto as it might just have all the info you are looking for and hey, you can check out Hindustan College of Engineering for a course that you looking for.

Hi Aarthi, how are you doing out there? Aarthi tells me that she never misses E-plus and that GG is doing a great job (Thank you dudette and stay addicted to the one & only E-plus) She is interested in Journalism and wants to know where to head. Well Aarthi, your destination is Asian College of Journalism in Chennai.

Hey E-Tribe, we’ve got two caring mothers out here. Ms. Shantha Kesavan for her daughter doing her Engg. in IT, wants to know all about the courses in Mobile technologies or Cryptography. (here’s one loving mom who wants her daughter to upwardly mobile in her career…right?!) Ok, you can check out courses such as J2E, Java or .net technologies and for Cryptography the experts suggest BSS (Bach. of Systems Security). And we have Ms. Priya (who earlier had written to GG and got the gyan for her daughter) and she wants to know how good her Masters in Psychology is. Well it really helps if you are looking at HR, Training & Counseling, also depends on what you have specialized in.

I sign off here. Stay hungry for more gyan and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo,

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department"…that’s exactly what happens in this world of competition and only the best take that winning stride to taste the sweetness of the success…and hey the E-Tribe knows exactly how it tastes simply because we’ve got what it takes…and that’s why E-Tribe really rocks! Ok people, its that exciting time in the beginning of a wonderful week ahead when I get to see you with all the gyan just for you! Let’s roll:

Say hello to Dinesh who tells me that the topics covered in our E-plus are very interesting and informative (that’s good to know dude…simply because we value your feedback and a positive one like this really motivates us big time…and hey, you stay addicted only to E-plus) Dinesh wants to know about solar energy design and he is looking for a website that could give him some information. Well Dinesh if you are looking at general information, you could spend some time browsing sites such as or Happy surfing dude! (Hey, don’t you ever forget to keep GG informed when you come up with your own design and when you make it big in promoting solar energy and its sustainable development.)

Welcome aboard Rajesh! We’ve got a wannabe model here…Rajesh tells me he is 25, pretty suave, sporting an athletic physique, cuteish look and a telecommunications engineer (Are you dudes & dudettes listening?! It looks like we’ve got a real stud here…Alright he simply can’t beat GG in this, but hey give the E-Tribe guy a chance!) Rajesh wants to make it big in modeling and wants to know how to get into that world of glamour and if he should get a portfolio done. (GG thinks we sure have someone who is all set to take on a challenge in life where the way you flaunt what you’ve got really matters!) Well Rajesh, you’ve got to work on it and yes it requires you getting a portfolio done simply because the way you present yourself really matters. (Watch out guys …we might just be talking about another Arjun Rampal in the making…and right here from the one & only ‘E-Tribe’…isn’t that cool?!) Dinesh for your portfolio you can check out some of the best photographers around in town and to take yourself further, check out some of the best hands in the business such as Alchemy (52140304), Kont-act (24925236), or Thara Umesh (28154618). (As GG says, if you really got what it takes, you’ll sure be groomed into one of those ‘all-eyes-on-me’ types of a ramp-walking dude!)

Lets welcome our new buddy Gopinath into the E-Tribe. (Man you’ve just rocked your way in!) My friend Gopinath tells me that GG rocks by enlightening all the dudes & dudettes with the gyan and he is crazy about GG’s bike (that’s one mean machine specially crafted for GG…and it really is a stunner!) Gopinath is doing his BCA 2nd year at Loyola College and he wants to know if he should take up a job oriented course along with his degree. Well buddy, there are thousands of IT graduates passing out every year and the expected score by the industry will easily be around 80% and you’ve got to have that extra edge if you wanna see yourself well placed in the cream zone. (hey…E-plus is all about having that incredible edge!) So you can choose a focused course such as GNIIT which actually deals with the entire gamut of software platforms, networking, etc, just enough to enhance your skills. Get armed, make the difference and be grabbed dude!

Chitra who is a graduate in Engineering in Electronics and Communication has mailed me saying that she doesn’t want to get into software field. (Its always good to be very clear in what you wanna do…simply because if you don’t, its like boarding a ship without knowing where you are heading for…But hey GG thinks we sure have someone here who is very clear about her destination…that’s really cool dudette!) Chitra wants to know about the Institutions that are offering VLSI design course in Chennai. Well Chitra you can check out well known institutes such as Accel Academy (They have their centers all over) and Jet King @ Anna Nagar and these places offer specialized courses. All the best.

Say hello to Senthil (who is interested in Robotics) Well Senthil you should have checked out then recently held Shaastra 2004 @ IIT Chennai as they had great show on Robotics, but hey you can still visit to know more.

And hey…I am sure the E-Tribe grabbed the top jobs @ The Hindu Opportunities Fair 2004… and boy the fair was a real blast. Ok folks…Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep smiling as it will always be your best attire and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subjest line.
Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
Wassup?! I am sure that a good part of our E-Tribe having got their results, are getting ready to make that important decision in life; just the right one to get into the right kind of campuses that you guys are aiming for. Alright! Lemme try and be of some help to the one & only ‘E-Tribe’…Isn’t that really cool?! Ok…Education plus & NIIT is bringing you ‘Psychometric Test’ just for you to examine yourself and to find out what’s your next best move in your life could be. To know more about this turn to page-5 immediately after you take in all my gyan for this week:

Welcome aboard Alan! My friend here has done his B.Sc Electronics and is currently doing his MCA 1st year in Madras University through correspondence. He tells me he has logical thinking & programming skills for microprocessors and now he wants to know if he can do CCNA or IBM Mainframe. (this is just the right time for GG to get onto his very techie side & check out his ‘expert friends’ and hey this what they had to say…) Well Alan, if your interest is in Hardware / Networking you can choose CCNA and if your interest is in application development you could choose broad platforms like J2EE / .NET technologies which will give you an edge.

Say hello to Aarthi who announces her arrival into the ‘E-Tribe’ with a bang and she calls GG a walking encyclopedia (hey Aarthi don’t you forget GG also moves on one of the best bikes, just made for him!) She has done her Bio-chemistry and she wants to get on with her PG in Bio-technology & she needs gyan on that. Aarthi for your query on Mumbai University, yes it offers Genetics as a part of MSc in the branch of Biotechnology and to know more about it log unto and in Bangalore you’ve got Institute of Bioinformatics & Applied Biotechnology and for all the details log onto

And staying on Biotechnology, Sudiptaa Fernando who is doing 12th tells me that GG is really a jolly going fellow and wants everyone @ the ‘E-Tribe’ to be that way because life is kewl & short and so we should take it easy as it comes and enjoying it fully. (Well that’s surely is one kewl way of looking at life buddy…and hey as GG always says ‘Life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying’, so enjoy living it king size guys!) Our friend Sudiptoo wants to know the colleges that offer Biotechnology courses. Well there are many and to name a few, you have Anna University, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Regional Engineering College – Jalandhar, IIT – Kanpur & IIT - Delhi offering M.Tech / B.Tech; Kongunadu Arts & Science college - Coimbatore offering B.Sc; and JS College of Arts & Science – Pudukottai offering M.Sc courses. And a part of this gyan also goes to my friend Sivanand Meka who loves my physique (never cease to smile and enjoy every moment in life cos you’ll never get a chance again to relive them…that’s the secret dude!) and my cool glasses.

Karthik, doing his 1st year Engineering in Computer Science wants to know what suitable courses should he take up in NIIT. (Don’t you guys think that it’s really good to spend your valuable time to learn more in order to equip yourself to take on the future?) Well Karthik having decided that your destination is NIIT, with your background you can take up DNIIT or GNIIT, which actually gives you a year of professional practice like internship. All the very best dude!

Ajay Castro appreciates and says that GG’s gyan is very informative for students who are in need of an expert suggestion in deciding his/her career. (Thank you dude…GG takes his most graceful bow once again!) Ajay, a B.Sc Physics graduate from Loyola has done his SUN Solaris Administration 8 (SA1 & SA2) and a SUN Certified System Administrator 8 (SA1), now plans to do his PG and wants to choose between MBA (IT) and M.Sc (IT). Well Ajay, (Lemme ask you this…do you wanna become a CEO or CTO?!) MBA (IT) is good as it covers IT overall as in HR, administration, customer relations and so on but if you are looking at a purely technical role to excel in, then your choice should be M.Sc (IT). Madras University & Karnataka State Open University is a couple places you can check out buddy.

Hey Priya! (GG thinks you are one good sister to have!) Priya’s sister is doing MCA and wants to know where they teach ASP as she wants to do a mini project on ASP. She should ensure that she does the project with xml / Java scripting languages as they form the fundamentals for Active Server Pagers (ASP) and you can check out NIIT for a course on this.

I end my gyan here for this issue. Hey, turn to Page-5 now & check out all the details on ‘Psychometric Test’. Keep smiling, keep mailing & stay addicted to E-Plus…I’ll be back. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes

How are you guys doing out there?! I am sure you guys were intoxicated with the ’pink colour’, ‘teddies with red hearts’ and ‘love in the air’ all through the Valentine’s week. Hey GG had his share of fun too. Did you guys know ‘the most powerful force in life is LOVE’. OK, here’s my gyan for this issue:

Hi Rajani, welcome to the one & only “E-Tribe”. Rajani wants to know who offers a crash course on J2EE. Well you can check out the courses offered by NIIT, KSAB, etc. As you have to commute from Avadi, I suggest you can check out the NIIT centers in Ambattur or Anna Nagar. Rajani tells me that E-plus & GG's gyan are sure to help the youngsters to know about the latest happenings in the educational scene of Chennai. (Hey GG is thrilled and highly encouraged to know that you feel this way…..I promise you that we’ll keep getting better and better)

We have our friend who identifies himself as MS (hey guys…anybody want to take a guess on what his full name is…?!) never mind dudes, what matters is that he is one of the most happening “E-Tribe” and he wants to know where he can learn music. Well MS you can check out places like Musee Musicals and Unwind School of Music and hey you don’t really have to know to play an instrument, even though it will be a good advantage. And MS as for your query on advertising / creative writing find yourself a place in Madras Ad club as they offer a course on these.

Aanjhan of SSN College of Engg. doing BE, wants to know the institutes that offer GATE coaching. (Guys! Aanjhan is gearing up to open up those gates of opportunities in life....all the best to you dude) well Aanjhan, check out institutes such as Brilliant Tutorials, Visu consultants, Kumaraguru Academy and hey if you want their contact numbers……you just have to flip through the pages of E-Plus.

Hey Raj, wassup dude?! Everyone @ the ‘E-Tribe’ say hello to Raj who is just getting into College this year, and he has his eyes set on Loyola. Dude, you just about to enter that very exciting and action-packed time of your life! (GG says ‘Our greatest natural resource is our Youth’…..Don’t you guys agree?!) Well Raj, Loyola is one great campus to be in and go ahead have a Blast! (Did you guys know that GG hailed from the same campus too?)

Hi Shakthi (who wants to know about Software Testing in order to add more ‘shakthi’ to his engineering degree) you can check out STC Technology, Texas Technologies and Test Lab solutions. Hello Monty (who really wants to be GG’s sishya and get enlightened with some knowledge about Aero modeling) speak to an expert Mr.Kamalakaran @ 24455147 or check out India Hobby Center on Mount Rd.

Hey Krithika who is doing MCA wants to learn Japanese. Well Krithika check out AOTS (23743575) and Indo-Japanese Centre (24352010) (Hey Krithika promise me that you’ll teach GG at least two words in Japanese!)

Folks we have Gururaj, and hey he tells me that E-plus provides a lot of information for the students and thinks GG is really cool and wants to be sishya. (Welcome aboard dude, you’ve just become the one of “E-Tribe”) Gururaj’s ambition is to get into a good University in US or Canada for Masters after his BE, but he is not too enthu about it as he tells me that he cannot afford it. Hey gururaj…..all I have to say to you is never give up man, there will always be a way out and if you got what it takes you will make it. (GG says “The worst thing to be without is “HOPE”…..are you guys with me on that).

With that note I sign off. Keep reading Educationplus… out for those exciting contests and win attractive prizes……and get lucky. And hey don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen… Mail me with Gyan Guru in the subject line. Yo,

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
How are you guys doing out there?... The two most power-filled words are..."I Can" and every athlete’s greatest dream of wining a medal at the Olympics is built on these two little words that actually determine the strength of their belief in success. Urging everyone @ the E-Tribe with these words of absolute encouragement that could be just enough to set out to succeed, lemme get set to bring in all the gyan for this week for all you guys who stayed hungry through the week. Let’s roll:

Let’s welcome Hariharan who is doing his B.Com in Loyola. My friend tells me that GG is highly informative (Thank you dude! It’s the E-Tribe that keeps GG trying to be the best in bringing you guys the gyan!) Hariharan likes to pursue his higher studies in Singapore (Hey…I am sure you didn’t miss the special on Education in Singapore that was brought out on 8th of August…and just in case you did, log onto ) and he wants to know all about the Universities in Singapore and the courses offered over there. Well buddy, all you have to do is walk into the Singapore Education Resource Corner located at Ispahani Centre, Nungambakkam to get all your questions answered. And hey…that’s a real cool place to study…all the very best.

Say hello to Preethi. My friend is doing her 12th and she wants to take up a course on Interior Designing & Decorations.(It really matters how your living space is designed and decorated, after all it’s the atmosphere you live in and most often you get to make a statement on yourself to others through the way you have designed and decorated your space) Well Preethi, as you are currently doing your 12th, what you could ideally look at is taking up a course on Computer aided course Interior Designing so as lay a good foundation to start with. You can check out CADD Center as they offer a specialized course.

Deeban Chackravarthy, who is doing his MCA final year, wants to know all about a course on Advertising. Well Deeban talking about advertising GG is reminded of an old line which goes like this “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark”…and that line say it all about advertising.(Can you guys even think of life without advertising…?!) Well Deeban it all depends on what exactly you want to get into in this big world of advertising…and to start with you check out the regular courses offered by many colleges in the city. If you are looking at some specialized institutes, then you can check out places such as (MICA) Mudra Institute of Communication @ Ahmedabad (, National Institute of Advertising @ Delhi ( or in case you wanna take up a one year course right here in Chennai you can check out Madras Advertising Club (Ph-

My friend from Villupuram Priya Gayathri tells me that she has missed E-plus for many weeks and she wants to know if she can get to see GG’s gyan for all the previous issues on net. Don’t you worry Priya, its all there on net just for you. Log onto and you can get to see any of the previous issues date wise. (Isn’t that great guys…and hey! That’s the E-Tribe on the web…for all those net savy dudes & dudettes out there…!) Priya who has done her BE (CSE) tells me that E-plus is very informative (Stay addicted to E-plus) wants to know what course she should take up in IT, will Tourism Management suit her. Well Priya .net and J2EE are hot now in IT and in terms of Tourism Management it all depends on your interests and hey as a course it rocks. All the best.

I sign off right here. Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for GG’s gyan, keep smiling and don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo. GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Wassup folks! How is the E-Tribe doing out there after a weeklong indulgence in spending, eating, firing and celebrating the most colourful and an exciting festival of lights?! Diwali still rocks and I am sure you guys had a lot of fun and hey…GG had a blast too! Ok…it’s Monday and I am back, arriving as usual on the right half of Page 6 in the one & only E-plus with all the fresh gyan just for you. Lemme start the day’s dose of gyan with a little line that says
"An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one."
So don’t you ever worry about those pitfalls that you will experience in your path to achieve your goal…simply because you’ve already tasted more than half the success by setting the goal and working towards it…and with that ‘never say die’ attitude lets roll:

Let’s say hello to Murali who is doing his 2nd year B.Sc Zoology in Loyola College, Chennai. Murali tells me that he is very interested in studying wildlife conservation and management and is all set to do M.Sc wildlife studies in Wildlife institute of India. (It looks like we have one smart dude who is all set to save the wild side of the nature and hey, he wants to make a good career out of it!) Murali wants to know all about the course and the job opportunities. (Hey…one of the best things that could happen to someone will definitely be when one’s best interest of study turns out to be a well-shaped career for a lifetime.) Well Murali, the course that you’re looking at provides theoretical and practical training in the techniques of collecting, analyzing and interpreting field data for the conservation and management of wild fauna and flora. As it also includes training in biodiversity inventory and monitoring, it prevails as the most appropriate one for senior and middle level resource managers and wildlife biologists in Government agencies, Universities and non-governmental organizations. And hey…you could also get into stuff like protected area management & wildlife research. (So…follow your heart buddy…and if you really got what it takes, you can be sure that nothing can stop you from getting there…!) All the best dude!

Let’s welcome aboard Bejoy Francis into the E-Tribe. My new friend Bejoy is from the God’s own country, now working for Saj Flight Services (p) Ltd. in Chennai – the city that has it all and most of all the one & only GG, and he wants to know where he could learn Spanish…and he also wants to acquire fluency in English. (The question is where he should go?! and hey…GG thinks we sure have someone here who is all set to get the expertise in communication skills!) Zeal Speak easy, VETA (formerly Vivekananda Institute) & Classic Academy are some of the top Institutes that you can check out to acquire fluency in English. And to find yourself reading, writing & conversing Spanish, you can check out The Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( Get cracking buddy and hey I am sure you’re gonna come out in flying colours.

Manoj who is doing his B.Sc Maths from Madras University wants to know if he can appear for CAT examinations and wants to know all the details.(Here’s someone who is looking to be a CAT in shaping up his future by taking the right steps towards success!) Well Manoj you can check out Institutes such as TIME and Career Forum who are the pioneers in CAT coaching centers.

Say a big ‘Hi’ to my friend Siva who is doing his M.E Energy engineering at the College of Engineering, Guindy. Siva wants to know more on the career prospects of his course. Well as you will already be aware of and for the benefit of all those dudes who are looking at taking up this course, it is concerned with generation, transmission, conversion and conservation of energy and this branch also involves study of renewable and non-renewable source of energy, harnessing of energy from non-conventional sources and design & development of various devices to take advantage of these sources of energy (Now that sounds really cool guys…and hey, I am sure Siva is gonna be one good specialist in this line!) In terms of the career prospects, the opportunities exist in both the Government as well as private sectors in organizations engaged in research & development as well as manufacturing of systems for conservation of energy, energy management and technology transfer. (Way to go dude!) All the very best!

Alright Folks…I sign off here thanking all those in the E-Tribe who had sent me your D’wali wishes and urging you to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo. GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
Its happening, and it’s the most crucial time of your life when you give your best shot in your 12th Std exams and hey don’t you worry, because what’s in store for you is an exciting period @ the College campus. And when you are part of the most happening ‘E-Tribe’, its just gets even better! OK…here I go again:

My pal Mani Maran wants to know about the seminars and symposiums that happen around in Engineering Colleges. Well Mani, keep reading E-plus and you will get to know about all of ‘em (Isn’t that great to be in touch with all that is happening around you by just being in ‘E-Tribe’?!)

Hey Sanjay, how are you doing? Sanjay likes to join the ‘E-tribe’ and wants to know about the top institutes that are offering Automobile Engineering. Welcome aboard buddy (you’ve just been ordained as one in the ‘E-Tribe’ by the one & only GG) and you can check out Anna University, HIET, etc.

My buddy Kothandaraman, 21 yrs old, doing his BCA in KRMM College tells me that E-plus is very useful and GG is superb and thanks The Hindu for introducing E-plus to the Youth. He wants to know what other courses that he should do to enhance his career in software. Well friend, don’t you worry about your age (GG thinks that you get wiser as you get older with the wonderful experience of living your life) and the issue here is it really helps to acquire knowledge in areas such as a) Core concepts b) Key technologies and c) Quality Assurance and courses suggested are C++ / Java, J2EE / .net / Oracle and SEI-CMM / SDLC / ISO Standards respectively.

Our friend Praveen doing his B.Tech –IT, has got a similar query as that of Kothandaraman and so is my gyan. But hey his Dad is suggesting that he takes up a course on Mainframe (Always listen to your dad, simply because GG thinks that daddies take pains to find out what is good for their kids….right?!) and yes Praveen Mainframe is really hot now, and its got its own merits too and for the institutes, look into E-Plus.

Hey Rahul Kumareson. My friend Rahul is doing his Viscom in Loyola and he is extremely interested in Tattooing and has 100’s of original and modified designs. (well guys we are talking about one cool tattoo designer here, and for all those who love tattoos …you know where to get ‘em) Rahul wants to learn this art professionally. (GG can only think of the Nari Koravas who are the only best gurus around for this art…..try finding one buddy) Well Rahul, log onto, or to find good videos that you can buy. That’s really one cool venture dude, and I am saying that because tattooing is in and highly fashionable these days and may be you can get somebody to buy your designs. (Hey don’t you forget that tattoo for GG!)

Hey ‘E-Tribe’ join me in welcoming Sanjana and Poornima. Both of them want to make their presence felt in the world of Fashion and they wanted to know where to join. Well dudettes, your destination is National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) @ Taramani. (Don’t you guys ever forget to call GG for your first show of your creations…GG might just get on the ramp too for you guys!)

Say hello to Shankari, the super sis! (She is one caring sister to have around) She wants her sister to take up a course that will add value to her B.Com. Well Shankari, your lucky sister can check out GNIIT and yes they have evening classes too.

Hey Leema Angel! Here’s another sister for her brother Jere (now you know why God made Sisters..?!) and she tells me GG’s work is great and hats off to him. (Thank you ….and you sure are one supporting ‘Angel’ to Jere and to GG too!) Well Jere, for a course in Audio Engineering you can check out BASE @ Kodambakkam (

My pal Suresh wants to get into BPO (is someone just about to loose his job somewhere far away?!) and wants to know where to train himself. Well Suresh you can learn computer typing and a lot more stuff that are essential for a BPO job at places like Planetworkz @ NIIT.

Krishna tells me that he is very interested in learning Spanish (this sure will be an added note from our Krishan’s flute, making him more versatile a player) Well Krishna check out Center for Foreign Languages (24910363)
GG signs off here, leaving all those in ‘E-Tribe’ taking on their exams with two most power-filled words– ‘I CAN’. Don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in subject line. Yo,

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
Wassup?! Its Monday and I am sure the E-Tribe is hungry for the weekly dose of the one & only GG’s gyan…right?! Ok listen up folks…as you are about to start a whole new week, put on that best smile of yours and be enthusiastic in whatever you do because “the most beautiful attire is your SMILE & the most contagious spirit is your ENTHUSIASM”. With that thought lemme get rolling:

Welcome aboard Jaikumar! My friend Jaikumar is doing his 12th in Sree Narayana Mission and he has chosen Computer Science, as he is interested in Science & Technology. He wants to know the difference between doing IT in B.E and IT in B.Tech. (GG thinks we are sure talking about someone who is all set to become a hi-tech professional…all the best, you really are a winner ‘Jai’kumar!) Well buddy there is actually not much of a difference between the two courses or should I say even if there is, it is very minor as it depends upon the syllabus of the University.

Hi Leena! My friend here who is doing her M.Com final year wants to join a BPO and she wants to learn French. (GG thinks its great to have knowledge of different languages, because you’ll never know when it will be of help…but hey when the need arises it surely be of help… big time!) About your aim to get into a BPO depends on what line you are looking for and about learning French, you’ve got Alliance Francaise @ Nungambakkam and you can also check out Obeth’s French Academy @ Kilpauk (26402780).

Hello Srinivas, howzzzit going out there?! Srinivas who is doing his 2nd year B.Tech – IT in Jerusalem College of Engg. & An ardent fan of GG tells me that GG looks absolutely great on his bike. (Hey that’s GG at his best and getting better just for you guys…because when you are in the E-Tribe you’ve got to look really cool man!) He wants to become an Umpire and wants to know what to do. Well Srinivas, GG spoke to a qualified Umpire / friend and came up with this gyan for you. First you’ve got to lay your hands on a book which deals with the ‘Laws of Cricket’ to gain all the knowledge you need and then appear for a written test followed by a viva conducted by the TNCA and you’ve got to be aged between 18-45. And to know more you can visit TNCA office @ Chepauk. And Srinivas here are some tips; try and cease every opportunity that you get to do the umpiring job in all those local matches so that you get that valuable experience, occupy the best available seat in front of the TV to watch all those International Cricket matches as there is so much you can observe and learn. (And hey when you make it big, try and get you own & an unique style in giving the batsman out and don’t you forget to say a big ‘Hi’ to GG when you are on TV!) All the best dude!

Hey Karthik! How are you doing out there?! Karthik is doing B.E Mechanical and wants to be a part of E-Tribe. (Welcome aboard buddy…you’ve just did one of the coolest thing in life!) He finds Monday mornings very cool because of E-Plus and GG (Thank you dude!) He goes on to say that GG answers to the queries of lots of youngsters & guides them towards bright career (GG takes his most graceful bow now!) And wants to know who designs GG’s costumes, as they look cool. (Bad luck buddy…the costumes are exclusively designed only for GG and so is his designer!) Karthik suggests that we include a special column on Science & Technology in E-plus. Thank you dude for the suggestion and stay addicted to E-plus.

Alifiya…who is doing her 12th with Humanities, which she thinks is as cool as GG (Merci beacoup!) and wants to do Literature and Travel & Tourism after that. (GG thinks that you sure do have that smile and the enthusiasm that will take you places) She is really looking forward to the entire E-Tribe and GG wishing her the best. (Lets do it guys…) All the very best Alifiya and may only the best things happen to you.

Hey Jo (she likes to be called that way guys) who tells me that it feels great to mail GG (GG too feels equally great to respond to your mails dudette!) Jo tells me that she wants to do her Mechanical engineering but people are telling her that there are no opportunities for girls in this subject. Well my friend all that GG can tell you is this…‘if you really got what it takes…just go ahead and do it…because GG thinks that it is always good to follow where your heart is’. And hey don’t you ever forget that you are in a world of opportunities and all you need is one for yourself to grab and to succeed.

Ok folks…with that I sign off. Put on that beautiful attire & be filled with that contagious spirit; Stay addicted to E-plus; Remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; And don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“Get on with life, making it as exciting as possible...its really not that risky living a life on the edge because if you don’t then you are taking up too much space. And hey what’s even more exciting is to get that edge in life that actually makes life a success”.
And that could well be one of those GG’s lines that are written in an effort to bring out the best from the one & only E-Tribe. Ok people…its Monday and I am back with all the gyan for this week just for you guys who stayed hungry. Lets roll:
Lets welcome Mrs.Indira Mohan who wants to do MS in Banking. She tells me that she had heard about this course and she wants to know more. (GG thinks we sure have someone here who wants to master the art of managing money matters!) Well Indira, the ICFAI University has developed a certification programme in bank management, "M.S. (Banking) programme leading to the CBM Designation" which focuses on Domain knowledge and skills in banking, Managerial excellence, Information Technology and E-Banking. The duration of the course is two years and enrolment is open throughout the year and to know more log onto and check out E-plus Karnataka edition dated 23rd August 2004. (Isn’t that really cool!…and that’s what makes E-plus the most happening thing around!) You could also walk into the ICFAI study centers or log onto their website to get all the details that you are looking for. All the very best.
Lets say hello to Eben. My new friend Eben is doing his first year B.E in Magna Engineering College and a regular reader of E-plus and GG’s column. (Hey!…you just qualified yourself to be a happening member of the one & only E-Tribe that rocks!) He also goes on to say that GG’s bike is excellent and that he is looking forward to see GG’s car soon. (Ooh…la…la. You just made me feel rich and hey, lemme share the secret with all the E-Tribe…watch out for an all new, custom made, specially designed one for GG roll out from the GG garage very soon!) We also have an ardent fan of GG and the E-plus (Stay addicted to E-plus dudette!) by name C.Neeraja doing her 2nd year B.E in Meenakshi Sundarajan College and another friend Bala doing EEE in Sriram Engineering College who tells me that GG is very cool and informative (Thank you dude…you guys are one big motivation that makes GG better and keeps E-plus rockin’!) All these guys would want to know what could be their next best move in selecting the right IT course that adds colour to their degrees. Well friends, you can check out the new course ANIIT offered just for B.E students like you or you could find all about that in an exciting manner. YES! Check out the NIIT National IT Aptitude test presented by Education plus, to be held on 19th of September…just go ahead and register yourself for the test that promises to present the best of yourself, thereby guiding you to make the right move.
Lemme introduce to the E-Tribe, our new buddy Bachu. He wants to know about the institutes offering GATE coaching in Chennai. (Isn’t this someone who is all set to enter the GATEs of success!) Bachu, if you are looking for the best in town, then you could check out Brilliant Tutorials ( You can also check out institutes such as SSC @ Kodambakkam & Anna Nagar.
She thinks that GG is really cool and his hairstyle is the best in town (Merci beaucoup dudette…GG takes a most graceful bow!) and lemme introduce a very talented Varsha to the E-Tribe. My friend Varsha is doing her 11th Std and her interests are Photography, Ad film making and writing scripts. (That’s a lot of talent dudette…and hey, E-Tribe is full of talents and that’s exactly why it really rocks!) Well Varsha, to start off you can take up Electronic Media course offered by some of the city colleges or a course on visual communication. As for your interests in writing…keep writing whenever you find time and develop your own style and you could be sure that it’ll come good at the right time. All the best.
Hey…I just realized that I am right here at the bottom of the page exactly where I had to say the following: Stay addicted to E-plus…remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan…keep smiling because it makes you look better…and hey, don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the Subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

When was the last time you participated in an interesting contest…?!
If at all you did, then when was the last time you were really given a dozen chances to win…?!
If at all you were given, then when was the last time you ever won a prize…?!
If at all you did win, then when was the last time, the prizes really excited you…?!
Now who said that you shouldn’t try too hard simply because the best things in life happen only when you least expect them to…?!
Hey…and you guys are wondering why I am in this incredible quizzing mood shooting those questions pointed right towards you just enough to wake you guys up in a fresh Monday morning like this…?! Alright if you wanna know the answers…sit right up and for all those smart ones who have already guessed what this is all about…I just released the second trailer – reel no 2…with all the spice and hype that it deserves…watch out for the clues in today’s E-plus…but hey, only after you finish taking in all the fresh gyan for this week…so lemme roll with what I’ve got:

Say hello to my good friend Karthik B S (one of the Best Sishyas of GG) who is a regular reader of GG’s column and who thinks that GG is really ‘kwel’. Karthik goes on to say that everyone in the ‘one & only’ E-Tribe knows that GG really is the Guru in gyan. (Thank you dude!…you just made my day and hey as GG always says… you guys are one big motivation that makes GG better and keeps E-plus rockin’!) My buddy Karthik from Avadi also seem to be in a quizzing mood (Way to go dude…never cease to ask questions…simply because that’s when you get to know more & more…!) and he’s got a load of questions to GG. He wants to know GG’s tips on how to stay ‘kewl’ even in tough times…He wants to know what GG plans are for celebrating Christmas and the New Year…He wants to know if the E-tribe will get to see GG in a new costume…And as a final year student in Computer Science Engineering and aspiring to get into super job, he wants to know the career prospects of J2EE and also wants to know what are the jargons ‘websphere, weblogic, EJB, Java Strats’ all about. (Now this is really sounding like a quick fire round…right guys?!) Well Karthik, in an effort to answer your first question lemme say it in GG’s own style…
Inevitable are the chances when you get to experience something in life, which makes you feel that it’s sometimes hard to create humour because of the unfair competition from the real world!!…but hey the best antidote for that kind of a feel is to prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer and stop worrying…as GG always says ‘Life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying’, so live it king size dude and that’s how you get to stay really ‘kewl’.
Well Karthik, GG’s got some awesome plans to celebrate Christmas and New Year (Did you guys know that GG can really be one thorough party animal!) but hey you can be sure that the best way to celebrate this season is the E-Tribe way (Right guys?!) So don’t you ever forget to join the party. And YES, the E-Tribe will get to see GG grooving in some new costumes…so you stay addicted to E-plus.
And for your final question….J2EE really rocks in terms of its career prospects and that’s exactly what the ‘expert’ friends of GG have to say. The jargons ‘websphere’ & ‘weblogic’ are the internet based applications developed by IBM and ‘EJB’ Enterprise Java Beans is a platform to work on and ‘Javastruts’ is the syntax of Java…all these are inter-related and J2EE is the kind of framework that connects all these application…to put all that across simply. (Do you guys think that’s enough of gyan to make GG’s Best Sish Karthik happy?!)

Lets welcome our new pal Devasena who has been a regular reader of GG’s column as he finds it very informative and he thinks E-plus offers the young (students) readers the much needed career guidance. (Thank you dude! Stay addicted to E-plus and you can be sure that we’ll always try and give you the best!)
Devasena has finished his Masters in Computer Science and has 2 years experience in Oracle. Now he wants to become Oracle DBA qualified professional and wants to know the best place to take up an Oracle DBA course. Well buddy if you are looking for a pioneer, then your destination is the nearest NIIT center as they are the certified Oracle partner offering the course & an international certification. There are others too and for all the details…let your eyeballs roll over the colourfully spread 8 to 12 pages of E-plus right now and on every Monday.

Vignesh who is doing his 11th (a good cousin to have!) wants to know all about taking up a course in Singapore for his cousin…just log onto and you’ll find them all.
I sign off right here urging you to check out ‘Revivals 2004’ (E-plus is their media partner guys…and that makes it an incredible ‘E-Tribe’ party!) @ Madras Medical College; stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more; keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"Champions know that success is inevitable; that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it."
With that awesome thought I urge the E-tribe to dare to dream about the future and hey…have the guts to believe in what you dream and there you will be finding yourself busy creating the right future for yourself. Isn’t that a great line to start with…Ok folks its Monday and I am back with all the gyan for this week. Here I go again:

Let the E-Tribe say hello to Sai Sudha. My friend has completed her 12th with good results (Congratulations dudette…you’ve got to be the best when you are in the one & only E-Tribe…right guys?!) and she wants to know where GG got his beautiful ear-ring. (First lemme thank you for your remark on GG’s style…and hey I should say that you are the first one to ask me about my ear-ring…but bad luck dudette, that piece of jewelry was designed exclusively for GG. However on second thoughts you might just get lucky as I am thinking to share the secret with you on one condition… Stay addicted to E-Plus and be hungry for more of GG’s gyan…Ok?!) Sai Sudha wants to know whether she should take up MSc IT (5 year integrated course) or BE – IT. Well Sai, as you know M.Sc –IT is a new course when compared with BE-IT and yes it definitely has its own advantages based on the way the course is designed. However you might still hear people say that when you want to become an engineer then it’s B.E –IT cut out for you and that you will naturally have an edge at least in terms of the preference given. The other thing is that you get to save one year when you end up doing your BE –IT, but hey it all depends on what exactly your plans and how you are looking at your higher studies and so on. (Don’t you worry duddette…GG is sure that you‘ll take the right decision…All the very best)

Let’s welcome Naveen on board. Naveen is doing his engineering and he tells me that he is very much interested in conservation programs conducted to save animals particularly the big cats like tigers. (GG thinks we sure have someone here who has got a lion’s heart for the big cats out there in the wild. And hey the entire E-Tribe salutes Naveen for his love towards saving animals…way to go Dude…you really are a pride to the E-Tribe.) Well Naveen your destination will be the World Wide Fund for Nature, Tamil Nadu State Office located at TTK Rd, Alwarpet (Ph-24994827) as they organize various programmes just for someone like you.

Shalini who has been a regular reader of E-plus right from the time it was launched appreciates the E-plus team for what it offers. (Merci beaucoup…! And that really is one good measure of an awesome energy drink, just the kind that keeps us all charged up and motivated to keep giving you the best…and hey, we know that E-Tribe deserves only the best) Shalini has done her M.Sc -IT and she is interested in taking up journalism. She tells me that she really wants to get into journalism though she feels that it’s a deviation from what she has done in terms of her degree. Well Shalini, looking at the way you have written your query, GG’s got only one thing to tell you. As I always say it ‘If you really got what it takes…just go ahead, follow your heart’ …and hey, that always turns out to be the best thing that could happened to you. So you can check out Asian College of Journalism for a professional course.

Hey Jitesh! My friend here from D.G Vaishnav doing his B.C.S, tells me that he had read the article on Animation in E-Plus and that was very encouraging. (It’s nice to know that dude! And hey that’s exactly what E-plus is all about…offering you the best information…helping you believe in your dreams…keeping you hungry for knowledge…and ultimately mapping your career) He wants to know if he can take up an animation course with commerce background and he wants to know all other details that will help him pursue his career in Animation. Well buddy, you can check out institutes such as Arena multimedia or Image IT College as they offer some exciting and specialized courses on animation. This piece of gyan also goes to Valli a good friend of Remi who never misses E-Plus (Stay addicted to E-Plus dude!) Well Remi your friend can take up a multimedia course either a short term or a long term depending upon what she wants to do and hey, check out these institutes for all the details. All you have to do is to flip through the pages E-plus and you’ll find them right there. (Life made wonderfully easy… the E-plus way!)

I sign off here. Have a great week, stay hungry for GG’s gyan and hey…never forget to put on the most beautiful attire ‘Smile’ …it really makes you look good. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes

As we are in 2004 now…. with refreshed ideas and rejuvenated enthusiasm lets get started for this issue’s dose of some cool gyan from the one & only GG to all of the “E-plusTribe”….are u guys ready? I go:

My friend Bala wants to know about a lot of IT courses and the Institutes that are offering them. Well Bala all you have to do is flip through the pages of Education plus and you will find them all there….(hey folks… the cool Tabloid size of our E-plus makes it really easy to carry it with you for ready reference …..right?!) and Bala …’yes’ it is a wise option to register yourself with consultancies for searching jobs….hey that’s what they do best.

Hey Aarthi……How are u doing out there……and guys let me introduce to you to my friend Aarthi …the wannabe DJ……and hey she is going to be one happening DJ in town very soon. Yes she tells me she’s got it all and she is very interested in Dj’ing….and what else you need …….so Aarthi if you’ve got that head on your shoulders with a passion for music and a little heart in tune…..go ahead and make it big……check out places like SAE and talk to as many DJs you can, it really helps and you can pick up many tips from their varied styles in presentation. And Aarthi don’t forget that with a little creativity you could make it big in Remix – albums..…..(hey did you guys know that GG is one big music freak…?!)

We have Sushma from Ethiraj, and she is aspiring to become a beautician. Well Sushma that’s a good interest and hey as you know this industry is growing at an exciting pace and it is evident when you see a lot of Beauty care centers and specialty saloons coming up and basically people are making a conscious effort to take care of the way they look…..and it really matters. Well Sushma check out institutes such as Pivot point, Mollyan (Adyar), Maha (Mylapore), Vasundara’s (T.Nagar) etc. ……so go ahead and start changing the way people look (Isn’t that a great thing to do…?) all the very best to you Sushma and hey don’t forget to think about GG whenever someone tells you that you made ‘em look good.

Say hello to Dr.(Captain) Narasimha…….Captain here wants to know where one should apply for all those specialty courses which we talked about in “New Diplomas for special Educators” article published in E-plus dated 15th December.(Hey did you guys check them out….they were really some good courses for those with caring hearts….and I am sure our captain has one!) Well Captain …you will be able to get all the details on these courses by talking to the PRO at Madras University as these courses are being offered by them.

We’ve got Nitin Kumar here….and hey he is full of enthu in life as he has got a job in INFOSYS as a software trainee and he tells me that he has free time for a month and wants to know how he can spend it may be trying his luck at RJ’ing, Web designing or working with NGO’s…..Well Nitin a lot of guys out there are working on RJ’ing and Web designing as a career and these are really happening options and you have specialized courses for these. But hey Nitin you can check out places like Unwind Center if u want to get yourself involved in some social service activities.

My friend Aruna wants to know about the coaching centers for GRE & TOEFL in Chennai……Well Aruna you can check out centers like Vajra Consultants, TIME, C-CAT, Career Plan, Visu Consultants and there are some more….and hey thank you for considering me as the best pal of all students….(GG is very happy and in cloud 9 guys…!) and our pal Swarnalatha tells me that she just loves GG and his gyan (GG is majorly thrilled now!) and she wants me to name the Management Colleges in Chennai…..LIBA, ITM, Maharishi’s, Madras University….(GG is running short of breadth now).All the very best to Aruna & Swarnalatha.

Hey guys……(GG is in a thanking mood now) ….to mention a few… friends Nitin Kumar, Niranjan, and Arun for sending some valuable suggestions ….thank you guys and keep sending those chips off of your brains out here to GG!
Don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen… Mail me at with Gyan Guru in the subject line. C ya.

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
Here comes another Monday and it is that special day of the week …simply because this is the day for the ‘E-Tribe’ to kick off a great start with E-plus in your hands. Isn’t that great guys and here I am with all the gyan you’ve been hungrily waiting for:

Hey Maya! My friend Maya doing her B.E –IT tells me that she finds GG’s column very interesting and
E-plus is great. She wants to know all about the courses in Forensic Science (hey…! If only our Maya, as her name suggests had all those super-natural ‘magical’ powers, she wouldn’t actually care to study Forensic Science…right? That was a joke guys!?) And she is also interested in animal behaviour and wants to go trekking. (Wow! That’s a cool interest!). Well Maya log onto to know all about the courses available and the opportunities in Forensic Science. And for your other interest, your destination will be the WWF (World Wild Fund) office @ TTK Road, Chennai. They organize some exciting trekking & adventure camps for the animal lovers like you. (Hey…you might just find GG too in your adventure camp!)

Let’s say Hello to a great fan of GG, Aparna. She is finishing her 12th Std and wants to know all about the courses in Aerospace Engineering. She thinks E-plus is very informative. (Thank you Aparna and your appreciation will keep us bringing you the best of the information on the world of education!) To know about the courses available, the colleges offering them and all other details, you can log onto All the very best dudette and stay addicted to E-plus.

Hi there…this is Radhika doing her 12th and she first wants to compliment GG on his awesome work. She tells me that it is ‘totally fab’ and wants GG to do a teeny-weeny favour for her. (Did you guys know what exactly is a teeny-weeny favour?!…if you don’t, then you are just about to find out now…read on!) Ok Radhika wants to know about Bio-Chemistry and where she can take up a course on that. Well… log onto (The National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore) to find all the details you want to know about the courses and its opportunities. Check out Pee Gee Arts & Science College, Dharmapuri ( as they offer an UG course. (GG thinks that this sure is a ‘teeny-weeny’ favour…isn’t it Radhika?!)

Hey Amritha, Wassup! She thinks GG is such a cool dude that she wishes all the guys in Chennai would pick up his style. (Ooh…la…la! But hey…would you dudettes like to have the copycats around you? And as you know GG’s style is unique, so beware of fakes gals!) My good friend Amritha who is doing her B.Sc – Biotech, wants to do a PG course on Medical Genetics and she tells me that she likes GG’s bike very much and wants GG to take her for a ride. Alright Amritha, this is a ‘course approved but not yet started’ type which will soon be offered by The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University (that’s good news for you!) And about the ride on GG’s bike…well you might just get lucky! (And hey…! On second thoughts, may be the guys can just pick up a style or two from GG…but on one condition, they have got to be in the ‘E-Tribe’…OK?!)

Welcome aboard Bharadwaj to the ‘E-Tribe’. You have just qualified yourself to be a part of the hottest & happening thing in town. My pal Bharadwaj from Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan Sen. Sec. School, wants to burn calories (he tells me that his hip size is 40 inches…oops! Yes I did get that right guys!) And he wants to know about short term courses on Robotics, Kung-fu - Mad monkey & Shaolin styles, Aeromodelling and Basketball. (GG thinks that is really a big list of things that our friend plans to do!) Alright Bharadwaj…here I go, for Robotics check out Anna University as they used to conduct short term courses which can be very useful to you, for Aeromodelling all GG can say is talk to experts in the field such as Mr.Kamala Karan (24455147) and you might just give yourself a flying start, for Basketball you need to meet your PT Master @ School or any of the local club and for Kung-fu…here’s the tip: Visit the nearest Video library, pick up the movies ‘Snake in the Monkey’s shadow’, ‘36 Chamber of Shaolin’ & ‘Shaolin Temple’…watch & work out those steps @ home…it really helps. (GG is gasping for breadth now!)

Deepa from Chennai wants to do M.Sc Psychology thorough correspondence and wants to know where. Madras University is your destination Deepa.
And with that I end my gyan for this week. Stay hungry, get addictive to E-plus & don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me . C’ya. GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Yo…Listen up guys!

Its happening right here in Chennai! Its gonna be really ‘BIG’ simply because…It’s a first of this kind…Over 5000 jobs to be taken…over 40 top employers on the head-hunt…featuring some of the top industrial sectors…employability seminars tailor made for you…an interesting Industry interface featuring the top-notch from the corporate world…and hey! It’s all happening by the beach side…and lemme take a breadth!
Alright folks, I am talking about The Hindu Opportunities Fair 2004 to be held at MRC Center, Santhome from 15th – 17th of October. And hey! E-Tribe deserves the best and this is just for you guys, so log onto now and make sure that you are there to grab the best jobs around…and show the world that E-Tribe really rocks!

Ok…Its Monday and I am back with all the gyan for this week just for those stayed hungry all week. Lets roll;

Lets welcome K.Vignesh to the E-Tribe. Vignesh is doing his 11th Std and he tells me that he simply loves GG’s bike and his outfits, wants to know where he could get them. (Thank you dude! It’s GG’s style and its comes with the job…and hey the bad news is that there can be one & only GG…so the outfits too are custom-made. Nevertheless stay addicted to E-plus and you might just get lucky to wear those specially branded ‘GG’ outfits sometime…!) Vignesh wants to know all about Perfusion Technology as he wants to take it up the course in future. (GG thinks that we sure have someone here who is all set to look for the niche course, to set himself apart just enough to make the right move towards success… and you bet he is hungry for it!…way to go dude!) Well Vignesh and also all those @ the E-Tribe…here’s some gyan on Perfusion Technology. If you wanna be a member of an open-heart, surgical team responsible for the selection, setup and the operation of a mechanical device commonly known as the heart-lung machine which actually assumes the function of both the heart and the lungs by taking out the blood out of the body, oxygenates the blood and then returns the blood to the patient… without actually being a doctor, then you got to be a trained and educated perfusionist. A perfusionist is a skilled allied health professional and is responsible for operating the machine during surgery and also often functions in supportive roles for other medical specialties in operating mechanical devices. (This is really cool eh?! You are gonna become a life- saver dude) Well as in any other profession, owing to the technological advances it is bound to face some challenges, but hey the opportunities are plenty for trained perfusionists (and if you really got what it takes, go ahead and just do it!) You can check out institutes such as Sri Jayadeva institute of Cardiology or St. Johns Medical College in Bangalore. And to know more about Perfusion Technology log onto or All the best dude!

Welcome aboard Shantanu Rai. My buddy here lives in the beautiful Andaman Islands. (Hey did you guys know that it is one of the most awesome Islands with some beautiful coral reefs and white creamy sands, exquisitely circled by the perfect blue sea…and you get to learn so much on the history of this Islands when you get there…and hey this sure should be the first choice for the E-Tribe when you make your holiday plans…And we’ve got Shantanu –our E-Tribe connect right there in that cool place!) Shantanu is doing his 12th and he wants to study abroad. He wants to know the websites where he can get all the details. Well Shantanu you can check out for everything you wanna know on education in UK and
you can log onto to find an exclusive on education in Singapore or for more. The other sites you can check out are for all about New Zealand education and for everything on Australia.

Say hello to Madhu who tells me that GG is the most coolest person on earth (Ooh…thank you dude, that hit me like one bullet coated all over with the most contagious ammunition powder called motivation!) and he really wants to meet GG (Stay alert…and you just might get a glimpse of GG right there in your campus sometime) and goes on to say that E-plus is very useful (Stay addicted to E-plus!) Madhu is doing 3rd year Engineering and wants to be a television News reader. Hey Madhu…you could take up a course on Phonetics…that helps and for the rest of the gyan on this you got to check out the last issue of E-plus or you can log onto /educationplus.

Ok folks! I sign off here and you guys don’t forget to check out ‘The Hindu Opportunities 2004’, stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan, keep smiling and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line.
Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
How have you guys been all through an eventful week that had the world of fans praying for one of the greatest footballer of all times; the world of politics witnessing one of the biggest democratic elections getting kicked off; and some of the Indian cricket fans getting lucky to get a glimpse of one of the fastest bowlers in the history of the game…but hey! It’s Monday and its time for the one & only E-plus and all of my gyan just for you.

Welcome aboard Chirayu Bhatt. He has done his B.Sc – Statistics and PGDCA from MS University of Baroda and currently is working as Software programmer. Now he wants to do MCA correspondence course. (‘The best way to conquer the future is to create it’…so GG urges the E-Tribe to go ahead and get well equipped to create one, for yourselves to be conquered) Well Chirayu, when GG consulted with his ‘expert’ friends this is what they had to say…Yes you can join MCA correspondence course as many Universities are offering that, and with your background it is suggested that you can choose to do M.Sc – IT which handles more of technicality that will give you an edge in the current market and you can check out Karnataka State Open University for a correspondence course.

Hey Praveen Raj kumar! My friend who has done his M.Sc Computer Science and a skilled programmer in visual basic 6.0 and in oracle 9i is confused right now because he wants to know if he should do Mainframe. Ok here is your tip…the experts say that you stick to the same line and the best thing you could do is a Microsoft Certified Professional or an Oracle Certified Professional courses, acquire an international certification and get upgraded by doing a course on .net technologies as it is hot now. (…do you guys think that GG is getting too techie today…well that’s the tech-side of GG for you!) All the very best Praveen.

Staying on IT, this piece of gyan also goes to Prasenjit Das, doing his MCA in Jerusalem College of Engg. He wants to know if he can go on to do J2EE and get trained in Embedded Systems. It is said that as per Nasscom the growth of .net technologies is going to be big time and so is the job market. (The future holds the key for those who are looking to enter it…and hey lets be the ones to enter and to succeed) So Prasenjit you are on the right track if you had decided to take up J2EE and to know where you can get trained on that, flip through the pages of E-Plus and you will find them all. And Vinod, to pursue a course on Oracle Finance, check out their training center Oracle Corp on Cathedral Road buddy.

We have Sowmya Lakshmi doing her B.Sc – Computer Science. She tells me that she is a great fan of GG and the gyan is very informative & simply superb (Thank you dudette…you’ve just been a great encouragement to the one & only GG!) She wants to do her M.Sc – IT in Madras University and wants to know the details. Well Sowmya there is no entrance examination for this course and to get all the other details you can log onto

Vasanth, who has just finished his 12th Std wants to know all about Metallurgical Engineering. (GG thinks that we surely have someone here who is set his eyes on some specialty course to shape up an exciting future for himself…isn’t that cool guys?!) Well Vasanth log onto and you might just find what you need.

Hi Vedha a regular reader of E-plus, doing her CA is planning to do Treasury Management. (here’s someone who is keen to manage and control the financial resources) You can log onto to get some insight on the industry trends and for all the details of a course Treasury Management as an elective, log onto and check for under P G Programs.

Karthik (he just loves GG’s hair style & his cool bike) wants to know the career opportunities for a Bio-technologist. Well buddy log onto or to get all the details and hey, it promises a lot. Chandrakanth PKR who is finishing his B.E Computer Science loves reading E-plus (Stay addicted buddy!) wants to improve himself in Communication, personality, self confidence, etc. Check out Speak2Achieve @ T.Nagar (30911950) as they offer you a course on Power Communication for Personality Enhancement.
I sign off right here urging you - to stay for hungry more, to keep appearing on my screen and to go out & vote today. Keep smiling because you will never know who is gonna fall in love with it! Yo! GG

Hey Dudes & Dudette

Its February and I just know all you guys are straining those brain cells, trying hard to come out with that right and novel plan to spend the day with your Valentine. Ok here I am and hey….! As usual GG is here with the dose of his own gyan for this week, read on and find out GG’s tip for Valentine’ day too.

Hi Subhash! My friend here wants to know the difference between ‘Hard work’ and ‘Smart Work’. Well Subhash all that GG can think of about the difference is this….both gets the job done but hey I guess through ‘smart work’ you can really give yourself less pressure, less struggle and less sweat. So next time you plan on something make sure you think smart…… out alternatives and hey…make sure you get your basics right, set the deadlines and spot the best method that saves time, trouble and toil. (hey do you guys think what Lord Ganesha performed was a ‘smart work’ to get the ‘Divine Fruit’ from His parents……?!!!)

Kousican is doing B-tech in Chemical Engineering and all you guys from the one & only ‘E-Tribe’ ……here is one good friend to have. Kousican has sent me a question in order to help a friend by name Arun. Isn’t this true friendship……..(Hey Kousican , GG thinks that you are one good pal to have and as for Arun……you are one lucky guy man!) Well Kousican ask your friend Arun to check out institutes like NIIT, Global Software Ltd., CMS, Advantage Pro, etc for a course on Hardware & Networking.

We have Bhakti who is doing her 12th Std and she thinks GG is supercool and his column is very informative….and Bhakti wants to know where she can get career counseled. Well Bhakti, one place where you can go is USAD – University Students Advisory Bureau which is situated in Madras University. (GG thanks Bhakti for the compliments and also for the suggestion to start a column on Career Counseling)
E-plus will come out with the best very soon (and that a promise from GG).

Our friend Ruchira wants to know about the institutes that offer a course on Film Direction. Hey that’s an exciting career and I am sure you have it in you to be the best. (Guys isn’t it great to create characters and make them be what you want them to be and tell the world what you want, through them……that’s really cool!) Ruchira, you can check out places like Film Institute @ Adyar and also MCC as they offer diploma courses.

Hey vidhya, how are you doing there. Vidhya her 3rd year in electronics and instrumentation (B.E.) and she tells me that she is preparing for GATE, GRE, TOEFL, CAT and she’s been very busy. But hey she took time off to mail and she tells me that GG is doing a great job and he is absolutely cool. (that’s really nice to hear Vidhya…..GG is highly thrilled especially when it comes from a dudette like you) Vidhya wants to know if she can do her MS here in India as she is not keen on going abroad. (Guys she gets home sick) and yes Vidhya you can do it right here in Anna University. Check it out and all the very best and stay as one in the ‘E-Tribe’.

Ok folks…! Now that Valentine’s day is just a few days away……wanna get a tip from the one & only GG…….alright! here’s what you do…..first you got to get to a place somewhere near Central station……there you’ll find some traditionally built Chariots….these are the ornamentally designed Jatkas …….remember the ones that have the horses attached to them……hire one them with a really good looking horse and meet your valentine for the day for a wonderful, never-before, highly exciting joy ride………!Now does it sound exciting……if it does go ahead be the ‘Zorro’ and make a ‘mark’ this Valentine’s day.

And hey guys….I end my gyan here for this issue. Keep reading Educationplus… out for those exciting contests and win attractive prizes……and get lucky. And hey don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen… Mail me with Gyan Guru in the subject line. C’ ya.

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s Monday and it can’t get better than this…with E-plus in your hands and GG talking to with all the gyan to take you through this entire week…right?! And hey! Did you guys check out the exclusive 4 page special on ‘Singapore – Destination for Education’ yesterday along with The Hindu…I am sure you did and for those who didn’t, grab your copy now or simply log onto now and get to know all about how it is to study in Singapore and the world of opportunities out there. Alright…here I go again:

Welcome aboard Nuzhath Thaha. My friend here is very much interested in learning Stained Glass painting and wants to know about the institutes that offer this course. (Did you guys know that this is an awesome art…and it is in vogue now as we can see the trend in interior decoration, be it at home or at work place…these paintings bring life and are very pleasing to the eyes. We sure have one master artist here in Nuzhath Thaha and hey GG is sure to get one beautiful piece for GG’s den…Am I right Nuzhath?!) Well you can check out an Institute by name ‘Celene Arts School’ located at Vadapalani who offer specialised courses in this.

Say hello to Ramya, who tells me that she finds this column very useful (Merci beaucoup dudette, and that’s exactly why you should stay addicted to E-plus…right?!) and she goes on to say that GG’s bike looks cool and she wants to know if it is an Enticer. (Nope…this is an exclusively designed model just for GG and it’s called the ‘GG go-mobile’) Ramya is interested in foreign languages and she wants to learn and get a well recognized certificate course in French. (its always good to know more languages because you will never know when and where all that knowledge on languages will come handy and sometimes absolutely helpful…so when you get an opportunity to learn something new, just grab it!) Well Ramya your destination will be Alliance Francise @ Nungambakkam.

Lets welcome Vani into E-tribe. She comes with an awesome comment saying ‘hats off to GG’ and she thinks that GG does a gr8 job…(Thank you very much…you’ve just been a gr8 inspiration…and stay addicted to E-plus, simply because it keeps getting better!) She is doing her MCA 1st year and she wants to do a PhD from a foreign varsity and wants to know more. Well Vani, after your MCA its great that you are looking at doing a PhD and you could do that in Nano-technology, Artificial intelligence or any other application based discipline. The experts say that the number of research institutes that takes in PhDs in India are less but they are growing, and the opportunities are plenty abroad and it will great if you could get to do it from varsities such as MIT. (The entire E-Tribe joins GG in wishing you the very best, dudette!)

Shruti, tells me that she was one of those many who missed GG’s bike for a couple of weeks. (Don’t you worry guys…I am back this week on my bike, just for you) She is doing her BCA final year and she wants to know if she should do MCA or Ms IT or MBA. Well buddy, if you want to do strictly a management degree, then your call is going to be MBA. On the other hand if you are looking fro the technical side of life, then you could settle for MS-IT. All the best!

With that I end my gyan for this week, urging you to stay addicted to E-plus, to remain hungry for more gyan, to keep smiling and to keep appearing on my screen till we touch base again next Monday. Mail me at with GG in subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

‘Wisdom is supreme; therefore you’ve got to make a full & a conscious effort to acquire wisdom…and hey all that you need to do is…Esteem her and she will exalt you; embrace her and she will honor you.”
With that wonderful thought in mind here I am bringing in the best of gyan to all you guys in the E-tribe where some of you are still floating around in a freaked out experience of watching one thriller of a game, actually the longer version of it played almost in an unassuming hurry but however ending sweetly for us; some of those who had an interesting time watching how the battle is won between the Republicans and the Democrats; and some of those who’ve been busy all week just being the dudes and dudettes – the E-Tribe way. Ok…lets roll:

Say hello to Shreelakshmi Murali (the shorter version will be Shree as she says!) Shree tells me that she is a great fan of GG and she never misses ‘GG’ on Mondays (Merci beaucoup mademoiselle!) and she goes on to say that she even has a special collection comprising only E-plus issues. (Way to go girl! And you stay addicted to E-plus all the time) Shree is doing her BE 3rd year and her interests are in rockets and space crafts operations and she wants to know if she can do her PG in that line and she is already thinking of Aeronautics. Also welcome another friend of mine Anand Babu into the E-Tribe who tells me that E-plus offers good guidance for students like him (That’s exactly what E-plus is all about and a line like this from you guys in the E-Tribe really motivates us to keep getting better & better in what we offer you!). Anand is a diploma holder in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and wants to take up a course on Aeronautical Engineering. Well you guys can check out Institutes such as, apart from the IITs (log onto for details) HIET- Chennai, Hindustan Electronics Academy- Bangalore, National Institute of Aeronautical Engineering- Dehradun, Nehru College of Aeronautical & Applied Sciences- Coimbatore, P.A.M.E College- Patiala and School of Aviation Science & Technology- N.Delhi that offer these courses. Al the best dude!

Let’s welcome Suresh, who claims that GG is really cool with that funky hairstyle. (Well…you see dude, that’s the very original ‘GG –cut’ and hey as a member of the one & only E-tribe you are permitted to have a ‘GG-cut’, but beware…it really takes only the specialist hairstylists to bring in that original effect!) Suresh has completed B.Sc Computer Science and he wants to know where he could take up a course on software testing in Chennai. Well buddy you can check out STC which offers a specialized course and other institutes such as Terasoft Labs, Florida, Lemuria, etc., and to know all the details on these institutes all you have to do is to flip through the pages of E-plus (Isn’t that really cool to know that E-plus is one place where you get all the info that you need…and that’s another reason why E-plus becomes an inevitable part of your campus life…right guys?!)

This goes especially to George, Vinay (who tells me that GG has a look of a musician) and all those wannabe guitarists in town. Well dudes the guitar is one of best instruments that can create some of the awesome sounds that everything that has an ear can fall in love with…and more so when it is in the able hands of a well trained & creative guitar player. And hey you’ve got to start from the basics and then move on to adapt your own style of playing and this doesn’t come easy dudes. Practice makes you perfect and that’s the name of the game…spend time practicing, listen to good music…and make sure you get to hear and if possible watch some of the great guitarists such as Jimi Frickin' Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Steve Vai, Jimmy Page, Chuck Berry, Eddie Van Halen, Carlos Santana, Joe Satriani, Gary Moore, Ritchie Blackmore, Mark Knopfler, Steve Luckather, Lee Ritnour, Larry Carlton and so on. (Wow…that is easily one of the best list that you could ever get as it covers a wide variety of Genres and styles…and Vinay by now is thinking that GG sounds like a musician too…?! Well that’s another side of GG guys!) Alright dudes…Steeve Vatz Guitar Academy @ Kotturpuram (55272055) is one place where you can get trained by one of the finest guitarist in town and hey to know more you can check out their Vatz fest’04 to be held @ German Hall on 13th of November which will showcase the student’s performances. Musee Musicals also offers guitar classes. (Don’t forget to invite GG for your incredible first live performance! and hey…you might just get lucky to have GG jamming with you too!)

With the exciting mood of the festival of lights setting in, wooing everyone to indulge in those temptations to spend, to fire, to eat and to celebrate…lemme wish the entire E-Tribe a very happy and action- packed Diwali…urging you to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
How is the one & only ‘E-Tribe’ doing out there?…and hey its really great to see that its getting bigger and popular….Ok folks as you guys are getting hungry for the gyan, my mail box is getting heavy….so here I go with all the gyan for this week:

Say hello to an energetic & ambitious Prabu m.d.s (any guesses on what they stand for?!) and if you guys really wanted to know about that, our friend Prabu is doing his graduation in Company secretaryship @ Loyola and he wants to pursue a career in Logistics abroad. Well Prabu you check out or and you might just find what you are looking for. (Hey...GG hopes you like UK for studies?)

Hey J.Ram..! (and you guys thought GG spelt a movie name wrong…?!…gotcha!) I am talking about J. Ram who is really one lucky guy around. Simply because he wanted to know all about Bio-technology and hey you can find all what you need in this very issue itself…..Isn’t that great buddy?!(now that’s E-plus at its best)

Hi Brindha. My friend Brindha studying in 12th Std has set her eyes on Optometric course and she wants to know where to look for it. (GG thinks Brindha sure has a vision for her future!) Well Brindha your destination is Elite School of Optometric @ Shankara Nethralaya as they offer 4 yr degree course as “Baccalaureate in Optometry” in assistance of the Berkley School of Optometry, California. USA. (And as for your friend, GG thinks that its not which Engineering course but it is how good an engineer she turns out to be in that particular course is what matters!)

Hello there Ananth. My friend wants to do Visual Communication after his 12th and wants to know the colleges that offer the course. (Ananth tells me that GG is very cute and handsome… that’s the kind of visual effects GG has!) Ananth, here’s your list – College of Arts & Crafts, Loyola, New College, SRM, Mohamed Sathak… (GG stops for a deep breath!) All the very best dude.

Hey Divya what’s the topic that you have chosen today to write on?! Well guys Divya wants to pursue a career as a writer.(Do you guys realize how mighty the written words can be?…look out for some of ‘em from Divya soon!) So Divya formal qualifications will definitely be an inevitable decoration on your pen and for that you can check out those courses on functional English offered by many Universities. Till then, hey just don’t stop writing and go-ahead try some free-lance writing.

GG extends his warm welcome to Mr.Raja (Do you guys think that Dads know what is best for their sons?…..Oh yes GG thinks they sure do!) Mr. Raja wants to know where his son can do his B.E. Marine Engineering Course. Well Sir, you can check out Anna University, Sri Venkateswara College of Engg. or Chennai School of Ship Management for the course and the details you are looking for.

Sourabh, doing his 12th wants to become a doctor (GG will try not to fall sick till he becomes one….free treatment dudes!)and he wants to know which entrance examinations should he apply other than TNPCEE. Well Sourabh you can appear for PMPD exams and also check out for those other State level exams.

Ilamgumaran (He likes to be called Ilam) tells me that GG is lot of fun and he likes GG’s hair style (that’s GG’s own fashion statement dude!) He wants to know all about Super Computer and wants to build one. (hey guys…here’s one bright IT-dude we are talking about!) Well Ilam, you can get to Supercomputer education & Research Center @ Bangalore (GG doesn’t guarantee your entry there), But hey you can log into …also check out and look for the journal of Supercomputer.

Hello Xavier (he thinks E-plus is very informative) your destination for learning French will be Alliance Francaise….and say hello to our friend Vani Shree, whose opening & closing notes to GG are in French…. Vani loves western dancing and she is attending her dance classes (her parents are not too happy!)….well Vani don’t you worry as long as the dance classes are not a hindrance to your IT studies its cool dudette.

I end my gyan here and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in subject line. Yo,

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
So the E-tribe is getting ready for the campuses & classrooms…right?! And hey I am sure you guys are gonna make the difference there just because E-Tribe rocks and it’s the hottest thing happening around in town. Ok…its Monday and I am back with all the gyan for this week issue just for you guys. Lets roll.

Say hello to Akilandeswari tells me that GG’s gyan is like a lighthouse directing the students through the right way. (Wow…GG is thrilled to know that and to try and be the brightest best!) She wants some gyan on Petroleum Engineering as her cousin wants to join the course. (Isn’t she one good cousin to have guys!?) Well dudette, petroleum products are essentials of modern living and hence the demand for petroleum as a commodity is increasing everyday even in sectors other than automobiles. This scientific discipline ‘Petroleum Engineering’ deals with issues and goals in ensuring the supply of these non-renewable resources for the future generations and it covers the syllabus that has a gamut of advanced topics. So go ahead and urge your cousin to take it up and jus do it.

Hi Selvakumaran, how are you doing out there? My friend here is Mechanical engineer who wants to get into software industry and wants to know what he should do. (Luckily you are not disqualified for changing the tracks here in this race…but hey changing too often and changing without proper preparation might just get yourself into trouble!) When GG checked out with his ‘expert’ friends, it is evident that you have to train yourself with the fundamentals of software in frameworks such as C++, Java, etc and add more value through getting an International certification. All the best Dude.

We have Raja, (He claims that he is a Raja forever) who tells me that he is glad to find GG helping the youth and he wants to know about the scope for ‘3D animation’ and ‘games development’ in India. (GG thinks our Raja is one wiz king who wants to make it big right here in India!) Well Raja, yes you can make it big time right here and I base my view on the very fact that gaming is everywhere now…like its in your mobile & not just in computers only and there is an explosion of mobile technology happening around. So if you really got what it takes you’ve got a lot to achieve right here buddy.

Hey Karthik! He is doing his 2nd year B.Com and tells me that E-Plus is very useful for the student community and appreciates sincerely. (Thank you dude…your appreciation is our motivation to do better) Karthik wants to know about Institutes offering MBA in Hospital Management in India. (Staying healthy is a cool thing to do…and getting to master the Healthcare Management education is the coolest one dude!) Sri Ramachandra College of Management (SRCM) Chennai offers a MBA in Hospital & Health Science Management which is an AICTE approved university level programme. Institute of Management studies, Indore offers a similar course. Also check out for PG diploma course in Hospital administration that is offered by Apollo Hospital Educational & Research Foundation (AHERF) and for A masters programme offered by ASCI-Hinduja Institute of Healthcare Management, Hyderabad.

Sandeep who is doing his 12h in Jawahar Higher secondary school wants to take up Forensic Science for his higher studies and wants to know all about that. (‘Preparation & Planning’ are the two important Pillars that hold up your route nice & steady for that inevitable success!) Well Sandeep you can get to do your M.Sc in Forensic Science and for that you should hold a degree of B.Sc in Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Biochemistry, Microbiology or Applied Science from a recognised University by the Syndicate and thereto shall be permitted to appear and qualify for the M.Sc Degree after a course of study of academic years. And to know more log onto

Hello Ayesha! My friend loves reading E-plus and tells me that it is very informative she hasn’t missed a single issue of E-plus and GG’s gyan.(Stay addicted to E-plus and keep getting hungry for more of GG’s gyan!) Ayesha is doing her B.A Economics and wants to know about IES exams and the training centers. Well dudette, to know all the details about IES examinations log onto and to prepare yourself check out coaching centers such as Brilliant Tutorials @ T.Nagar (, Vani Institute, etc. And hey this piece of gyan also goes to Sudhir, a great fan of GG who thinks that GG must be sporting a professional look?! And hey you can do the same for your GATE exams.

Hey…I just realized that I hit the very bottom of the page…so I end my gyan for this week. Keep smiling, stay addicted to E-plus, get hungry for more of GG’s gyan and keep the E-Tribe the hottest. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It is that sweet time of the week;
when GG happens with all the super gyan that you guys seek;
Hey! What a way to start a wonderful week with the one & only E-plus that rocks
And you guys can be sure that you are the ones who are making it happen…
because E-tribe simply rocks!
With those peppy lines and with a lot of excitement on reading all your mails, lemme release all the fresh gyan just for you guys.

Lets welcome aboard Shakthivel, a mathematics graduate from Vadapalani. My friend Shakthi (I just had the ‘shakthi’ to snap your name dude…because I like it that way!) tells me that GG is cool and GG’s bike is really the coolest one around. And he wants to know if he could take GG’s bike for a day so that he could give his girlfriend a ride. (Oooh la la! That’s a real cool idea dude!…well, you might just get lucky one day buddy…till then stay addicted to E-plus) Shakthi wants to improve his spoken English and communication skills and wants to know where he can do that. Well pal, you can check out places like Ramanathans @ Adyar, English Learning Systems @ Ashok Nagar, Zeal Speak Easy and so on.

Say hello to Nisha who tells me that GG looks really smart and the column is really informative (Hey that’s GG at his best and always getting better just for you guys …because when you are in the E-Tribe you’ve got to look really cool man!) and also to Sandeep, who simply likes GG hairdo (thank you dude…you can call that the ‘GG cut’) Both these guys want to know more about Six Sigma. Many companies have incorporated several management and manufacturing practices to face challenges thrown at them by the growing competition and globalization, especially when increased customer satisfaction, reduced costs, high quality and speed becoming the need of the hour. Six Sigma is a customer-focused data driven approach for business performance improvement and it is a high level systematic corporate initiative to reduce defects that are critical to the customer, thereby making it one of the most successful strategies adopted by companies to remain competitive and profitable. Well guys a training program is being offered by Anugrahaa Qualitech Services and you can log onto their website to know more.

Karthikeyan who is doing his Civil Engineering in A C College of Engineering & Technology wants to know what computer course he should take up. He tells me that E-plus is very informative (Thank you dude! And that’s exactly the very reason why you should stay addicted to E-plus!) Well Karthikeyan as you have taken up civil engineering, the best course you could choose is one that deals with engineering designs such as CADD CAM so that it helps you in the pursuit of your professional goals. So go ahead and get that edge dude!

Bala, Shankar, Meenakshi and all those who are currently doing their Engineering or Computer Science and wanted to know what add-on course they should take up to enhance their degree…you guys just turned out to be the luckiest ones! Don’t miss the NIIT AT presented by Education plus in Chennai on 19th of September. This is going to be one good aptitude test conducted just for you guys so that you get to analyse yourself and also get to know what exactly you should do in terms of your decision in choosing the right course. (Man…Isn’t that awesome…E-plus really rocks!)

With that awesome piece of information I sign off right here…urging you to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; keep smiling because it is the best attire you can wear on and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG on the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s exactly that part of the year when we get to…
hear carols being sung in Churches; get excited about the all night party and the celebrations; make creative resolutions that are hard to keep; look forward for a brand new year with full of expectations; and to see ourselves consciously writing 2005 instead of 2004 whenever we do the date line…But hey this is also that interesting part of year when the one & only E-Tribe gets to witness the most exciting, never-before, action-packed issue of ‘E-plus’…

Lemme stop right here…because this is just a trailer guys! Stay right there and expect the best…it’s COMING SOON.
Ok listen up folks…as you are about to start a whole new week, put on that best smile of yours and be enthusiastic in whatever you do because “the most beautiful attire is your SMILE & the most contagious spirit is your ENTHUSIASM”. With that beautiful attire and the most contagious spirit lemme roll out all the gyan for this week:

Lets welcome two of our new friends Bala who is doing B.Com in D G Vaishnav College and EL. Kumar who just finished his graduation in B.Sc Computer Science. (Welcome aboard guys…it is dudes like you keep the E-Tribe going strong and rockin’ all the way to be the best thing of your campus life!) Bala wanted to know if he can take up a part-time course in 3D Animation and where. Well Bala, you can check out institutes such as Arena Multimedia and Image College of arts & Animation Technology…and you might just find a suitable course for yourself.

And my buddy EL. Kumar tells me that he has great interest in Animation and graphics and wants to become a great professional in that career. (GG thinks that we sure have someone here with what it takes to make his animated dream come true and hey…with a heart full of desire and a mind set to achieve, nothing is gonna stop you from success dude!) The same list of institutes goes to you too buddy and regarding the career opportunities in this field…there is plenty and hey, the world is looking at our own animators as the best hands in the game and yes, we are playing it really well too. (Don’t forget that we’ve been making waves at the big Oscars too!) So its all up to both you guys to grab the best of what it offers by carefully shaping up your creative skills to innovate & excel in this field of animation that has no boundaries for your imagination. All the best dudes!

Say hello to Feiroz Khan (hold on folks…this is our buddy Feiroz Khan…with an ‘i’ in between, alright?!) He tells me that he is a regular reader of E-plus (just stay addicted dude!) and he goes on to say that E-plus offers valuable information for the younger generation. (Thank you pal…and that’s exactly what E-plus is all about…always looking straight ahead to offer exactly what the generation next is in need of…and we really value those motivating chips from your brain when you spill some to us.) Feiroz has finished his B.E in Computer science and now he wants to get himself equipped to work in the IT field in the area of Software testing…and he wants to know all about that. Well Feiroz, software testing deals with software processing & developing - the rules & norms thereof involved in its quality assurance. This will be a professional role that you will grow into by shear work experience and to start with, you’ve got to take on the courses that actually handle the modules on software quality assurance & testing. There are institutes such as STC or NIIT which offer a suitable course for you and to know more about them, all you have to do is to flip through the pages of E-plus right now. (Isn’t that cool guys?!…It always is!)

We’ve got Anjali, a regular reader of E-plus who tells me that GG is cool, energetic and rocks the city on every Monday and she wants to be his friend. (Merci beaucoup dudette…and hey this is exactly where GG comes out with a line that says ‘you make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae’…and hey be sure that you’ve just rocked your way into the one & only ‘E-Tribe’!) Anjali has completed her Electrical & Electronics Engineering course and she is interested in wireless technology and wants to know what course she should take up in an effort to update her skills. Well a course on Networking will help you get that edge dudette.

Alright! E-Tribe watch out for ‘Revivals 2004’, a mega inter-collegiate cultural fest @ Madras Medical College and I sign off here…urging you to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Kailash, Wassup?! My friend doing his CWA wants to become a model and wants to know where to get started. (Watch out guys …we might just be talking about another Milind Soman in the making…and right here from the one & only ‘E-Tribe’…isn’t that cool?!) Kailash check out some of the best hands in the business such as Alchemy (52140304), Kont-act (24925236) or VIBA (24353007). (As GG says, if you really got what it takes, you’ll sure be groomed into one of those ‘all-eyes-on-me’ types of a ramp-walking dudes!)

Deepak, doing his 12th wants to join B.Arch. course and wants to know about the training for the aptitude test and he wants GG to wish all the others in ‘E-Tribe’ good luck for the exams. (GG wishes ‘All the very best guys’ - anything for a good friend like you and that’s GG for you Deepak!) I can’t really think of any course and hey, the aptitude test is to bring out your ability to draw and to test your creativity. (So don’t you worry pal…I am sure you can sharpen yourself to get the right sketch when tested!)

Aswin wants to know what subject he should take in 11th to get set to do IAS. (This is what GG calls good ‘P & P’ – Preparation & Planning) Hey Aswin, you can choose any subject or group of your choice. We have Raghuram (a great fan of GG) who wants to do a PG correspondence in IT and which course he should take up. Well Raghu, you can do MSc. IT as it scores better in terms of it contents as it deals with lots of technical aspects. (That’s what the’ expert’ friends of GG say!)

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"The first and most important step toward success is that incredible feeling that we can succeed." And that’s exactly what E-plus wanted the one & only E-Tribe to experience through the specially designed “Pre-Councelling Guidance Programme” that happened last Friday. Lemme congratulate all those who were there and thank you for making it happen…it really rocked guys! And hey…keep dreaming about the future; take guts to believe in what you dream; live in with that incredible feeling that you can succeed and get ready to experience the sweetness of the inevitable success. With those lines
I get started with all the gyan just for you guys who stayed hungry all week. Let’s roll:

Welcome aboard Niranjan! The entire E-Tribe is happy to have you as our new member and hey we promise you that we’ll only call you ‘Nicky’. (Guys…he is fondly called that way by all his friends … so we’ll do the same! And the other reason is that GG likes that name…so you guys don’t have an option…right?!) Nicky tells me that he has just finished his 12th and he topped his school. (Congratulations buddy! Boy!..You surely did jive into the E-Tribe with a bang.) He wants to know all about the new course B-Tech in Pharmaceutical Technology. Well, all you have to do is to log onto and you will find all the information you are looking for. Hey E-Tribe check this out…Nicky says ‘Hats off to GG’ because he finds GG’s column very interesting. (And that really matters to GG simply because that is one special hat goin’ off for GG, from one of those highly intelligent heads around!) All the best dude!

Say hello to Deepika who thinks that E-Tribe is the most fantastic group out there with students helping one another and with GG – ‘the most coolest counsellor’ (Thank you dudette! And it’s always the E-Tribe that makes GG the coolest…so stay addicted to E-plus…as it simply rocks!) Deepika has completed her 12th and she wants to know all about Geo-Informatics. Well my friend you can check out or and might just find what you are looking for.

Ramu Sri who has finished his MCA and works in a concern where they do their work on Oracle forms and reports and also in Java, wants to know if learning Java will help and also if it will help working in the current set-up. (GG thinks that when you get to do something, you actually learn to do that well and the sheer experience you get out of it actually does take you several steps towards getting to do bigger things in life!) So Ramu, the work experience in your current set-up will definitely help you dude. And for your other query on learning Java, the ‘expert friends’ of GG say that the knowledge of Java, J2E etc., will surely be helpful in your career. So go ahead give it your best shot and acquire the knowledge that actually helps you to make it there.

Hello there S. Nithya! My friend after finishing her 12th with Biology, has opted out for Computer Science Engineering. She tells me that she has no idea about computers and hence would want to know if she should take up courses such as C++ or Java. (They say that a crocodile can’t stick it’s tongue out…but hey it still does so well to gulp you in one strong bite if you try swimming with it…right?!) Well Nithya, the point I am trying to make here is that initially you can take on the subjects as they come with the syllabus in your college as a good starter, When you find some difficult you can always take up tuitions only for those subjects. And when you are in the final year with a clear idea on which technology that you would want to specialize in…then will be the right time for you to take up those specific technologies based courses. So don’t you worry too much dudette…! (GG sure thinks that you are one hungry ‘croc’ of a student who will never cease to gulp the prey called ‘Knowledge’) All the very best!

Say hello to Arjun. (I am not sure if he is good at the Bow & Arrows…but hey our Arjun is interested big time in Automobile designing guys.) My friend here, who is doing his 2nd year Mechanical Engineering, wants to know all about Automobile designing and where he can take up a course on it. Well buddy you can check out CADD Center for an exciting course…(hey…may be you could design a prototype for GG’s car…but hey don’t you dare send me a bill…Ok?!)

Hey guys!…I just noticed that I have got your eyeballs run down right to the bottom of the page…exactly where I sign off for the week. Stay addicted to E-plus; Remain hungry for more gyan; Never cease to experience that incredible feeling that you can succeed and keep smiling. Mail me at with GG in subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Duttetes,

First lemme wish all you guys a “very happy, prosperous & thoroughly blessed New Year 2004”. I promise you guys that I’ll continue to be the best and the one & only Gyan Guru in the whole of this year….And hey lets make our “E’plus tribe” the most happening one in town. I know all you guys out there are just getting back to normal life after being a party animal this New Year’s eve and obviously waiting for my gyan ……and here I go:

My pal Viny Prakash, an engineering student from Vel Institutions tells me that he likes me very much and just admires the way I present my gyan and the way I dress ( Hey Vinay did you know GG designs his own outfits..….and hey whatever Gyan Guru wears got to be in vogue…..that is GG’s very own fashion statement…!) Ok Vinay wants to know where he can learn Japanese…..Vinay all you need is to check out these institutes and they are ABK AOTS (23743575), Indo-Japan Center (24352010) & Ideal Academy force (26161837). Vinay I like your interest in Foreign languages and hey all the very best and lemme know when you finish the course so that you can teach me few words in Japanese…...Ok..?

Arun Kumar who is a final year engineering student wants to know more about courses on Embedded Systems and VLSI…….Arun all you have to do is check out institutes like Accel who are specializing in these courses……talk to them and get a clear picture buddy!....for contact numbers see their advertisements in Education Plus……(where else man?!)

Hi Vidhya….she is a MS(IT & M) student and she is interested in Web Designing………hey vidhya that’s an exciting line and very creative one too……..and yes you get to hear more about Mainframe these days, but hey if you’ve got what it takes to be the best web designer …..why not give it a shot…….so go ahead and talk to some of the best trainers in this line such as Image Multimedia and Arena. (As GG always says ‘it is good to pursue something where your heart is’)

Bala who is an engineering student (hey we’ve got a lot of engineering guys mailing me this issue…..) and he wants to do a course on Networking (CCNA). Ok Bala, here’s your list……NetMasters, AdvantagePro, CMS Institute, etc……..hey Bala the course duration is around 7 weeks and to know more on the fees and other details just talk to these institutes and hey you got to look into Education Plus to find them…..(hey ‘Education plus GG’ – A one stop solution for all you needs for the best gyan…..Isn’t that really cool?!!)

Hey Aarthi……How are u doing out there……and guys let me introduce to you to my friend Aarthi …the wannabe DJ……and hey she is going to be one happening DJ in town very soon. Yes she tells me she’s got it all and she is very interested in Dj’ing….and what else you need …….so Aarthi if you’ve got that head on your shoulders with a passion for music and a little heart in tune…..go ahead and make it big……check out places like SAE and talk to as many DJs you can, it really helps and you can pick up many tips from their varied styles in presentation. And Aarthi don’t forget that with a little creativity you could make it big in Remix – albums..…..(hey did you guys know that GG is one big music freak…?!)

We have Sushma from Ethiraj, and she is aspiring to become a beautician. Well Sushma that’s a good interest and hey as you know this industry is growing at an exciting pace and it is evident when you see a lot of Beauty care centers and specialty saloons coming up and basically people are making a conscious effort to take care of the way they look…..and it really matters. Well Sushma check out institutes such as Pivot point, Mollyan (Adyar), Maha (Mylapore), Vasundara’s (T.Nagar) etc. ……so go ahead and start changing the way people look (Isn’t that a great thing to do…?) all the very best to you Sushma and hey don’t forget to think about GG whenever someone tells you that you made ‘em look good.

Sheetal says it is real fun to know GG and hey she is a Fashion designer and she wants to know if she should do some courses to enhance her talents as she is not satisfied with what she does now…..well Sheetal …yes it is good to take up some advanced courses and hey a course in fine arts will definitely help in fine tuning your creativity…….Sheetal don’t you forget you’ve it in you and you’ve proved that at Miss.Chennai…..(guys watch out for one hot shot designer in town by the name Sheetal very soon)

OK...That’s all the space I have for my gyan this issue. Keep reading Educationplus… out for those exciting contests and win attractive prizes……and get lucky. Don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen and that’s going to be your resolution for this New Year.… Mail me at with Gyan Guru in the subject line.
Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
GG joins everyone @ the ‘E-Tribe’ in congratulating our Indian cricket team for that incredible, awesome & never-before win. We jus’ did it! Ok…here I am with all the latest gyan exclusively for the one & only ‘E-Tribe’ and hey, how do you guys like my new T-shirt…dangerously cool ah?!

Say Hello to Sathy, who wants to know all about Deemed Universities. Sathy (who GG thinks is very keen in acquiring all the knowledge that helps one to do the best and with clarity) tells me that E-plus is very good and GG’s column is very useful to all (Merci beaucoup!). Well Sathy, Deemed Universities are those notified by the Union Human Resources Development Ministry under the UGC act. They are not recognized worldwide, they follow independent syllabus, they are not affiliated to any Universities such as Madras University or Anna University in TN and yes they have campus interviews. And hey a course in Bio-informatics does have good opportunities in India & abroad.

Hey Karthik from Avadi. He is doing his B.E Computer Science and is interested in non-programming courses. He also wishes to see GG in new outfit (Hey dude, and also Seema, Arun, Sabarish, Aarthi and all you guys…did you check out GG’s new outfit today?!) Karthik you can take up course on Quality control & testing such as SEI-CMM / ISO standards & assurance and to know more, walk into the nearest NIIT center. (All the best buddy!)

Hey Sweetie! How are you doing out there? Sweetie who has just finished her 11th Std says ‘hello’ to the ‘E-Tribe’ and just likes GG’s gyan. (Oye! GG is thrilled to know that and welcomes Sweetie into the ‘E-Tribe’…Isn’t Sweetie one sweet mailer among the sweet buddies of GG in the sweetest ‘E-tribe’!…oops, did it sound like a tongue twister?!) She wants to learn mail language! Well, all GG can say is ‘be aptly short, be simple yet differently creative, make it interesting and keep mailing till you find your friends expecting for you to appear on their screens’.

Welcome aboard Raji! She’s doing 2nd yr Engg., tells me that E-plus is very very interesting & useful to the students (hey…that’s exactly what E-plus is trying to be the best at and GG is happy to know that we are getting there) and wants to know all about GRE and TOEFL exams. Well Raji, step into any of the TIME or C-CAT centers in town.

Hey Thambu (who thinks GG is a very cool!) wants to do Marine Engineering, likes to play tennis and needs coaching. For Marine Engg. check out Anna University or log onto and if you’ve got that urge in you to see yourself doing a ‘breathtaking Becker’s boomer of an ace’ or an ‘awesome Agassi’s backhand return’, then check out Britannia Amritraj Tennis Academy or Tamil Nadu Tennis Association.

Hey Kailash, Wassup?! My friend doing his CWA wants to become a model and wants to know where to get started. (Watch out guys …we might just be talking about another Milind Soman in the making…and right here from the one & only ‘E-Tribe’…isn’t that cool?!) Kailash check out some of the best hands in the business such as Alchemy (52140304), Kont-act (24925236) or VIBA (24353007). (As GG says, if you really got what it takes, you’ll sure be groomed into one of those ‘all-eyes-on-me’ types of a ramp-walking dudes!)

Deepak, doing his 12th wants to join B.Arch. course and wants to know about the training for the aptitude test and he wants GG to wish all the others in ‘E-Tribe’ good luck for the exams. (GG wishes ‘All the very best guys’ - anything for a good friend like you and that’s GG for you Deepak!) I can’t really think of any course and hey, the aptitude test is to bring out your ability to draw and to test your creativity. (So don’t you worry pal…I am sure you can sharpen yourself to get the right sketch when tested!)

Aswin wants to know what subject he should take in 11th to get set to do IAS. (This is what GG calls good ‘P & P’ – Preparation & Planning) Hey Aswin, you can choose any subject or group of your choice. We have Raghuram (a great fan of GG) who wants to do a PG correspondence in IT and which course he should take up. Well Raghu, you can do MSc. IT as it scores better in terms of it contents as it deals with lots of technical aspects. (That’s what the’ expert’ friends of GG say!)

I sign off here. Stay hungry for more and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"Every success is built on the awesome ability to do better than good enough…and hey, in this highly competitive world it takes the very best of what you’ve got”
It’s Monday and I am back talking to the very best and the one & only E-Tribe urging them to make success a habit…and that’s exactly why E-Tribe rocks! Alright guys before I start rolling with all the special gyan for this week lemme tickle your brains with some trivia from the special bank of
‘GG’s fundu facts’.
Do you guys know the names of the three wise monkeys…read on and you’ll find the answer?

Lets welcome my new friend Santhosh Samuel into the most hot & happening E-Tribe that simply rocks. Santhosh who is doing his 1st year Ceramic technology in Anna Universiy tells me that after having read GG’s coloumn he wants to become a member of the E-Tribe (Congratulations dude!…you just did the most exciting thing in life and hey you are the E-Tribe now!) Santhosh tells that GG’s bike looks really cool and he is looking forward to see GG’s car (Merci beaucoup dude!…and hey you always gotta wait for the best to happen …so hold on till I roll out on my new ‘G-mobile’!) He wants to know all about Ceramic technology, the prospects of higher studies and the opportunities. (This is what GG calls ‘ceramic dreams’, and hey I am sure that out friend is someone who is working on turning those colourful dreams to reality by staying hungry for more!) Well Santhosh as a ceramic technologist you are gonna have many challenges ahead in the development of new and innovative processes to create ceramic items out of ordinary, inorganic and non-metallic materials and you might just find yourself excelling in research & product development departments in ceramic engineering companies, telecommunication, electronic, medicine and cement industries. In terms of higher studies, you can take up a postgraduate or a doctoral programme in material science and hey a degree in Business administration could well be the right combination adding the cool colour to your ‘ceramic dreams’ in making it a reality. The entire E-Tribe (are you guys ready?!) joins me in wishing you the very best.

Hey! We’ve got Dr.Johnson, an assistant prof. in Balaji Medical College (Welcome aboard sir…It’s gurus like you who make the one & only E-Tribe a complete and an ultimate clan to be in where sharing of knowledge & networking is a habit and that keep it rockin’ all the time!) Dr.Johnson is a qualified MD in Anatomy and he wants to know where he could do a PhD in Anthropology. Well Dr.Johnson, you can check out places such as University of Hyderabad (, University of Delhi ( or you can do it right in Chennai and you can check out the Department of Anthropology @ Chepauk ( or Madras Institute of Development Studies @ Adyar (

Let’s say a big ‘Hi’ to Suja, who has just returned to Chennai after completing her 4 year course of B.E in Software in Karnataka (Welcome home dudette…and hey you’ve just made your return into this beautiful city the most exciting thing by getting into the hottest E-Tribe!) tells me that Chennai has changed a lot now and a notable difference is GG’s column & E-plus (She just said it guys!) And she goes on to admit that the E-plus with GG gives her a good feel about the city. (Merci beaucoup dudette and just stay addicted to E-plus) Suja with a software engineering degree has her real interests in English News reading and public relations. (Here I go again…as I always say it…but hey on second thoughts I am gonna say a line more…If you really got what it takes and if that’s where your heart is…go ahead and just do it and most often it turns out to be the right road to success…simply because the journey of the heart is the most important journey there is) Well Suja the general route one can take is to make a reasonably good yet scratchy demo of your news reading talent and send it along with your CV and your picture to the Channel / Station heads. But hey nothing like getting yourself an entry for a ‘face-to-face’ with the people who matter there…so go ahead do some networking…get to talk to the right people and hey you might just find yourself sitting pretty right in front of the camera & lights. (Don’t you ever forget to think of GG when you make that first appearance dudette…and the E-Tribe will soon have a news eh?!) And as for your PR qualities, you could look at getting a jump start in a PR agency (there are plenty around) All the very best.

And for those who didn’t get it right…they are called Mizaru (see no evil), Mikazaru (hear no evil) & Mazaru (speak no evil) (hey…how about a fourth one called ‘Ezaru’ that grooves in to say ‘rock with E-plus’) OK folks…I’ve run out my space and this is exactly where I tell you…Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; keep smiling because it makes you look better and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
Its Elections time and here comes a chance for all the eligible ones @ the ‘E-Tribe’ as responsible citizens to exercise our right to vote, so get ready guys and just do it! But hey, right now here I am with all the gyan for this week just for you:

Talking about Elections & Politics, lets welcome Shreeja, student of Mumbai University doing her MA- Political Science, to the most happening ‘E-Tribe’. She wants to know about where she can get to do her Ph.D in Bagalore (Isn’t that a cool place to study…well how many of you guys in Chennai think that is debatable?!) Shreeja, you can check out Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.

Hey Sweetie (Nithya)! How are you doing out there? (Do you guys think that to be a very sweet person, its got to do something with the genes…but hey GG thinks that basically everyone is sweet on the inside and become sweetest by getting into ‘E-Tribe’…right?!). My friend here wants to know all the info on Genetic Engineering and how she can get to do that course. Well dudette log onto or for all the details and check out for related courses that is offered by IIT Kanpur.

Hi Aishwarya! She is doing her 2nd year B.C.A in MOP Vaishnav, and she wants to know where she can take up a course on Medical Transcription. (Well our own Ash here wants to explore the world of opportunities in the field of medical transcription) Aishwarya, you can check out Breakthrough Technologies @ Nelson Manickam Road as they offer this course. All the best dudette.

Welcome aboard Akshaya! She tells me that GG is an irresistible combination of cute and cool a guy and that she is a great fan of GG’s bike. (Merci beaucoup…! GG takes his usual & the most graceful bow) Akshaya wants to know all about Mass Media and the scope for a Masters in that line. (Well Dudette, if communication is the exciting art you are apt at and enjoy challenges at work then Media is your right cup of tea). The career options are varied and include advertising & PR, broadcasting, journalism, photography & publishing. And you can do your Masters in Journalism & Mass Communication. (GG hopes you are off tenterhooks now!)

Hello Neenu! (Nene GG!) She has just finished her 12th Std tells me that GG is doing an awesome job by being informative & helpful and she wants to know where she can do a Bachelor of Fishery Science (B.F.Sc) course in Kerala. (Don’t you guys think that it is exciting to learn all about the fish right there in God’s own country decorated with those beautiful backwaters all around!?) Neenu your destination will be The College of Fisheries, Panangad, under the Kerala Agriculture University and to more about that log onto and look for issue dated 2nd March 2004. (And hey! The ‘E-Tribe’ can always log onto this site and get to read all the info & GG’s gyan published so far in our ‘E-plus’ issues…isn’t that really cool guys!?)

Pranesh, who has completed his B.Com is interested in Technical Writing and wants to know more about it. (GG thinks that the sheer interest that you show to learn something is good enough to take you right through its learning process making it an exciting learning experience) Pranesh, log onto or to find all the information you need. And this piece of gyan also goes to my friend B.Ravichandran

Hello Neela Ramchandran! She wants to know if there are any institutions for special children (with autism) in Chennai. All GG can think of is institutes such as Sankalp @ Anna Nagar (26182588) & Kaleidoscope learning center @ R.A Puram (24953786)

S.M.Y Narayanan, who is doing his 3rd year in Polymer Technology tells me that he is extremely happy & appreciative of GG’s services for students (GG is thrilled to be doing that to the one & only ‘E-Tribe’ and hey, that’s what he is best at!) He wants to know where he can pursue his Masters in this field. Well (‘Sweet as Mittai & its You’) Narayanan you can do an M.Tech. in Polymer Technology & Engineering right here in India @ Mumbai University of Chemical Technology. Check out for details.

I sign off here and till I see you guys next week, keep smiling, stay hungry for more and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Yo! GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s Monday and this is the day for the “E-plus Tribe” to look for the best way to start the week and hey…! You get to kick off for a great start with E-plus at your doorstep. Isn’t that great guys and here I am with all the gyan you’ve been waiting for.… I go:

Hey Vijay…..he tells me that he is very much confused about what to take up after his Computer Engineering Degree……!Well Vijay, first stop worrying man…..hey life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying. (Have you guys ever heard this line before…? If not GG is happy to make it his own and hey GG strongly believes in that) Vijay you have a world of IT, full of opportunities and all you need to do is to do a SWOT on yourself, talk to your profs’, sit with couple of counselors and I am sure you will get to know where your heart really is…..and as GG always says, just pursue that!

We have Sadhik and Jayashree here. They wanted to know about Embedded System courses and what are the institutes that offer them. Well guys you can check out places like Accel IT Academy, Savant India Institute of Technology, CAP Technology and for all the contact details just flip through the pages of E-plus….(this is getting better and better……right?!) And Jayashree is talking about Digital Signal processing and hey if I got you right there are institutes like Marshal’s which offer related courses in Telecom……and guys she tells me that E-plus is superb, very informative and just the one she was looking for. (GG thanks jayashree)

Hello there Subbu! My friend Subbu is finishing his B.Com and he wants to take up a course in Film directing in New York. Oh boy! That’s an exciting thing to do and hey we wish you the best in your glamorous venture dude. (heyyy..! We might just be talking about another Manoj Shyamalan or a Shekar kapur in the making) Vijay if you really got it in you ….go ahead and show the world that you are the one who’s gonna make news @ Hollywood.

Priya who is doing her MCA correspondence from Alagappa University wants to know the opportunities for correspondence students like her. (A HR –Manager is the right person to whom you should post this query and hey…! Guess what? GG just did that and came up with this…Isn’t GG the brightest dude around…haha!) Well Priya you guys are no different and it all depends on your supporting skills on Communications, Project knowledge and your overall smartness. I am sure you are one smart dudette and as for your friend Devi who has a flair for a teaching profession, all she should do is to pursue that and work towards it…(hey people…! Isn’t it great to bend minds and make somebody succeed in life and be remembered for that) All the best Devi.

Hey join me and say ‘Hello’ to our friend Subi Mohan all the way from Kuwait. He is studying in a CBSE school out there and wants to know if its better to do his 11th & 12th in Chennai, as he thinks it is difficult to get into the IIT’s here after completing the 12th there and hey he also says that no one from his school has done it and that dampened his hopes. Above all he feels that there is no place like India to study…. (Now that was really some statement we all should be proud of……GG salutes the gurus who made that possible) Alright Subi… that you have got a point there, I am sure the experts are saying that too in terms of coaching offered here. Well Subi we would love to have you here and we are sure you will feel at home and if you got what it takes, I am sure you are going to make it @ IIT campus buddy.

And we have Vasudharani Devanathan from Hamburg, Germany who is doing her PhD in Neuroscience.
(Hey…E-plus is really going international guys and GG is highly thrilled to see you from the other sides of the globe, appearing on his screen) Hey guys, she is from Chennai and she just about relived her experience in telling me how she grew up with The Hindu. She encourages all you dudes to explore Germany for higher studies and she wants to be a part of the one & only ‘E-plus tribe’. Well Vasudharani you’ve already made it my friend.

Well Gregory, yes you need 10+2+4 for your MS in the US. And lemme thank Baskararajen (Baskar, you can check out Institutes such as Ensemble, SSC ) Raj Tilak and my great fan Haris (hey you’ll find your Nemo at for their suggestions and wishes.

OK. I end my gyan here for this issue….and hey don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Yo,

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"Telling the future by looking at the past assumes that conditions remain constant. This is like driving a car by looking in the rearview mirror…and hey though its an adventurous thing to do, I guess it’s wise not to do that.” With this thought lemme urge everyone @ the E-Tribe to look sharply ahead at the future that always promises nothing but full of changes. Ok…for all the hungry ones @ the E-tribe here I go with all the gyan for this week:

Say hello to Pradeep. My friend has just finished his 12th and has written the ATA & he is waiting for counseling. He is thoroughly interested in Architecture and he tells me that GG’s hair style is simply superb. (Here is a special tip for all those dudes who wanna make a statement with a cool hair style. Listen up guys…first wash you hair which is a must, when your hair is slightly wet apply a good quality gel spread evenly…and now the best part…play a good heavy metal track on your CD player and my suggestion will be the all time favourite ‘Highway star’ by Deep Purple…by now I guess you know what to do…yes, head bang or groove into the music till the song fades out and watch the magic. There you are with an awesomely freaked out hair style) Well Pradeep I am not sure of you would really wanna have a hair style like that but hey, I am sure that you are all set to become one bright architect. And talking about the opportunities in this line, boy! You’ve got plenty. Just look around you and you will know how the skyline is changing and ‘sheltering’ is transforming itself in style…and it’s the architects who are gonna shape up those future angles in our living spaces. (We @ the E-Tribe are sure that you are gonna be one of those…and hey promise me that you’ll never charge GG when you get to design his exclusive mansion!) All the best dude.

Let’s welcome Vignesh from Kanchipuram. My buddy Vignesh has completed his Engineering in Computer Science, but he feels that IT is not the field for him and he wants to know if he could take up a course in advertising. (The most destructive habit is ‘worrying’ and hey…life is full of opportunities and its up to you to be smart enough to identify your potentials and make the best move in tune with what its got in store for you) So Vignesh, first let yourself free and easy to think and analyse carefully whether you really wanna get away from IT, simply because you have done your professional course on that. If you are clear about that, then you can make the shift to advertising without a doubt in your mind…and hey! Advertising is good and glamorous but at the same time its nothing less than hard work buddy. And you could check out Madras Advertising club as they offer a good course.

Gautham my friend has written into me just to thank GG for the gyan he got for himself in the issue dated 19th July 2004 and goes on to say that it was really of some help. (Now that makes GG feel motivated and committed to try and give the best of gyan for all the E-Tribe…you are welcome buddy!) And staying on with that gyan that was given to Gautham, we have got Kavitha who had finished her 12th and has decided to join ECE. She wants to know if she should take up courses on C, C++ and some gyan on that. Well Kavitha, its is good that you do the core concepts in your 1st and 2nd year of your professional course study, Key technologies during your 3rd year and Projects in your 4th year. Now that’s the sequence that is suggested by GG’s expert friends in the exciting IT training field. (Hey..! Its really something to get the experts giving in their suggestions just for the E-Tribe…Isn’t that great guys!? that’s what E-plus is all about!)

Supriya thinks that GG is very stylish and the very name ‘GG’ is superb (Merci beaucoup girl! usual GG takes his most graceful bow…just for you dudette!) Supriya has finished her BCA through correspondence from Madras University and she wants to know if she can take up MCA in professional Colleges. Well dudette, don’t you worry because you can do just that. All the very best to you.

Ok folks! I just realized that I have skied all the right to the bottom of the page…which is exactly where I sign off. Stay addicted to E-Plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep smiling, always look to enter the future nice and fine with the right key in your hands and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line.

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

For all those hardcore fans out there in the E-Tribe, who are still in that cloud of disappointment after having witnessed our team ‘Austruck’ by the World Champions… Cheer Up guys! You win some and you loose some…but hey it’s Monday and you just woke up to witness a wonderful week ahead rightly starting off with E-plus in your hands. Don’t you ever forget that E-Tribe really rocks where we are looking to make ‘winning a habit’…right?! Ok here’s all the gyan as fresh as they could get and just enough to feed the hungry E-tribe for the week. Let roll:

Lets put our hands together in welcoming our new friend Suhas into the one & only E-tribe. (Welcome aboard buddy! This is going to be a day that you will always remember and cherish for years to come…simply because a) GG said so…and b) you just realized that you are rockin’ in E-Tribe!) My friend Suhas is doing his 12th and claims that he is a great fan of GG and he goes on to say that it hurts his pride a little bit to know that there is someone like GG who is cooler than him. (Ooooh…la…la. GG thinks that we have one cool dude out here…Thank you buddy for your comment and hey you’ve just been a great motivation that helps GG to be the coolest one around!) Suhas wishes to pursue a course in Genetic Engineering and he wants to all about that. Well Suhas, Genetic Engineering deals with the use of various methods to manipulate the DNA of cells to change hereditary traits or produce biological products…in other words creating a new and desired gene and its characteristics. (And that sounds really exciting! And hey more so to our buddy Suhas because he is all set to become a creator in his own way!) And the future holds the key…so you get ready to move in the right direction boy and choose the right course on genetic engineering. The experts say that we are getting ready to witness a huge development in this field and the developments in computer technologies will make it possible. To know more log onto websites such as or and hey try and get your hands on to this book on ‘Genetic Engineering’ by J Doshi…you might just find all what you are looking for. Suhas also wants to know when GG is gonna roll out in his new car (Well dude…always remember the best things in life may not happen as soon as you want them to…but hey, they will happen and when they happen its actually turns out to be worth the wait.) All the very best to you dude!

Say a big ‘hello’ to my friend Deepan, who had mailed me thrice. (Well Deepan…dude you just have to have a go at those last lines of GG in the gyan given for Suhas!) Deepan wants to see GG with his girl friend on his bike very soon (Hey…you really got to wait till its revealed it sure does qualifies to be the best part of the gyan…right?!) Deepan tells me that he is doing his graduation and he wants to become a professional cinematographer as he is totally interested in that line and wants to know all about that. Alright pal…you wanted it…you waited for it…and here, you gonna get it. First as someone who is aspiring for pursuing specialization in Cinematography, you are expected to have a good understanding of colour, compositional and other basic aesthetics of visual imagery. (I am sure that you have it all in you dude…right guys?!) And hey to get the best talent out of you and to train you to become a professional in this line, your destination could well be the Film and TV institute of Tamil Nadu @ CIT Campus, chennai or similar institutes in Pune, kolkatta, etc. And on completion of this course when you see yourself walking out as a trained cinematographer, you get to have good openings in the field of feature films, documentaries, Short films, Corporate films, Music Videos, Television productions, Seriels and so on. (Now that really sounds exciting guys…GG thinks that we might just have another PC Sriram in the making right here in the E-Tribe…Isn’t that cool?!)
And we have another dude Sandeep, who is doing his B.Tech with a heart full of desire to become a Film Director. He tells me that he has a passion for films and wants to know all about it. (As GG always says it…If you really got what it takes, just go ahead…follow your heart dude!) Well Sandeep to tell you what it actually takes…Direction starts with an absolute urge to express, to communicate and this very process of realization deals with ideas and concepts, developing them into a structure, application of established techniques, exploration of one’s own idiom, writing, planning, interacting and steering the whole project through all the stages. (Isn’t it really cool to be the actual creator of a film by turning those imaginations to a visual reality on screen?!) And hey I am sure you’ve got those basics such as Imagination power, Artistic identity, Visualization and so on, right there in you…and your destination to take up a suitable course on Direction will be the same as Deepan’s. And if you guys are looking to add the technical edge to get there you can check out Institutes such as Image College which offers a course on Digital Cinematography. All the best guys!

I sign off right here…urging you to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; keep smiling simply because it makes you look better; keep the one & only E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

How are you guys doing out there? Well let me guess……..everyone in the ‘E-Tribe’ is just about getting warmed up with exams fever, right? Hey I am back with all the gyan for this issue…..Are you ready?

Lets start by saying hello to Sangeetha. She is a housewife (she is still, very much a student guys!) and she wants to do B.ed through correspondence. Well Sangeetha only IGNOU is offering the course and you’ve got to have teaching experience for that. All the best and welcome to the one and only ‘E-Tribe’.

Hi Sowmya. She is doing her BE Computer science, and she tells me that GG’s column is very informative. (Thank you friend…GG is thrilled to know that you guys feel that way) She is doing Oracle certification… well Sowmya I am sure you’ll do well and the opportunities are plenty, so don’t you worry and guys she wants to become a member of Computer Society of India. Sowmya all you have to do is log onto and you’ll find all the details.

Anantharam, a Supply Chain Management Consultant, wants to pursue a correspondence course in Operations Research. (Now that’s a smart brain hungry for more knowledge to get smarter……GG thinks that Ananth is one smart dude!) Well friend, my guess is that OR comes packaged with most of the Management courses, but hey log onto and see under Management courses and you might just get what you want.

Hey Karthik! He tells me that GG’s stuff is really cool and he wants me to share my big G with him (welcome aboard dude, GG will always love to share the best of Gyan with you) Karthik wants to know the opportunities for a course in the fields of Forensic Accounting / Certified Fraud Examiners (Well do you guys realise how much fraud costs an organization annually…?) and Karthik if you’ve got your mind set on becoming a specialist in business valuation, investigative accounting, security laws, economic loss calculations, litigation, bankruptcy….go ahead buddy you are on the right track.

Hello Amrit! He is doing his 12th and wants to become a veterinarian. (hey GG thinks Amrit here is someone with a big heart for the animals…..well guys I am not sure if he is a vegetarian…any guesses!?) Amrit wants to know to about Vet. Colleges in Chennai. Well friend, Tamilnadu Vetenary & Animal Sciences University in Vepery is your destination.

Franklin tells me that E-plus is very useful for him (Thank you pal, your support helps us keep getting better) He’s done his Masters in Psychology and wants to know what course should he take up in IT that will boost his HR career. Well Franklin, you got to have a sound knowledge on Office Suites, check out one of those NIIT Swift courses and according to the experts (GG is fortunate to have these ‘experts’ as friends….isn’t that cool!) you can do courses on Visual Basics that helps in

My friend Aryan, welcome to ‘E-Tribe’. Aryan was doing his 3rd year Engineering degree when he lost one full year, unfortunately due to an accident. Now he is dropping his Engg. to take up BBA in Loyola and go on to do his MBA and he is wondering about the delayed start in his career. Well Aryan (GG really loves to say this) ‘Life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying’ buddy..! So cheer up and go ahead, pursue where your heart is and hey it never gets too late and you’ll never get too old to achieve your goals, as I am sure you’ve got what it takes to be a ‘winner’.

Well GG wishes to thank Adhilakshmi from PSG, Coimbatore her appreciation (hey she believes E-plus is the most useful supplement for the students and GG’s gyan is super cool and his thoughts are ultimate) Well Adhi check out NIIT for those related courses that you can take up. Thank you Amnik Talwar for your suggestions (we really value those chips from your brain when you spill some to us!) And finally we have Rohini who is a great fan of GG. (she thinks GG’s bike is super cool) Well Rohini thank you for the e-rose and check out AIMS, for your entrance exams.

Watch out for ‘GG’s Fundoo fact’ in the next issue and I sign off here. Don’t ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in subject line. C’ya


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