GG speak (published as Gyan Guru's Column in The Hindu-EducaionPlus'05)

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Its Monday…and I am back. Having talked about the right attitude for a couple of weeks as a part of those typical GG’s style opening lines, here I am waking you up this Monday morning with a fresh line that actually deals with the act that how important it is to have the right kind of confidence…and it goes like this, “to say that I will win is self confidence, and to say that only I will win is arrogance”…and hey, isn’t that really so true?! And I am sure it’s that right kind of confidence that Rear Adm GJ Dufek had when he landed an airplane at South Pole on this very day in 1956 and in the process became the first American to do so. Talking about airplane and landing…good news for all those in the E-Tribe who are looking to take off on a career in Aviation Industry…as today’s E-plus carries a 2 page special on it …so don’t miss it guys. Alright folks, lemme start all the gyan for this week;

Let’s welcome my new friend Gayathri V, who wants to know if a commerce student can do B.Sc Economics or B.A Economics. Well Gayathri, you can do an interdisciplinary course like this…and most campuses will only give a ‘yes’ to you dudette. The difference is not much between B.Sc economics and B.A economics except for the fact that B.Sc economics deals more with mathematical stuff and hey I am sure you have what it takes to make it big. All the very best dudette.

Say hello to Raghu who has mailed in for the first time (Welcome aboard dude…and hey you’ve just did the most exciting thing by groovin’ into the one & only E-Tribe…and now that you are in…you will always remain rockin’ dude!) Raghu tells me that GG looks great on the Bike than the car (Thank you dude…I always thought the same buddy…and hey bikes are always cool right?!) Raghu is a B.Tech – IT student and he wants know where he can take up a course on DOTNET course. Well Raghu, you can check out institutes such NIIT, STG International, Infitech learning solution, etc. in the city…and hey, make sure you get into a Microsoft certified course.

Sivaprakash, an engineering college student doing his 1st year has mailed in to say that he is interested in writing and he plans to get into journalism.(GG thinks that here’s someone who wants to enter into my kind of turf to play on the exciting game…and hey that’s dude!) Siva wants to know if he could get to do a course on Journalism side by side his B.E. Well buddy, ‘sometimes it’s good to know that life offers more for the one who knows how to juggle better with time-interest-action stuff…right?! Well Siva you can get to do a part time course on Journalism at Bharthiya Vidya Bhavan. And hey, never cease to put pen on paper whenever you find the time and whatever be the topic…keep writing and that’s exactly what will make you perfect the art of realizing your dreams as a writer.

Lavanya, who is a housewife tells me that she is regular reader of GG’s column (That’s really cool…never cease to be addicted to E-plus!) and as she is planning her career she wants to take up a course on Technical writing and she wants to know the scope. Well Lavanya, as technology is advancing in rapid strides it is imperative for people from all occupations to understand scientific innovations and developments and it exactly here that you as a technical writer fill in to make such technical information user-friendly and easily understandable, as communication of ideas will be your key responsibility. The scope for technical writing lies in Manuals and user guides, Online help services, Promotional writing material, Newsletters and so on in a variety of industries. (Now that really sounds cool eh!?) You can et employed in Publications, E-zines, Dotcom companies, Computer software and hardware companies, Advertising agencies, etc and you can also diversify into Journalism, Education and training and Advertising. All the very best.

Alright folks…it’s the season when we really get to celebrate and experience the highs…be it indulging ourselves in lighting those firecrackers or getting absolutely out of control in relishing those mouth watering sweets and chocolates…GG urges the E-Tribe to go ahead loose yourselves, but hey play it safe and always remember that the whole experience of this festive mood is much better when we get to celebrate it without hindering others around us. Before I sign off here and say those all time favourite lines that belongs only to GG, lemme wish the entire E-Tribe a wonderful, never-before and action-packed D’wali that turns out to be the one to bring in all the best things in your lives. Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Yo, GG
Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

How are you guys doin’ out there? I am sure most of the E-Tribe had some great time with lots of fun and all the action & excitement @ Saarang perfectly set as it always happens, in one of most enviable and the super cool IIT Campus…and hey I was there too. (Gotcha…! And you guys missed me again)

“Holding you head high, making that incredible effort to be the best you can be even at times when you get to realize that life has many challenges in this competitive world around you and taking them on giving your best shot with the hope that time will bring better tomorrows and most of all, to never give up…means ‘Confidence’.”
Urging the E-Tribe with that kind of ‘confidence’ to take on the competitions ahead, lemme run all the gyan for this week. Here I go:

Let’s welcome Archana to the E-Tribe. Archana, a B.Com graduate and a regular reader of E-plus wants to know which course she should take up…MSc (Comp) or MSc (IT). (Life is full of choices and that’s exactly is the best thing about life…and the wise ones are those who make the right choices…but hey the wisest ones are those who adopt themselves to make the best out of those choices taken) Well Archana both are good and if you ask the experts as I did some might just tell you that MSc (IT) has an edge over MSc (Comp) as it covers a broader range. (the argument continues….and hey GG is gonna take the expert’s side but I am sure you’ll turn out to be one of those wisest ones…all the best dudette!)

And we have my friend Fredrick another regular reader of E-plus who thinks GG is doing a great job (Thank you dude!) and has just finished his B.Com and with some acquired basic knowledge on IT, now wants to do MCA and wants to know whether to do it through correspondence or regular as he is currently working. Well Freddie (Hey…that sounds really cool and I am sure my buddy will not mind that…right guys?!) it all depends on how well you could fair in the art of ‘time management’…as you are working now try and prioritize your plans and I am sure you’ll do it well. But yes…you can do it through correspondence and I am sure you have what it takes to make it to the top.

Say a big ‘Hi’ to Priya who is doing her 3rd year B.Sc Maths in Meenakshi College (I am sure the E-Tribe remember Priya…the one who was featured in our Studentspeak in our 1st Anniversary issue!...a special ‘Hi’ from GG and hey, you really think you missed GG there?!…think again dudette…anyway t’was good to have all you guys in our Studentspeak!) Priya tells me that she really loves GG style and she thinks it’s superb (Thank you dudette! GG takes his most graceful bow…twice!) And hey…here comes the exciting news…Priya tells me that she has been in CTS through her college campus interviews and she wants to thank E-plus for all the confidence it gave her to face the interview and she is really proud to say that she is a regular reader of E-plus. (Way to go pal…stay addicted to E-plus!) Priya is all set to take up a course on MCA through correspondence. (All the very best dudette!) and we have another friend Krishna who calls GG a hero and is looking is looking to do MCA after his graduation in Maths @ Vivekananda college. Well guys being Maths graduates you fit right for a course on MCA and Krishna you could get your eyes set on getting into Anna University, Madras University, etc.

Say Hi to M.Surveswaran who wants to know all about joining Indian Army for his niece studying in 10th std who wishes to join the Army. (I am your niece is one lucky kid to have you!) Well she’s got be 16 years of age to start off as a soldier and must have finished 10th with some specific Physical Standards such height, weight and has to be ready to take on those physical fitness tests which excitingly involves a 1 mile run, pull-ups, balancing and so on. There are some written exams that you should take and all recruitments are done only through rallies and you could contact your nearest Branch Recruiting Office/Zonal Recruiting Office for details or log onto to find more on the different Academies that offer exciting careers.

Yuva (who is finishing his Higher Secondary) wants to join the Indian Airforce. Well dude you can check out Air force Academy, Air Force administrative college, A F Technical College Flying Training establishments and other training Institutes.

With that I sign off right here. Stay addicted to E-plus and keep appearing on my screen. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

They came; they saw; they heard; they learnt and hey…they thoroughly enjoyed it! Now that’s exactly what the experience was for all those in the E-Tribe who took that right decision to be there where it all happened. Some of them got their big doubts cleared as quick as the big nimbus clouds get cleared over Chennai only to leave us in hope that it will rain one day; some of them gained knowledge as valuable as one finds that little piece of gold that actually plays the clue to get into an ‘eldorado’; some of them got to discover you they really are, what they are aptly cut out for; where they are actually heading and what they could actually become; All of them walked out with a smile on their face and the confidence just enough to take on this world of competition, playing it on the right track to reach the destination called success. Alright guys…yes I am talking about all you guys in the E-Tribe who were a part of the most exciting, the biggest and the mother of all the events on education – “Educationplus FAIR’05” that was held in University of Madras campus, Chennai last weekend. And for those of you guys who couldn’t make it there…boy, you guys really missed all of them…but hey, just for you guys the best of what happened on those three grand days will be presented to you in our E-plus starting from this issue; and that’s exactly why E-plus really rocks! Right guys?!

Ok folks…its Monday and I am back again in your most favourite vertically built up column on Page 6 of the one & only E-plus…Lemme roll out what I’ve got for this week:

Let’s welcome G Vikram Kumar who is very much interested in Biotechnology and wants to know all about it. We have Preethy, who is doing her +2 in St.Vincent’s who is seeking all that she can on Biotechnology. Next we have Gouthami who mailed in to say that GG looks really cool and that he likes GG’s column very much as it is very informative. (Thank you guys are one big motivation that makes GG better and keeps E-plus rockin’!) and he also wants in it for him in Biotechnology. Alright Vikram, Preethy, Gouthami and all you guys out there who are looking for some gyan Biotechnology…eat this. Biotechnology is the most in-thing today. This is being touted as the next big wave after Information Technology or Computer Science and you guys are expected to have an aptitude for biology as it is treated as a branch of engineering in most universities.Biotechnology courses available for +2 candidates may be classified into 2 types…one with Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics (Biology is not necessary) thorugh TNPCEE and TNEA. The other type thorugh AIEEE and the candidate could have Maths or Biology along with Physics and Chemistry. Biotechnology involves the use of plant and animal cells and microbes in the manufacture of substances useful to man. Genetic engineering which involves making of new products by creation of simple life forms is the cause of the boom in biotechnology. Biotechnology has wide ranging applications in medicine and pharmaceutical industry, food, agriculture and Veterinary industries. Industrial Biotechnology is additionally concerned with Industrial biowastes and management, commercial production and utilization of biotechnological innovations etc. Bioinformatics, Biochemical engineering, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedical Instrumentation are some more biology based interdisciplinary branches of study (now all that sounds really interesting and exciting too…right guys?!...and I am sure you guys are gonna get your preferences right and choose the course that suits you the most!) All the best dudes and dudettes!

And hey…I am sure you guys had a great time of learning and knowledge – sharing sessions in all the three days at the Educationplus FAIR’05…and it’s you guys who made it a success and that’s exactly why I keep saying the E-Tribe rocks…and before I sign off lemme say what only I get to say all the time…Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Wassup! It’s always a terrific thing to get to connect with you folks right at the start of the week…and hey, here I am waking you guys up on what could have been the last day of this month of August, if not for Mr. Augustus Caesar who made the change in the history, as the history book would say that earlier the sixth month (latin sextilis mensis) had 30 days, until Numa when it had 29 days, until Julius when it became 31 days long, and Augustus Caesar clarified and completed the calendar reform of Julius Caesar and in the process, he also renamed this month after himself. Shifting gears from talking about the month August to Ashes – and it all looks like the inventors of this exciting game of bat and ball might just be on the verge of swinging the smiles of fortunes back at them and hey…did you guys know that the English cricketers lost to Australia on English soil for the first time, and a mock obituary in the Sporting Times then declared the death of English cricket, saying its ashes will be taken to Australia, the origin of the "Ashes" trophy exactly on this very day in 1882. Competition is good simply because it brings the best of the efforts from within and that’s exactly why success as an outcome, gives you the high that nothing else can in this world. And hey…drawing such inspiration from these lines in the history could well be a cool way to start a whole new week…and always remember you could turn out to be the next person to make history in some way or the other through your own achievement in life and all you need to do is to believe in yourself and start saying to yourself that “you can”.

Let’s welcome M. Udhay kumar who is a regular reader of E-plus and an ardent fan of GG, tells me that GG is really smart and the column is very interesting and informative. (Thank you dude! you guys are one big motivation that makes GG better and keeps E-plus rockin’!) Udhay Kumar wants to know all about Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering and the scope for further studies in these lines. Well Udhay, Industrial Engineering (IE) is concerned with efficient design and operational aspects of a wide variety of systems cutting across various functional areas in an organization in terms of efficient production. The students are groomed to deal with the existing and future demands of industries and service sectors especially in terms of problem definition, analysis and solution both at the individual level and in teams. As an Industrial engineer you get to design methods, not machinery. Jobs include plant layout, analysis and planning of workers' jobs, economical handling of raw materials, their flow through the production process, and the efficient control of the inventory of finished products. In terms of the scope for further studies, IE programme attracts motivated students for its Ph.D programme. The rapid stride in globalization has brought the role of industrial Engineering into a sharper focus and the opportunities are plenty for you to excel in this line. Moving on to Manufacturing Engineering…it deals with Decision support solutions for any engineering industry, Production optimization trouble shooting solution, Engineering information management solutions and implementation. As an Manufacturing engineer your responsibilities include Layout Planning, Development of manufacturing Systems, Facilities Planning, Project Management, Selecting & Qualification of Machine, Productivity Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, Manufacturing Cost Reduction, Development of Special Process, Implementation of TPM, etc. (now that sounds really cool…right?!) And hey, you could go on to do your M.E. Manufacturing Engineering / M.E. Industrial Engg. All the very best.

Say hello to Athar (That’s a cool name dude!) who on finishing his 12th is keen on doing medicine and wants to know if he could do it in China. Well Athar, purely going by some of the media reports in the recent past it was heard that some students had problems with the language and in some cases, with the recognition of the degrees awarded there. But hey…what you need to do is, speak to the professionals in the field, meet some professors locally, double check the credentials of the Universities there and choose the right campus. For reference check out – China Medical University who have their offices in India. You can also check out Wuhan University Medical Colege (

Wishing you guys a wonderful week and a month ahead in great tune and talking about tune and staying line with people making history, it sometimes just happens as in the case of those four dudes – the Beatles as the world knows, who made history by doing what they did best with their talents and showed the world that ‘music’ has the power to reach the remotest of the remote beyond boundaries and hey did you guys know that they made what turned out to be ultimately their last live performance with a show at San Francisco's Candlestick Park this very day in 1966.
Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ @ Campus and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Wassup! It’s Monday and I am back as always waking you all up with that awesome sound of my custom made moving thing that ‘gives-speed-the-thrill’…and hey, it’s always great to start a week with a spark that’s just enough to give all what it takes to be, to do and to succeed. As it is said “Never be afraid to try something new, Remember amateurs built the ark - Professionals built the Titanic” and isn’t that an awesome truth!. So go ahead try something new with that incredible hope that you can be the first one to just do it…and I am sure it’s that kind of hope and the spirit that led Ferdinand Magellan when he began on this very day in 1520 to cross Pacific Ocean and having talked about my bike, did you guys know that America’s first auto race started this very day in 1895 with 6 cars traveling from Jackson Park in Chicago to Waukegan, Illionois covering 55 miles and J. Frank Dureyea averaged 7 mph to win the race and $2000. Man…what a race that would have been! Alright E-Tribe, this is exactly where I get to start off what I enjoy doing week after week…roll out off all the gyan for this week. Let’s roll:

Let’s welcome S Ramaswamy who is doing his 3rd year in Electrical & Electronics Engineering with a lot of interest in Sound engineering and he wants to know all about it. Well Ramaswamy, if you have a keen ear for sound, I am sure you are just about to hear that sweet ringing of success in a career in sound. Talking about sound, can you even imagine life without sound…and if you wanna try a sample of it, try watching a movie or a music video with the sound muted and it will only turn out to be absolutely incomplete. Hence Sound recording is one of the pillars of film making and the profession as a sound engineer has come long way with all the revolutionary changes and developments technologically that never ceases to happen. This has widened the scope for an audio engineer and the role you get to play has undergone a sea of change…wherein besides the traditional studio recordings and shootings, you get to be the crucial one to every outdoor programme. And hey, with the entertainment and media industry booming like never before, the opportunities are in plenty. All you need to make it in this line is to get yourself properly trained technically and then on to emerge with a unique style of your own in such a way that you get to bring out the best out of every sound that you get to handle. There are different specializations such as film recording, playback recording, mixing and dubbing, music recording for videos, etc. and you can get to excel in as production mixer, boom operator, production sound assistant, sound transfer operator, sound editor, music editor and sound recordist. In order to make it to the top you need to have a sound practical knowledge and an understanding of music with all its varied styles and nuances. You can also get to be an acoustical consultant who deals with the designs of acoustics of studios, theatres, auditoriums, conference halls, etc. And hey as a cool sound engineer its you who get to be the one who actually makes it possible for all those music lovers as audience to experience every element, every chord played, every guitar riffs attempted, every minute variation made on drum set and every slap and slide run on those thick strings on the bass guitar and every modulation attempted by the vocal chords be it on stage or in the studio. All the very best dude…(we at the E-Tribe really believe that you’ve really got what it takes to be the wizard on those complex looking sound mixing consoles with all those colourful lights traveling up and down in an synchronized manner in a noble process to create what millions of ears are dying to listen!)

Say hello to Aditya from Vijayawada who is in his final year. He mails in to tell me that he is interested in Gemmology and wants to know all about it. Well Aditya, Gemology is a precise science and wannabe gemologists like you are expected to have acute powers of observation and the ability to concentrate simply because you will be involved in identification, sorting and grading of gemstones and you also get to advise jewelers/jewelry designers on various properties regarding the suitability of particular gemstones in different metals and types of settings. There are many areas of specialization in this field such as gem grinders, gem polishers, gem assorters, engravers, jewellery setters, researchers & scientists. And hey with the Indian Gem & Jewelry industry witnessing new high, Indian gemologists is held in high regard the world over and it’s all rightly set for you to play it cool in the world markets. You can get to do a course in Institutes such as Gemmology Institute of India – Mumbai, Gemstones Artisans Training school – Jaipur, Indian Gemmological Institute – Delhi, Small industries service institute – Chennai.

Alright folks!...As I get to sign off here, I urge you not to miss the all new and cool “EP Chill Chill SMS Contest” that is run on the page 2 of E-plus...give it your best shot ad win cool prizes. And before I zoom off lemme say it all…Stay addicted to E-plus, Remain hungry for more GG’s gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’, and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Here comes the time…
When you’ve got to give your best shot with the very best of what you’ve got with the only aim to achieve your goals…
When you’ve got to realize that this is the very moment that could actually make your dreams come true.

Oh yes…to all those dudes & dudettes in the E-Tribe out there…this is the ‘exciting exams’ time folks…and it simply means all of what you’ve just read in my previous lines and even more. So urging the E-Tribe once again to be the very best and obviously announcing my arrival on this last Monday of an exciting and action packed month of March, lemme start off with all the gyan that I could squeeze into this your own ‘GG’s Column’ standing tall on Page 6 of this yet another informatively interesting issue of E-plus.

Lets welcome Rahul who claims to be a space science freak and a wannabe astronaut.(Hey…we might just be talking about a dude who is all set to do a ‘Rakesh Sharma’ right here in our E-Tribe and make us all proud…and isn’t that really cool guys?!) He is doing his 11th Std. and tells me that GG’s gyan is the best and he never misses the coloumn.(Thank you dude…and you stay addicted to E-plus!) Then we have Preeti a class 12 student who seem to be staying really hungry for the one & only GG’s gyan (hey dudette…always remember that a gyan-hungry soul like you will never go disappointed…simply because you are a part of the most happening E-Tribe!) We also have my friend with a cool name SAAD (I am sure you guys thinking what it really means or is it a shorter version of a bigger name…well anyway you guys are free to come up with your own creative versions I guess SAAD wouldn’t mind…would you SAAD?!) Now my buddy SAAD is doing his 12th in St.Joseph’s, Vepery and he tells me that he eagerly waits for GG’s column on every Monday as he thinks that it is very informative and useful. (Merci beaucoup dude…it’s always gonna be all of you in the E-Tribe along with GG who can make Mondays – the coolest way to start the week as exciting as never before!) Well now for the gyan part…my friend Rahul wants to know all about Aerospace engineering and hey…I am sure you must have relished the whole of the article that was carried in our E-plus issue dated 21st of March and for some reason or the other if you had missed it…man, drop everything that you are doing right now and search for the last week’s issue or log onto Well Rahul Aerospace engineering as such is offered in some IIT’s including IIT-Madras. Preeti, SAAD and all you guys looking at a related course on Aeronautical engineering, you guys can check out institutes such MIT, Hindustan College of Engineering, Park College of engineering in Chennai and Md. Sathak College of engineering, Kilakkarai. And hey…Aerospace engineering as a career avenue has indeed touched a chord in the youth and prevails as a high-flyer option in terms of its employment potential. All the very best guys.

Let’s say hello Amrita who is doing her C.A and tells me that she is a regular reader of E-plus (you stay right there…simply addicted to E-plus) and hey…she is one best cousin to have guys! Here she is mailing in to check out all the options in the Bio-stream just for her cousin Navneeth who is looking to opt for it. Well Amrita, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Biochemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering / Biomedical Instrumentation are all the different Biostream engineering courses and some of them are offered under the faculty of science also. The job opportunities are plenty in medicine, pharmaceutical, food, agriculture and veterinary industries, industrial biowastes and management, design and analysis of bioreactions, biomass production in cell cultures, instrumentation and control of bioprocesses and bio-product recovery, metabolic engineering, hospitals, testing and consulting labs and academic research. (And that sounds like a world of opportunities knocking right at your door at a high decibel level that sounds nothing but success!)

Bala (an engineering student) wants to know if taking up a course will help him improve his English speaking skills. Well buddy, it will definitely help you and you can check out those courses offered by ZEAL, English Fluentzy,etc.
With that I sign off just realizing that I am slipping out of the page as I am at the very bottom…and before I slip off to zoom away only to meet you the next Monday I urge you to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-tribe rockin’ at the exams and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"And while the law of the competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race…simply because it just ensures the survival of the fittest in every department."

Wassup Yo!
I bet you guys are thinking that it’s so true
every word that is said in those meaningful lines written above,
So the point I am trying to make here is ‘guys…get on with the groove’
And hey…when the future hinges on those A’s you owe…
for those Q’s asked, let nothing interfere, believe in yourself and get on to prove
that you are the fittest…looking to succeed with the best of your moves.

Alright folks…it’s not another Monday as it makes itself so special to be that cool one to end this shortest month in 2005 and hey…more so it is the day when you get to see the one & only GG announcing his grand arrival…as I just did! And I get to roll out all the gyan for those hungry souls possessed by the spirits of the exciting exams round the corner. Here I go again:

Let’s say a big ‘Hi’ to one of my best buddies…Vythindiranathan K. (and hey…GG likes the way you’ve used the ‘y’ in your name as it makes it sound really cool and rhythmic …Isn’t that right guys?!) My buddy tells me that it is an advantage for the students to have the E-plus and the gyan from the one & only GG (Thank you dude…and you stay addicted to E-plus…just the way you are now) and he goes on to say that he was a bit surprised to read the pulse of the CBSE students’ apprehensions regarding ‘Chemistry’ in our ‘Q&A- ask the CBSE’ section published in the E-plus issue dated 7th February 2005. And he wants GG to say it in his own words in an effort to draw back the present generation and to inculcate in them a desire to study not only for career but also for an ‘Aptitude’ for the development of Science & Technology and ultimately for the advancement of our society. (Now that, I guess is a lot said and nothing left for even an attempt to be made in an effort to add more…!) And are you guys listening out there…?! ‘Chemistry is definitely Cool’ man…and if you guys thought otherwise, I am sure you guys sat right up on reading those wonderful words perfectly said by our friend Vythindiranathan. Remember the best of the inventions and the greatest of the ideas that actually touches our daily life in some way or other…are the result of some dudes who had that incredible passion to explore, to strive and to create…in those lovable laboratories. And you guys keep looking out for the best of stuff on ‘Science & Technology’ – the study options and it’s opportunities…in the one & only E-plus and also in the other columns of The Hindu. And remember ‘Chemistry rocks’!

Let’s welcome Ignatius all the way from Trichy! Ignatius who is doing his final year graduation in Physics, lives in Trichy and he tells that he has no access to GG columns out there and so he never fails to grab a copy of the E-plus whenever he is in Chennai as he feels that GG’s gyan is very useful to all the students like him. (that’s cool dude…and hey, in the process you also get to visit Chennai often and that is an exciting thing to do…right guys?!) My friend Ignatius tells me that he is worried & thoroughly confused as he is looking at various options like M.Sc IT or MA –hrm and then MBA and so on. Well Ignatius…it’s really good to see you all ignited well with all the plans for a shining future…but hey, here’s what I’ve got to tell you dude. First remember ‘Life’s luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying dude’ and secondly M.Sc –IT and MA-hrm are two radically different lines that you are talking about…so first analyse and find out the real you…whether you’ve got IT in you or the personality that makes you passionate about people and networking…And take one step at a time simply because too many steps might just get you out of the rhythm. (GG thinks that we sure have someone who’s got all it takes to spot the right angle to shoot to success!) All the very best Ignatius.

And this piece of gyan also goes to my friend Divya doing her 1st year B.Sc Maths in Ethiraj (who’s been addicted to GG’s columns) Divya tells me that she loves reading GG’s stuff and it really leaves her hungry for more gyan everytime GG signs off and she goes on to say that she too is confused about MCA or MBA. Well Divya, looking at what you’ve mailed in…GG’s guess is that you heart is for MCA and as a Maths graduate two years from now you might just be doing the right thing in taking up MCA. And always remember (as GG says)… ‘It is as easy to be clear & confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly and act accordingly’

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s Monday…and it just can’t get better simply because this is actually gonna be the last issue for the month of June…and hey this June really rocked as it always does with all the activities, expectations, excitement and all the serious stuff that only happens in our own world of education. And yes…we the one & only E-Tribe have been in the thick of it all…but hey, whether it’s gonna be engineering or medicine, literature or commerce, biology or Psychology, fine arts or Computer Science, Architecture or Archeology…whatever the course may be, whichever the college may be, wherever the place may be…don’t you guys ever forget the fact that you will always remain a part of the most happening E-Tribe. Hey…isn’t it great to have an incredible identity as an ‘E-Tribe member’ even before you get into your new campuses…I bet it is and E-plus may just be the right topic for all you guys to start that first bit of conversation to the strike right chord in what could well be the process of making ‘friends’ for a lifetime. Now that’s the power of E-plus in the campus…and as we wonder how exciting it is being in the E-Tribe, lemme just get into the exciting act of feeding all you hungry souls with the ‘fresh and hot’ gyan for the week. Let’s roll:

Say ‘Hi’ to my new friend Neena Daswani who is doing her 12th and she tells me that she loves GG’s hairstyle. (Thank you pal…as you know it’s called the ‘GG cut’ and hey, stay addicted to E-plus and you might just get lucky to get introduced to GG’s hair style specialist, so that you can get it done for yourself or for your boyfriend!) Now she tells me that she is very interested in studying Cryptography and she wants to know what the best suited undergraduate course that she should take up. Well friend, the plaintext which is the message whose content is encoded in such a way that hides its contents from outsiders is called encryption and the encrypted message is called cyphertext. The process of retrieving the plaintext from the ciphertext is called decryption and this is done by making use of a proper key…and to say it simply, Cryptography is the art or science of mathematical techniques related to aspects of data security such as confidentiality, data integrity, authentication & non-repudiation. Now if this and many more cryptographic terminologies such as Elementary number theory, Finite fields, Arithmetic an algebraic algorithms, Secret key and public key cryptography, Pseudo random bit generators, Hash functions and message digests, Probabilistic encryption, Digital signatures, Zero knowledge interactive protocols, Elliptic curve cryptosystems, Formal verification, Cryptanalysis, Hard problems, etc excite you like nothing else does…then my friend you are looking at the right target in life. IIT–Chennai, IISc–Bangalore, IIT-Guwahati are some of the places you can find yourself doing a post-graduation course in Cryptography and hey, an undergraduate course like B.Sc Computer science can take you there. All the very best dudette!

Let’s say hello to my very good friend Vignesh (we can call him Vigs, guys!) from B.V.H.S.S (now that’s a short form for a school name…and I am sure you guys got the last three alphabets right, because that’s the easiest part!) and he has just got into his 12th grade. Vigs tells me that GG looks really cool in his new car and he goes on to ask GG the question for the second time in his third mail to GG, which actually was a result of his inability to resist himself from doing so, as he admits. He wants to know when he will get to see GG in Kurtha and wonders if he had to wait for GG’s wedding to see that. Hey Vigs, don’t you worry dude, because you really don’t have to wait that long as you are about to get lucky very soon. Our Vigs wants to know all about doing an engineering course in Australia. Well Vigs, there are over 25 universities offering Engineering courses in Australia and are located in different parts of this beautiful continent. So to pick your preferred choice and to know more, log onto some useful websites such as,, Keep the focus and I am sure you have what it takes to see yourself rockin’ in the land of kangaroos, mate!

Priya doing her 2nd year in B.Tech IT who is a regular reader of E-plus and a great fan of GG, tells me that she is really interested in multimedia and animation and she wants to know the career opportunities in this line. She also tells me that she has nobody to counsel her on this and she is worried. Well Priya, first cheer up simply because when you are in the E-Tribe you are really not alone girl…and always remember that worrying is like rocking a chair, though you have something to do, it never takes you any where…so as GG always says, it is very easy to be clear if only you could plan properly, work towards it effectively, you are bound to find success inevitable. Multimedia and Graphics is on a big boom right now with a world of opportunities knocking all over as we are witnessing a massive growth in the entertainment industry in all its varied & vibrant colours. So if you’ve got what it takes to make it big…just go ahead and do it dudette. Institutes such as Arena multimedia, Image, CSC and Animaster have the right courses to offer you.
This piece of gyan also goes to Subbiah Siva, Archana and all those souls who stayed hungry for this gyan.

Ok Folks! This is exactly where I get to end my gyan for this week in an effort to keep you guys wanting for more…Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more; keep smiling because it makes you look a lot better; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen…Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Wassup folks! We are just about end this 9th month which turned out to be a host for many an events in this changing world of competition. With Indian cricket, irrespective of against whom the win was, giving all the fans out there a good feel of success, a very special one simply because it came in after 18 long years...and with our own talented queen of the tracks making winning a habit in the international arena whenever she takes those adorably long strides just before she takes off into air and lands covering a distance that no Indian woman has ever done before, I am sure we @ the E-Tribe have enough to draw the right kind of motivation from. And hey, talking about success ‘it’s really not always that big move of yours that could make the world sit up and notice you’…it could well be one of those little yet successful move that matters in terms of bringing that incredible change in your life and in those around you…And that folks is what success is all about and to put this with a coat of trivia, not anyone can make the longest speech in UN history like the one by Fidel Castro that lasted for 4 hrs and 29 mins this very day in 1960, but even to attempt such a feat, first we need to take those little strides to reach that status. Always remember “An artist cannot fail simple because it is a success to be one.” With those peppy lines lemme roll out the gyan for this week:

Let’s welcome Anant Sthapak (Now that’s a cool ‘let-me-say-it-once-again’ kind of a name dude!) who is new to Chennai. He tells me that he has been reading GG column for a month now and likes it very much and considers GG as a friend already (Thank you dude! You’ve actually made my day buddy…and lemme claim that I’ve found a great friend Sthapak and am really happy to introduce you to the entire E-Tribe!...Welcome aboard pal) He is in his first year in the Chemical Branch and wants to know all about his branch and the opportunities. Well Sthapak this engineering branch is concerned with applications of chemical science to consumer and industrial uses. Production design construction, maintenance and management concerning petroleum, fertilizers, food processing, sugar drugs paints, cement, synthetic fibres, minerals and ceramics are considered in this area. Environmental pollution is also a subject of study and with regards to your query on the opportunities, apart from various corporate sector companies, atomic reactors, space research and Defence establishments are also potential areas. Wishing you all the very best and hey, stay addicted to E-plus buddy.

Say hello Sundeep Dugar, on his maiden appearance on my screen (it’s great to have you on board dude!) tells me that he has completed his B.E in Electronics and Communications and is all set to take on the GRE exams this October and he wants to know where he can find all the details on the top universities in UK for his higher studies. Well Sunny (He wants to be known to the E-Tribe that way folks!) all you need to do is to log onto and you will find all that you want. And hey…don’t you forget to appear on my screen the moment you step into one of those beautiful campuses in the land of the Queen.

Chandramouli (Chintu – the way he would want to be called by the one and only GG) is doing his B.Tech (IT) final year in EVP Engineering College wants to know all the details about MBA in Australia. (Now that’s a kewl destination to turn yourself into one of those corporate high flying managers of the future dude!) He tells me that he is a regular reader of the GG’s column and it has improved his English communication skills and he is really happy about it (That is great to hear buddy…stay in tune to get ahead!) Well Chintu, log onto or and know exactly how you could make that big move to the land of Kangaroos with an urge to turn on your dream into a reality in the corporate world.

Wassup Nandi…!(this is my new friend Nandini guys!) lets say hello to someone here who tells me that she loves GG’s funky hairstyle and she just can’t forget to speak about GG’s cool car. She wishes that she could have one like that (Well thank you dudette…you just made my day and hey…you may not get the same car as you know it is a custom made one just for GG but hey, you might just get lucky for a drive in it with the one & only GG) Nandini is doing her Masters in Biotechnology right now and she wants to go on for a PhD and she wants to know the opportunities prevailing in this field. Well dudette, there are plenty in research line especially when you get to excel with specific projects and expertise, both in Govt. and private sectors.

Alright Folks! This is exactly where I get to say my most favourite parting lines as I sign off and hey…Shaastra’05 is all getting set in the deep woods of the high activity campus of IIT, Chennai just to rock the city of Chennai and be there to keep the E-Tribe rockin’ as it sure will be a stage for all the students across the country. Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG on the subject line. Yo, GG
Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

This is the last time the one & only GG is gonna vibe with you with all the gyan…hey, I meant in 2005 and I am sure that all your guys are looking forward to rock into 2006 just the way only the E-Tribe is capable of.
Hey, it’s exactly that part of the year when we are getting ready to find ourselves…excited about the all night party and the celebrations on the New Year’s eve; make creative resolutions that are hard to keep; simply look forward for a brand new year with full of expectations; and to see ourselves consciously writing 2006 instead of 2005 whenever we do the date line…And you might just get to do all these adjustments perfectly fine…
When was the last time you participated in an interesting contest…?!
If at all you did, then when was the last time you were really given a dozen chances to win…?!
If at all you were given, then when was the last time you ever won a prize…?!
If at all you did win, then when was the last time, the prizes really excited you…?!
Now who said that you shouldn’t try too hard simply because the best things in life happen only when you least expect them to…?!
Hey…and you guys are wondering why I am in this incredible quizzing mood shooting those questions pointed right towards you just enough to wake you guys up in a fresh Monday morning like this…?! Alright if you wanna know the answers…sit right up and for all those smart ones who have already guessed what this is all about…and If you think that this New Year should bring all the excitement in life, hold it right there, simply because… this is also that interesting part of year when the one & only E-Tribe gets to witness the most exciting, never-before, action-packed issue of ‘E-plus’…
Lemme stop right here…because this is just a trailer guys! Stay right there and expect the best…it’s COMING SOON.

Let’s welcome Ashish who mails in to tell me that he is huge fan of GG’s awesome looking ‘machine that gives speed the thrill’ (Thank you dude…its so happens that it’s most often the bike that we get to have turn out to be the first and the best love of our lives…right guys?!) Ashish is doing his 12th and he is interested in pursuing a course in visual communication and wants to know where to start with. Well buddy…that’s a cool course you are looking to get yourself into dude…and more so if are one of those creative types as it gives you all he scope to be awesomely creative and its just then you get to make your own mark out there in that field that actually has various aspects to itself. Most colleges in the city are offering you this course as a degree course buddy. With the boom that is happening in the entertainment industry and especially the TV channels comin up…it is sure to offer you as qualified player in this field to make it to the top. All the very best.
Say hello to my new buddy Hemanth who has got an adrenalin rush for making it big in motor sport. (That’s a cool interest you’ve got there man…!) Hemanth who is doing his Automobile engineering is interested in a career in Motor sport, especially in Rallying and he wants to know where to start off. Well dude, to get that right start before you get to see yourself on the fast lanes and the dirt tracks, what you could ideally do is to get yourself enrolled in those special institutes such as ‘Advanced Driving Academy’ run by one of the best in business Mr.Akbar Ibrahim in Chennai and the other this that you could do is to get yourself into the Madras Motor Club to learn the nuances of the sport and hey, never miss the action whenever it happens in town.
Supraja J (welcome aboard dudette) who has mailed in for the first time is a 1st year engineering student of SVCE. She wants to know more about the new English words that are used in informal contents that are used in our day to day life and she is also referring to those that are used by GG. Well Supraja, there is no big route that you could take for this…as it is quite simple and all you need to do is to read a lot…newspapers, novels, magazines and stuff that are written in contemporary styles that are tuned towards the youth of today…and with some time spent on these I am sure you are gonna rock your way into any conversation that you would have at your campus dudette.
Manasa (That’s a real cool name you’ve got there dudette!) is doing her 2nd year engineering and she is looking to get coached for GRE and TOEFL and wants to know where. Well Manasa there are specialized institution in town such as the Career plan, Princeton Review etc who offer specific coaching classes for the competitive exams that you are looking for.

I sign off right here…Wishing you all a ‘wonderful, action-packed, fabulous and blessed New Year 2006’ and urging you all through the brand new year to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin @ the campus and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG
Hey Dudes & Dudettes,
Wassup folks!
Yo…Its summertime and I bet you guys are soaked in a holiday mood,
Just givin’ yourselves the best chance to unwind good…
With your mind off from the text printed in all those books,
Tired after giving your best shot @ the exams but yet sporting the fresh looks…
Makin’ all the efforts to have a blast this holiday season
And to party…you’re never gonna need to have a reason.

Oh boy! This really is summertime as it inspired GG to announce his grand arrival in his own hip-hop style, vroooming in the ‘All New & Jazzy’ – GG’s own custom made moving machine, just enough to bring in the spirit of the one & only E-Tribe, waking up all those snoozing around as a result of the heavy influence of this holiday mood. Alright guys…I am sure some of you are already in the midst of an exciting getaway…but hey you can never be too far or busy for the most happening E-plus…right?!
Ok…now once again for all those in the E-Tribe who are thinking about taking that important decision…be it taking that adventurous trip into the wild…or going on that rough trekking plan…or taking up that swimming, dancing or that music class which you always wanted to, but you never took the risk….here’s one simple line from GG- “Get on with life, making it as exciting as possible...its really not that risky living a life on the edge because if you don’t then you are taking up too much space. And hey what’s even more exciting is to get that edge in life that actually makes life a success”.
With that line already working on your minds tuning them just fine to receive all the gyan waves from the one & only GG, lemme roll out all what I’ve got for this week. Here I go again:

Lets welcome Tanya (now that’s one of GG’s most favourite ways of calling someone dudette!) who mailed to say that she is just getting started with her 10th and she is already confused about her future with everyone around her giving loads of advice but on all the stuff that she not interested in. (Hold on dudette…this just the beginning and not the end…and don’t you forget that you can always win! And hey…always remember as GG says “it is as easy to be clear and confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly and act accordingly” and that’s exactly what you should do Tanya) She also tells me that she loves English (Communication), History, Travel & Tourism and learning languages…and she wants to know where to get started. Well Tanya as you just about to begin your 10th you’ve got ample time to evaluate your strengths in these areas of interest as all of them have wonderful opportunities to offer you and with a conscious effort I am sure you will be able to spot exactly what you’ve got and where you could excel. And then you can well decide on the stream that suits you well and hey…about learning foreign languages which vibes well with your interests in a career in Travel & Tourism, you could get it all started and you can check out institutes such as ACE-Loyola (20012182) which offers courses on different languages. Tanya also tells me that GG’s outfit really rocks and wanted to know if they are custom-made. (You bet, indeed it is…and hey thank you dudette!) All the very best dudette and you stay focused on what we need to be than on what you need to do.

This piece of gyan on learning foreign languages also goes to Divya, a B Com graduate who thinks GG really rocks (She is keen on speaking in Spanish) and you dudette can check out (School of Foreign languages) University of Madras as they might just offer what you are looking for in the near future. And we also have my friend S Sriram who has been staying hungry for similar gyan. (Well now, you guys promise me that your first mail in Spanish or Japanese will only be to GG!)

For Ramya, Dharini and all those who are looking for a post graduation course in Nutrition and Dietetics… PG Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition which is a one year course + 3 months internship and MSc in Food & Nutrition, a two year course are couple options that are available for you guys. Many colleges such as Dr. MGR Medical University, Guindy and SRMC, Porur offer these courses.

And that brings me to the very bottom of the page where I get to zoom off in my brand new yellow thing that gives speed the thrill…and hey, not before I urge you to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG
Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"The real roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the best that you can become…and hey, it doesn’t stop there simply because it is also the reason to dream and to believe in realizing the dream”.
Talking about achieving things in life…I am sure this young girl was driven by the will to become the best and the dream she had of ruling the world of tennis, at that very moment when she entered the court to play her first pro tennis match this very day in 1984. If not, that young girl wouldn’t have turned out to be Steffi Graf – the one we all know, who made winning Grand Slams, gold medals and every other title, a habit of her own. Alright folks…it’s Monday and could there be a better way to start a great new week than with E-plus in your hands and with that well inspired mindset as a result of reading these opening lines from the one & only GG. And hey, lemme get on to that ‘gyan-giving’ mood and roll out the best of what I’ve got for this week.

Let’s welcome Raja Annamalai (alright guys…it really does sound like we have our own king in the E-Tribe!) who is currently doing his M.Tech in Ceramic technology in Anna University. Our Raja wants to know all about Ceramic technology and its scope. Well Majesty (GG at your service), apart from delicate chinaware and breakable but expensive artifacts that most of us are used to, ceramics have found more innovative and functional uses and Ceramic technology finds its application in core industries like nuclear technology, medicine and electronics. The applications of ceramic materials in medicine have been developed dramatically and occupy a major position in clinical practice, including bone and tooth substitutes, total joint replacements, cements, carriers of various growth factors and cells, and so on. The scope of modern ceramics is much wider today and ceramics is an interesting career with ceramic engineers, technologists and marketers as the key people involved in the manufacturing, production and marketing of ceramic ware. Ceramic technologists are often challenged to develop new and innovative processes to create utilitarian ceramic items out of ordinary, inorganic and non-metallic materials. They find employment in research, product development and ceramic engineering companies, in telecommunication, electronic, medicine and refractory and cement industries etc. Ceramic engineers on the other hand, deal with the research, development and design of materials and products as you get to specialise in specific product lines like glassware, electronic equipment, fibre optics, plumbing fixtures, bulbs, drain and sewer pipes and so on. Ceramic industries, nuclear energy ancillaries, electronics industry and the defense establishment are some of the places where ceramic engineers find employment. And hey, you as a ceramic technologist would get to find new applications to replace existing products through study and application of chemical and thermal interactions of oxides (which actually makes ceramics) and this is the major area of research. The job opportunities are there for you to rock in dude, in industries and research laboratories related to this field in both Govt. and private sectors…and hey, there is a good scope for self employment too. All the very best.
Let’s say hello to Naren Sakpal who is in his 3rd year engineering and he wants to prepare for the CAT and is looking for coaching centers. Well Naren you can check out one of the TIME centers, to get the real CAT out of you to jump to success.
Sachin Jain (Let’s give it away for our own master blaster in field of finance management) who is doing MBA in Finance thinks that there is good scope in banking industry especially in Treasury Management and wants all about the course. Well Sachin, with significant developments that have taken place in the financial markets in the recent years affecting volatility in exchange rates and accentuating liquidity constraints, corporates have started paying closer attention to the treasury and forex management. Corporate treasury function is playing a pivotal role in financial risk management; exposure management and the use of hedging strategies are now all seen as essential undertakings. The ever-changing range and complexity of financial instruments available, as a treasury manager you got to constantly keep updating your skills (that comprises basic, application and integrative skills) for effective management of all forms of risks and in application of right financial products in order to maximize profit…and hey your activities are being aligned with and integrated into the business strategies of organizations. (Now that sounds like a great wicket to play on…so get padded up, put on the best pair of gloves and get ready for the big hit, dude!) You can check out courses such as Certified Treasury Manager – CTM, offered by Tata Management Training Centre, Pune.
And hey E-Tribe…Don’t miss to enter the cool contest and win free tickets to a cool movie as I have loads of tickets to be given away…all you need is to do is move your eyes to your left.
I sign off right here and remember ‘always wear the right attitude, be led by the will to become the best and hey, never cease to dream and believe in them because that’s exactly what is gonna make you realize them all. Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more GG’s gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject lie. Yo, GG
Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

One bold step powered with a lot of hard work and determination and coupled with that incredible urge to win…starts off a glorious journey towards that inevitable success. And hey…when you actually get to do that you really wouldn’t know how remarkable an influence you get to make on others and yes…the world around you could actually be inspired by you. I am sure that one such step that our own Sania Mizra took towards that historical feat in the Indian Tennis, did a world of good not only to all those young aspiring tennis players but also to every dude & dutette who is looking to create history and to make winning a habit.

Alright folks…It’s that part of the year when all the excitement that the campus life offers reaches it’s peak…when you get to show the world what you’ve got with some of the best competitions being held just enough to bring the best in you…when you get to experience that awesome moments by just being a part of the excitement with thousands of students from across the nation, in one big campus…when the best of the different styles of music is in the air…and above all when all this happens right here in our own city of Chennai…YES you bet I am talking about the most popular ‘IIT Saarang’ and I am sure you guys are in the thick of it as you get to read this…and hey keep the E-Tribe rockin’ out there.

Ok…with that lemme start off with all the gyan for this week for all you hungry souls out there. Let’s roll:

Let’s welcome a special friend into the E-Tribe from across the seas. Manju, a B.TECH student from MIT Chrompet of 2001 batch who went on to get her Masters in Electrical Engineering from UNC, Charlotte (University of North Carolina), USA and is currently working now mailed in to say a ‘Hi’ to GG and the entire E-Tribe. (Welcome aboard dudutte…you’ve just rocked your way in and hey…stay addicted to E-plus!) Manju tells me that E-plus is good & GG’s column rocks and wants to know where GG was five years ago when she was a student here in India. (Well…I guess GG was getting ready and hey…but yet it’s really good to have someone like you as a part of this one & only E-Tribe!) Manju goes on to say that she is a regular reader of GG’s columns and she feels a little jealous for students in Chennai (Are you guys listening…?!) as she feels that E-plus and GG are providing some amazing information to all the youngsters. (Thank you dudette! And you will always be our incredible link for the E-Tribe out there dudette.) Manju…you stay addicted to E-plus and keep appearing on my screen.

Say ‘Hi’ to Bharath who is doing his B.Com 3rd year in Vivekananda College and tells me that E-Plus is doing a great job by helping students rock. (Thank you dude!...and that really motivates us to give you more.) Bharath goes on to thank the E-plus as the articles on “Interviews” that were carried in the E-plus helped him to do well in his interview and hey…he tells me that he has been selected in his campus interview. (Congratulations man…you really rocked! And that’s exactly what the E-Tribe is all about…showing the world that we’ve really got what it takes to be right there at the top…right guys?!) Bharath wants to pursue a part-time MBA or thorugh correspondence. (the wise ones are the first to realize the incredible fact that the best way to equip yourself and to keep getting better is to always be with an urge to learn more and to acquire the wealth of knowledge…which actually shapes you to be the ones with that cool edge) Bharath, that’s a cool thing to do and yes based on your work schedules and the time patterns you could decide on a part-time or correspondence course so that it goes easy on you. You can check out the courses that are offered by ITM, Madras University, Loyola, Annamalai University, Symbiosis, and many more. All the best dude.

Well…for all those aspiring students who wanna get into the Engineering streams…you guys just got lucky…register yourself for the AIEEE model exams to be organized by Education plus & AIMS education. Call 24359822 or 9444083253 now and take that one step to a great journey towards success.

Hey…I just realized that I’ve reached that part of the page where I get to sign in the typical GG’s style, urging you all to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more GG’s gyan, keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s just 4 days to go…and if you guys get a feel that these 4 days are gonna be longer than the usual…don’t blame the nature, because it’s the expectation that is building up for all the excitement that is actually making you feel that way. Oh yes…I am talking about the most exciting, the biggest and the mother of all the events on education…the Educationplus FAIR’05 from 27th to 29th of May 2005. Alright guys…for al those who wanna know all about – how to have the jump start in becoming an engineer, a doctor, an architect, a scientist and so on…And check this out…for all those who are looking to make a career in Audio engineering, Film technology, Photography, RJing and communication…the place you’ve got to be in is going to be the calm and serene University of Madras campus this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And hey…that’s not all…you also get to know how you could make yourself employable in the competitive job market…so can you guys ever ask for a better reason than all this to be there!?

Ok folks…it’s Monday and in midst of a thoroughly busy schedule, trying to make this event as best as it could ever get, just for you guys…I am back with some gyan for this week. Lemme roll out what I’ve got this week;

Let’s welcome Swetha who is just stepping into her 12th this year. She mails in to say that she really likes GG’s hairstyle (Thank you dudette! Guess you know that it’s called the “GG’s Hairdo” and hey ...sorry guys I can’t give you my hair dresser’s contact simply because the only client he handles is GG!) Swetha also tells me that the entire E-Tribe likes the way they are addressed by GG. (Now that’s exactly what E-plus is all about…and don’t you ever forget that it’s you guys who create that awesome aura of friendship and wamth within the E-Tribe…and you stay addicted to E-plus dudette!) Swetha wants to know the difference between the various exams such as TNPCEE, AIEEE, IIT-JEE and BITSAT. Well Swetha, the basic difference is that they are all meant for your entry into the different institutions as their names suggest. The next big difference could well be the syllabus followed as in TNPCEE it is based on the Text books of 12th (TN board) and AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Exams) is skewed towards the CBSE syllabus that includes both the 11th and 12th, which is also more or less the case as in BITSAT (Birla Institute of Technology and Science Aptitude Test, Pilani) which is conducted online now. The method of preparation will also vary for these different entrance examinations. IIT-JEE (Indian Institute of Technology - Joint Entrance Exam) works on an exclusive syllabus. Swetha also wants to know if specific preparation for these entrance exams could help. It definitely does…and hey, now that you are all set to take on the big world of competitive examinations to get yourself well parked on that hot seat that actually gives you the jump start to your career, it’s very important that you prepare yourself. You can check out institutes such as AIMS education, TIME etc, who offer exactly what you are looking for.

Listen up Folks…we’ve got another Swetha out here in the E-Tribe who has mailed in to say that she just loves GG and his new car is awesome (Merci beaucoup dudette! Stay addicted to E-plus and hey…you might just get lucky to go on a lovely drive with the one & only GG in the all-new, awesome yellow thing that gives speed the thrill!) My friend Swetha wants to know all about Journalism and where to start. Well dudette, Journalism can really exciting if you really got what it takes and if you are looking to make it big as a career (GG thinks that we have someone here who is all set to make her presence felt in the world of Journalism…way to go Swetha!) And your destination could well be ACJ (Asian College of Journalism) and for more details log onto http://www.asianmedia.rog/

With that I end my gyan for this week…and hey, I am sure the entire E-Tribe is gonna rock their way into the University of Madras campus this Friday. And before I sign off lemme say it…Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’; and don’t you ever forget to be there @ the Educationplus FAIR’05.

C ya there on Friday! YO, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s the 22nd day of this 8th month of the year and hey…it happens to be a Monday and a very special one too simply because it’s exactly on this day when one man by the name William J. Kendall had the guts and the confidence to successfully swim through the Niagara Rapids wearing just a cork life jacket way back in 1886; and President Theodore Roosevelt became the first U.S President to ride in an automobile when he stepped in that vehicle in 1902; and the legendary and one of the greatest pop divas, Madonna’s “Who’s that Girl” single goes No-1 in the charts in the year 1987…and these facts goes to prove a point that we really need to believe in what we dream and that exactly is the right formula for success. Now talking about this day…it’s good to know that I am waking you up right on time to celebrate our own Madras Day. Yes folks…today is Madras Day and if guys would wonder why today…as our Chennai’s famous historian, S Muthiah would say that it was exactly on this day when the foundation for the present metropolis was laid when the East India Company purchased a piece of land where, the famous Fort St.George stands today, from a local Chieftain, way back in 1639. And talking about Madras and it’s history, you just couldn’t resist talking about The University of Madras and the Senate House standing as beautiful as ever even today and for many more years giving you that proud sense of belonging to this incredible city whenever you get to travel down the beach road at Chepauk. Hey…did you guys know that The University of Madras was established in 1857 and the historical monument- the Senate House- the University’s first building with a harmonious blend of Indo-Saracenic style with Byzantine and European architectural features was inaugurated in the year 1869 as a masterpiece by one of the greatest architect of 1800’s, Robert Fellowes Chisholm.
Now that you had a good dosage of all the gyan on the rich history of our own town Madras, lets give it whatever we could to keep this town rocking…so the next time when we crush that little wrapper after we pop in that gum or a chocolate into our mouth, and for some reason or the other when we are looking to get rid of it in a hurry…let’s take a wow that we will only drop it into the garbage bin and not anywhere else…And hey, it’s just as simple as that!

Alright folks…let’s see what I’ve got for this week to share with all you gyan hungry souls. Let’s roll:

Say hello to my friend Anil Srinivasan who has just finished his B.E Mechanical Engineering. And he tells me that his final year project was on the design and development of an artificial limb which he did successfully and in fact got a Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology (TNSCST) funding. (Way to go dude, you really are one achiever! that’s exactly why the E-Tribe really rocks and it’s you guys who make it all happen!) Anil wants to take this as a career and he wants to do MS + Ph.D programmes in a suitable line to excel in this field. Well Anil, Bio medical Engineering could be a good choice that you can take up, wherein you could get yourself specialized in prosthetic devices including aids for the handicapped. The engineering aspects of the course include subjects such as applied mechanics and kinethesiology and Prosthetic and Orthotic Engineering is a medico-engineering profession, which deals with physically disabled, crippled and orthopaedically handicapped persons. Patients who have lost a limb in an accident or since birth, or are crippled due to diseases like polio, encephalitis etc. are rehabilitated by providing artificial replacements such as calipers, splints or artificial limbs. Today, this branch is well developed and uses the latest technology and materials for preparing artificial limbs and most IIT’s and many universities offer this course. Anil ends up his mail addressing GG as GG@TMSMA-The Most Sexiest Man Alive…well buddy (what do I say?!) thank you and all the very best dude!

Let’s welcome Athar (That’s a cool name dude!) who on finishing his 12th is keen on doing medicine and wants to know if he could do it in China. Well Athar, purely going by some of the media reports in the recent past it was heard that some students had problems with the language and in some cases, with the recognition of the degrees awarded there. But hey…what you need to do is, speak to the professionals in the field, meet some professors locally, double check the credentials of the Universities there and choose the right campus. For reference check out – China Medical University who have their offices in India.

Ranjit who has mailed in for the first time (Welcome aboard dude!) tells me that he needs to develop his English speaking knowledge. Don’t you worry dude…read a lot, check out places like Zeal, Speak easy and I am sure it’s a matter of time before you’ll get to find yourself actually turning a group of people a captive audience to your communication skills.
Always remember…as GG would say it, “it’s not enough just to have the talent to be an amazing writer…what really makes you to be one is the guts to believe that you’ve got what it takes to think that every line that you get to scribble could turn out to be a great line in a best selling novel”.

With that motivating line of mine, lemme sign off right here only to see you guys in the early hours of the last Monday of this month and till then…Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“Dream what you wanna dream
Go where you wanna go
Be what you wanna be
Simply because you only have one life and only one chance to do all you wanna do.” Isn’t that an awesomely incredible yet the simplest of facts known to us?...but yet we tend to forget the fact and begin to fret…and hey lets give ourselves only the positive chances to set out there with that motivating spirit that is enough to urge us to just do it. Now for all those starters here’s a dose of what exactly I am talking about…and it’s the same spirit that led Thomas Morris of Australia to skip rope 22,806 times on this day in 1837 (hey…he did that when most people would not have even thought of skipping!) and those determined team that was responsible for the creation of the Concorde which took off for the first time from London to New York this very day in 1977 (Boy…What a flight that must have been!) and those dudes who actually transformed a visual dream of the world’s longest suspension bridge “Verrazano Narrows” in New Your City(I am sure most of us keep raving about this absolutely spectacular hanging piece of creation every time we get see it Hollywood movies), a reality by opening it for traffic on this very day in 1964. Alright folks…having given the right kind of a spirited start on this bright Monday morning, lemme keep up the tempo with all the gyan for this week

Let’s welcome Sowmmiya (Hey…now that’s really a cool way to spell your name dudette!) who is doing her final year in Biotech and she is interested in doing her MBA abroad. She wants to if she could do MBA in Biotech and wants to know if she could do that in UK. Well Sowmmie (that’s GG style of spelling!) you can do your MBA in Biotech and as you know Biotech really rocks now and the opportunities are plenty, so you can be sure that you are on the right track. And talking about MBA in Biotech in UK…you can check out University of Abertay Dundee ( and you can also log onto for more details. All the very best dudette.

Say hello to S Sriram Kumar who wants to be different…and so doesn’t wanna write his mail in a stereotyped way everyone writes talking about GG. But he goes on to say that its inevitable that GG is full of gyan and that makes GG cool enough to the E-Tribe. (Thank you dude…now that’s what I call a strong and clean bullet coated heavily with motivation that is shot right from a genuine piece to hit the very heart, so much so it gets that awesome power to pump and give more and like never before!) My buddy Sriram is doing his B.Tech in Biotechnology and is interested in Forensic Science and wants to know all about it. Well Sriram, Forensic science is the application of scientific principles to criminals and civil laws within a criminal justice system with a goal towards the establishment of guilt and innocence. The society witnessing an increased number of crime rates and with its complexity as well as use of high tech methods by the criminals, it is all getting to create a need of high specialized people…Forensic specialists. Forensic science is a high profile subject in the world and it has received a lot of new investment for expansion since the well-publicized miscarriages of justice in the 1970s. As a result, with scientific liaison officers being appointed by the police service, the knowledge and communication gap between the scientists and the police at the crime scene has narrowed. Talking about the forensic skills, they are also used in a wide range of professional and industrial activities, for instance at disaster scenes, within archaeology and in the food and pharmaceutical industries. As a forensic scientist your skills are multi-disciplinary based such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anthropology, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences etc, and requires integrated scientific skills applied within a legal context. You also get to work on developing new techniques and procedures for the collection and analysis of evidence. In this manner, new technology can be used and refined not only to keep forensic scientist on the cutting edge of science, but to maintain the highest standards of quality. You can do a PG diploma or a Masters in this course and hey the opportunities are there in the fields of Forensic laboratories, in courts, Police, CBI, Detective and security agencies and law firms. Other new areas include forensic accounting, nursing, and photography.

Prakash who has finished his and looking to join MBA says that he is confused as he wants to know which specialization he should be taking. Well Prakash any specialization is cool with a B.Com background of yours…but hey what you could do is do a swot on yourself…and get to know where your interests and your strengths are and I am sure you will land up with the right one.

Hey…as I am just about to slip off the page right here, lemme wish you guys a wonderful week ahead, stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG
Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

The heat is on…
it all started off with that awesome play of those yellow balls and the tightened guts of the racket on the courts that made us witness one of the best take-off’s by a sportswomen in Indian tennis;
then its on the tracks that saw the mercury rising where the smell of those screeching rubber and the sound of those monster engines meant nothing but speed and making a dream come true with one of own speedster creating history as the first Indian on the F1 circuit;
then its on the pitch, producing some sensational action with the willow and the leather performed to perfection by some of own well known current heroes of the Indian cricket;

And hey…it’s on the classrooms too…with the exciting exams all set to bring out the very best from each and every one in the E-Tribe, giving you guys an awesome chance to show the world that E-tribe rocks.

Well guys the heat is really on…it had given us the icons as mentioned above in the Indian sports and also the motivation and the incredible confidence that actually makes one emerge as a winner. So it’s Monday and with the weather too heating up to be its scorching best…here I am back on my own favourite position on Page – 6 in this interesting issue of E-plus, with those lines of mine not only announcing my arrival but also urging you the E-Tribe to be your best in the competitive exams, just before I start off with all the gyan for this week:

Lets welcome Pavan who is doing his 1st year B.E (EEE) in a deemed University at Kanchipuram and he tells me that he reads E-plus every week. (You stay addicted dude!) And my friend Pavan would like to see GG on a new BMW or a Mercedes soon. (well pal…the best things in life might not always happen just when you want them to happen….but hey when they happen, they really happen in full hold on right there and you might just turn lucky to see GG on his new mobile very soon!) Pavan wants to know what the difference is between Robotics and Control Systems and he doesn’t stop there…he also wants to know about the other courses one can do after EEE. Well Pavan Robotics can be viewed as a specialization within Control Systems and for this reason Robotics is generally offered by a fewer institutions, that too at the PG level than the other one. And hey…there are a good number of colleges that are offering Control Systems in some form or the other at the UG level of Engineering. Some IITs, including IIT-Madras can well be your destination if you are looking to do an MS course iun Robotics and NITs and other deemed Universities too offer PG courses on Robotics. Well dude…a significant point to be noted is that Robotics is not a very favoured subject in India at present since the usage of the subject in practice in very limited here…and hence Control system is naturally a better option. (I guess you could base your pick of the choices on the actual interests you have and the strengths you posses…so go ahead and take make your own choice dude!)

Now for the second part of this piece of gyan…well for Pavan and for all those graduates in EEE, further studies are possible in diversifications within the same branch, computer science and management, within and outside the country…and hey the job opportunities are available in power plants – thermal, hydro or nuclear, and industries like Railways, Construction, Civil aviation and all types of manufacturing plants. (In life opportunities always knocks and in most cases many a times…so it’s those smart ones who choose to be with those good ears to recognize the sound of success…so make sure you are one of those and hey…success really sounds awesome) All the very best guys!

Hey…for all those in the E-Tribe who appeared on my screen asking for typical ‘GG Line’ of advice for your exams…listen up, this is how it goes…Never cease to prepare yourself and always make sure you spend quality time well before the day when you are put to test…and never say ‘tomorrow is there for something to be done’, simple because ‘tomorrow’ is one of today’s greatest labour saving devices! And never look for excuses because ‘excuse’ is the most crippling failure disease…so go ahead and just do it today and do it the smart way…and I bet you guys are gonna rock @ the exams.

With that I come to the end of my column and hey…be your best @ the examination halls and don’t you ever forget that for E-Tribe winning is a habit. And lemme sign off by urging you all to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It may not be the best thing that you think which could happen to you
It may not be the most exciting one that you are looking to experience
It may not be the coolest thing that you would aspire to take on
In fact for some it may even be the one thing that you could get away with…

But hey the fact remains…It’s that one inevitable thing that could actually transform your life…with that remarkable role as the decider in your very personal game called life…thereby being a reason to the very swing that you achieve in your life…and as a perfect starting block for a good run heading to success.

Well I am just talking about the ‘exams’…and yes it’s fever is in the air…and hey, you couldn’t ask for a better reason than this to start looking at the exams in a positive angle…and gear up to take them on with a winning attitude. All you dudes and dudettes out there in the E-Tribe…always remember ‘the roots of education might just turn out to be bitter, but hey…the fruit will definitely be sweet’.

So with that incredible thought in your minds and with that rejuvenated spirit to take on the exams only to succeed, lemme chill you guys out with some of the refreshing gyan with added fizz…in a right proportion to keep you hungry for more… the whole week. Here I go again:

Let’s say hello to my friend Prasanna who calls GG an encyclopedia and wishes to be one himself just enough to rock the student community with all the gyan (Thank you dude…! Well, this is just sounding like there is some aspiring competition getting warmed up somewhere out there…but hey, don’t you guys know the obvious…there can be only one GG and you could always be the one smart Sish to Guru in the e-Tribe) Prasanna is doing his B.Tech – Production Engineering in MIT, Anna University and wants to know if he could take up a dual degree / course in IT and if yes…how helpful it might be. Well Prasanna my friend if your idea is to get into the IT field …it’s not gonna be easy with the production background…but hey if IT is your destination…then you could well choose a non formal IT course that actually fits you well in the industry so much so that your production background might just be overlooked. (It’s a change of course and line and it really depends upon the actual route you would want to take on…but hey, whatever it is, we are sure you’ve got what it takes dude!) But hey if you are looking at an IT course as a support to your production engineering…then you could get into learning the IT applications…any of the ERP courses which could actually improve your efficiency levels in your production line. This piece also goes to my buddy Giri from the same campus, All the best dudes!

This guy really missed GG’s awesome machine…the incredible GG mobile…the one & only GG’s bike…and let the entire E-Tribe with all those guys who missed the bike, be thrilled to see GG on the bike again…and let’s welcome my buddy Hariharan – the dude who tells me that he really missed GG’s bike. (Just for you Hari & the rest of the E-tribe…GG rolled in back on the bike…and hey, isn’t that cool?!) Hariharan, who is in his 12th has mailed in about the article that appeared on E-plus dated 7th of Feb on the availability of the different courses for B.E / B.Tech. He says that was really an eye opener and now he wants to know more details on different colleges that offer these courses and so on. (“Once you taste the tastiest, you never cease to remain wanting for more…” and that’s what E-plus is all about…trying to give you the best!) Well Hariharan, don’t you worry dude, all you have to do is watch out for the pre-counselling sessions that E-plus would come up with for guys like you in the near future , such as the one that was done last year. (Now isn’t that really cool guys!)

Say Hi to Arathi S Nair who had finished her 12th Std. last year in Kerala (CBSE). She wants to know if she could take on the State level medical entrance of Tamil Nadu and the details thereof. Well Arathi (The E-Tribe’s own angel from the God’s own country) I guess you need to take up the PMPD / All India pre medical exams and you can check out those entrance exams conducted by the deemed Universities in Chennai.
And talking about entrance examinations…Madhumitha who is doing her 12th has appeared on my screen to say that she wrote the AIEEE model test conducted by E-plus in association with AIMS last month and she thoroughly enjoyed the post exam sessions…(Thank you dudette…and you could well keep looking for more such exciting things from the one & only E-plus!) She also goes on to say that she never misses E-plus and her favourite GG’s column. (You stay addicted!)

Surya doing his B.Sc Electronics through correspondence wants to know that if he could spend his free time constructively by taking on a suitable course in line with his Electronics background. (It’s better to imitate those things that an angel could do by indulging yourselves in something rather than letting your mind playing the host to the devil by being idle) Well Surya…if you are looking for a suitable course in IT you could check out those specialized Hardware courses offered by institutes such as IIHT, Jetking, etc.

For all those in the E-Tribe who are looking for education abroad…and if UK is going to be your destination…then you guys got to visit the Education UK exhibition on 25 & 26 of February @ the Taj Coromandel, Chennai.

I sign off right here urging you guys to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Success is all about giving the right shape to your dreams and making it a reality…and hey it could even be the most unexpected things that you dream off. Talking about giving it a right shape…Neither the Mickey Mouse in its animated dreams nor its creator Walt Disney in his early days would have thought that this particular character, when it made its first screen debut (Steamboat Willie at Colony Theater NYC) exactly this day way back in 1928, would turn out to be the most famous cartoon character ever known to mankind…but yet it was the creator’s dream that gave it the shape and his belief that he could just do all it takes to make it a success. Ok listen up folks…as you are about to start a whole new week, put on that best smile of yours and be enthusiastic in whatever you do because “the most beautiful attire is your SMILE & the most contagious spirit is your ENTHUSIASM”. With these lines of motivation which feel is the most important part of all my gyan that goes in this very column on page 6 of the one and only E–plus, lemme roll out the best of what I’ve got for this week:

Let’s welcome Meha who has been enjoying her work at a BPO for a year now. She tells me that her mind keeps dwelling on books as she is an avid reader (Hey dudette that’s an awesome thing to do…and don’t you ever cease to fall in love with the books and the very act of reading those!) and she wants to get into editing books and in related fields. Well Meha (hey…that’s really a cool name dudette!) you can watch out for an apt course for yourself which is getting launched by Madras University shortly. So keep looking for those announcement advertisements in The Hindu or you could have this as a wonderful reason to walk into that beautiful and serene looking ‘Knowledge Campus’ of Madras University by the sea just to find all about it.

Say hello to couple of my new friends Lakshmi and Esha. Lakshmi who is an Economics graduate and currently doing her MBA through correspondence has put in 10 years of service in a leading bank till 6 months back. Now she tells me that she is very much interested in teaching as a profession and wants to get into that. Well Lakshmi, as GG would always say…you are never too late to get into the groove of acquiring knowledge and hey, B.Ed is very much a good option. And there are several other PG courses too that enables you to get yourself equipped in this manner and as for your query on SLET
(State Eligibility Test for Lectureship Eligibility) this state level Test is based on the pattern of the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by UGC and UGC/CSIR for Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences subjects respectively and all you need to do is to watch out for the examination details that will be announced for the next year by these Govt. Agencies. To know more log onto And as this piece of gyan also goes to Esha, lemme introduce Esha the lecturer to the E-Tribe. (Now isn’t that a great thing to have the gurus rockin’ with us as a part of the E-Tribe…it really is and that’s exactly why E-Tribe is the hottest…right guys?!) Well Esha the notification should come in shortly sometime before December. All the very best.

Sudharshan who claims that he is a regular reader of E-plus wants to know the difference between BSc-Economics and BA-Economics. Well buddy, it actually depends upon the States that offer these courses and in general you will find that BSc economics deals with more mathematical modeling and quantitative analysis, if at all you would want to find a difference.

Rajeev (who fell in love with Industrial Engineering after reading about it in E-plus) wants to know if he could do it in correspondence. Well Rajeev I am afraid you cannot do that through correspondence…but hey, depending upon what you do currently, try and see if you can get into the regular course.

For all those dudes and dudettes who are wanting to know more on ‘Education in Singapore’, well you guys have just turned lucky…the Singapore Education Fair’05 is all set to kick off in Chennai on 24th of September and hey, all you guys who are looking for that colourful career in Arts and Design…all you need to do is to meet the people from the Asia Pacific’s leading Arts Institution, LASALLE-SIA college of Arts, Singapore right here in Chennai as a part of this Fair. So be there to find what exactly it takes you to be a world class professional in the field of Arts and Design.

All good things too should come to an end atleast temporarily…right? Well so as to say on this very day in 1796 the most famous George Washington came up with his farewell address as the first President bringing an end to his tenure. And this is exactly where I get to say my lines too…and here I go: Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“I am dreaming of a White Christmas” and hey, if you guys are thinking what I am talking about…yes, with all the extreme climatic changes that we are witnessing and owing to the simple fact that GG always is a big dreamer and how wonderful it could get if only we the Chennaites get to experience ‘snow’ this awesome Christmas season…Wow, isn’t that a wonderful dream! Alright it’s Monday morning and it’s really cool to wake you up as enjoyable as it was when that dream woke me up and hey, this is a season to give and to share…so go ahead gift someone you love and make it even more meaningful by gifting someone who need it the most. Talking about gifts and all those gift boxes…did you guys know that it was on this very day in 1871 the rippled cardboard stuff which is still used even today in boxes and as packing protection – the corrugated paper was patented by Albert L Jones of New York City. It only goes to show that the way to live a cleaner and environment friendly life was shown to the world a long time ago, but it’s just us who strayed away to be the unfriendly ones. Ok…folks, lemme roll out all the gyan for this week as the good old Santa would do to all those kids who wake up to rush to see what’s around the X mas tree.

Let’s welcome N Anand, who mailed in to tells me that GG’s hair is really cool and wants to know if he could find a bike like GG’s as it is very cool (Thanks dude for your compliment on my hairdo…did you guys know that GG really takes care of it a lot and I am sure you guys know that it is an exclusive ‘GG’s cut’…and sorry buddy…this is a custom made machine only for GG!) Anand has just finished his B.Tech (IT) and he wants to do M.Tech (bioinformatics) and he wants to know about the colleges offering this course. Well Anand, deemed Universities such as SRM, Sathyabama offer this course and hey, we the E-Tribe think that you really have what it takes to do it and come out in flying colours. All the very best.

Arun, who is doing his 11th grade, tells me that he is a great admirer of GG’s column (Thank you dude…and you stay addicted to E-plus buddy!) and he is interested in science, journalism, psychology and arts. He wants to know if he could get to do a course through distance education in any of these specialties and wants to know how to go about it. Well Arun, as you are specifically asking me about distance education, you must finish your 12th and that’s when you get to qualify yourself to do any if these courses…and hey, I am sure you can just give yourself one more year so that you finish your 12th and then you will find yourself a suitable course to pursue.

Say hello to Krishnaa (This is my new buddy…and he is the one with a double a – kind of a cool tune attached already to his name…in case you are thinking that it’s a printing error!) Krishnaa is currently doing his 12th Std in a matric school and he wants to get into IT and wants to know what he should do. Well dude, now first you have two options after your 12th…that is you can get into BSc Computer science or BE (Computer Science) ...and the pattern could vary to suit these options. Assuming you are getting into BSc, you could well fit yourself into a thoroughly professional course such as GNIIT simultaneously so that you get the twin edge as you finish your graduation along with this course. On the other hand if your eyes are set already on those coveted benches in one of those engineering colleges, then my suggestion will be that you leave the first year free as you will have a lot to do with the engineering syllabus which will take lot of your time. It’s ideally the second year wherein you could get into the other courses such as C+ and a whole lot of suitable courses that will enhance your engineering degree. I hope you got the real picture that I am trying to portray here and hey, get to the one to choose the right course at the right time…and stay addicted to E-plus.

I sign off right here…and before I say what I get to say every week…and although it’s been said many times and many ways…you get to hear it now in GG’s own style… ‘Wishing everyone in the E-Tribe a wonderful and a blessed Christmas’…stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’, never cease to put on the best smile of yours simply because it makes you look better and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG on the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Wassup! If somebody tells you that Monday mornings are boring simply because he or she has got to fall in line with the whole weeks’ routine especially after an exciting weekend…only one thing is absolutely evident and that he/she has not yet become a part of the hottest & most happening E-Tribe. And yes it’s only the E-Tribe that gets to start every brand new week with all the excitement and fun with the one & only E-plus and obviously with the dudest of the dudes ‘GG’…right guys?!...Talking about exciting weekends, taking a trip to one of those amusement parks to enjoy the thrill rides could well be a cool thing do…and talking about amusement parks, did you guys know that exactly 50 years back on July 17th 1955, a young man took guts to believe in his dreams which he put as "I don't want the public to see the world they live in while they're in the Park. I want them to feel they're in another world" and that’s exactly what made him a super achiever. All it took for him is a small piece of land to begin with, a half century back to realize his dream strengthened by his belief and hardwork, and as a result he has left us, the world of today the biggest theme park that covers 30,500 acres or about 47 square miles, a city within itself. Yes…the man who made his dream come true was none other than Mr.Walt Disney and I am talking about Walt Disney World. What an achiever!...drawing all the motivation reading about the man, as I did writing these lines…lets start a whole new week with the most favourite and the only tabloid that hosts ‘GG’. Alright guys…I am back with a bang and lemme unleash all the gyan I’ve got for this week for all those hungry souls out there. Here I go again:

Let’s welcome Mehul, who is working for a BPO. Mehul tells me that he is a big fan of GG and the ‘GG-mobike’ and he waits eagerly for every Monday’s E-plus as he thinks that the Team E-plus does a wonderful job (Thank you very much dude! It’s so cool to say that you guys are one big motivation that makes GG better and keeps E-plus rockin’!) My friend Mehul wants to know where he can learn MS Excel, the high end of it all that will help him in his career. Well Mehul, you can check out NIIT as they have a those special swift courses that will teach exactly what you are looking to learn. All the very best and stay addicted to E-plus.

Let’s say hello to Ramprakash who is doing his B.Tech IT. He tells that he has great interest in Visual Communication / multiumedia and wants to know if he can take up a part time course and he also wants to know where his friend can take up a crash course on spoken English. Well Ramprakash as for your first query…you really got to spend quality time with your B.Tech IT course dude, but hey if you really think that you can manage an additional course, then you can try your hand at multimedia or animation if that’s what you are interested in. Institutes such as CSC, Arena multimedia offer such courses and for the second query of yours for your friend (Tell your friend that he is very lucky to have you dude!) he can take up one of those quality courses offered by those authorized Zeal speak easy centres, Speak2achieve, etc. To extend this gyan, L K Vishwanath wants to do a full time course in Visual Communication and he wants to know where he can go about doing that. Well pal (He is doing his 12th Std now) you can choose any of the town’s colleges such as Loyola, New College, etc.

And say hello to Dilanie D…wassup girl! (You’ve got a cool name dudette…and lemme call you DD...alright?!) Well DD as you are currently in your 9th grade, you’ve got a good lead time to really plan and get yourself landed on the right track in your hot pursuit to success. DD wants to pursue a career in the Travel industry and yes dudette you can choose the right course after your Class XII (any subject) graduation in any subject (Public Relations/ Advertising) courses are relevant. This can be followed by masters in travel management. Or after your 12th (any subject) on the job training with a travel agency and certification course for IATTA / UFTAA / FIATTA. Or a course from any of the Universities including Madras University or a Diploma in International Airlines, Travel & Tourism Management offered by the India Industrial Trade Centre ( or even go on to do a post graduate Diploma in Travel & Tourism Management offered by Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management, Gwalior ( All the very best dudette.

I sign off right here as I just realized that I am about slip off the page…and before I go I urge you not to forget the ‘man’, his ‘dream’ and the ‘belief’ he had in his dream and how it all happen, simply because you can’t just ask for a better recipe than this for that sweetest success. Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Here comes the time…when you get that awesome chance to see yourself breaking-free from the routine…and hey, take guts to realize the simple funda in the very line that GG always says…
‘Life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying!’
YES, for all those in the ‘E-Tribe’ who have completed their exams, stop thinking & worrying too much about the exam-results, just go ahead take that much needed vacation and hey…do it the E-Tribe way and now you wanna how?!
– ‘Wet yourself in the beach and let your feet run on the sand like never before’ or ‘Climb a cool mountain and let your earlobes feel the chill and go comfortably numb’ or ‘Adventurously check out a trail in the forest and get entertained by those amazing songs from the woods’ or ‘Experience the thundering rhythm on your head right under a beautiful waterfall’ - the point is make sure you do something & enjoy your holidays, but hey! Whatever you do, don’t you ever miss E-plus. And talking about E-Plus…we’re getting a great show packed with a lot of exciting info, all set just for you right at the end of May’05. Watch out for the announcements, E-Tribe!

Alright folks…here I am back on this Monday right on the left half of your most favourite page 6 of this ‘exciting & new look’ issue of E-plus, with all the gyan for this week. Let’s roll:

Say hello to Lavanya who tells me that even though she follows GG’s column regularly she is new to the E-Tribe (Welcome aboard dudette! You just did the coolest thing in life by mailing in to the most hottest inbox in town…the one & only GG’s mailbox and hey…you stay addicted to E-plus!) Lavanya has just finished her 12th and she wants to know all about Genetic Engineering.
Hey…we’ve got another dudette S Mohana who seem to be hungry for the same gyan. Alright dudettes and also to all those in the E-Tribe who are looking at Genetic Engineering here’s what you get, you hungry souls! Well Genetic Engineering tends to be not a course by itself and it is only a topic of study among the others in a branch. Biotechnology in recent times has focused on Genetic engineering and genetic splicing techniques that has actually revolutionized the field of diagnostics. A 4yr B Tech in Biotechnology is offered to 12th candidates at Anna University, Chennai and Jadhavpur University at Kolkatta (now that is a cool piece of info to Lavanya who is all set to make her mark genetically!) A 5 ½ yr integrated M Tech programme is being offered by IIT Delhi and IIT Karagpur and also in our own Anna University. Some of the other Universities offering courses with Genetic engineering as a major subject are: Centre for plant Molecular Biology – Tamilnadu Agriculture University,Coimbatore; School of Biological Sciences- Madurai Kamaraj University; Centre for Biotechnology – Pondychery University; Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore; Faculty of Applied Science – Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam; National Facility for Marine Cyano Bacteria – Barathidasan University, Trichy. All the very best to you guys!

Let’s welcome Sindhu into the E-Tribe. Sindhu has just completed her 10th in CBSE and she is expecting to score above 85% (Way to go dudette…and that echoes the real confidence of the one & only E-Tribe…and that’s why it always rocks!) She is planning to do her 11th and 12th in State board and she wants to know if State board (Tamilnadu) with its upgraded syllabus is tougher than CBSE as it is being said. Well Sindhu, according to the ‘expert’ friends of GG, it is really not true and hey…don’t you worry too much about that. (GG thinks that you sure have what it takes to excel dudette!)

Heena who is doing her 11th has mailed in to say that GG is doing a great job and she never misses the coloumn. (Merci beaucoup dudette! GG takes a graceful bow.) Heena is all set to take up the TNPCEE & other Medical & Engg. Entrance examinations and she wants to know where she can get coached. Well Heena (That’s a lovely name you’ve got dudette…!) your destination can well be AIMS Education as they are a pioneer in this coaching field.

Hey Karthik B S (one of the coolest sishyas of GG!) I am sure you’ve got an idea on how to beat the heat this summer hols…if you are still thinking, read those lines in the intro again dude! And about the gyan on your higher studies in UK…log onto and I am sure you’ll find what you are looking for.

And with that…here comes the time when I get to slip out from the bottom of the page in this new look E-plus (I am sure the new look rocks with the E-Tribe!) and as usual I urge you to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Sometimes ‘to loose’ a few is the best part of the preparation one can experience ‘to win’ the big one…and that’s exactly what the world champions from the land of the Kangaroos went on to show the world by rising from ‘ashes to glory’ and reiterated the fact that “the greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” And hey…it was actually after many failures that all those wiz kids at the recently held ‘Shaastra’ – technical festival in IIT-Chennai, came up with those spectacular robotic creations…that took everyone’s breath away and exposed these students as creators of the future in technology. Alright folks…as we were once again a witness to the nature’s fury…it also times like these when we get a chance to do what we can in whatever possible way…all that matters is how we make a difference. Talking about makin’ a difference, it was exactly this very day in 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize…What a Soul! Did you guys know that on this very day in 1933 Albert Einstein arrived in US as a refugee from his homeland of Nazi Germany…and hey, nothing could really stop him from being the Albert Einstein that we all know of. With all those motivating lines, lemme wake you all up with an old time classic in mind ‘Wake up little Susie’ by The Everly Brothers which also was the on top of the charts way back in 1957 this very day…and ofcourse with all the gyan for this week. Let’s roll:

Let’s welcome Paramasivam Arvind into the one and only E-Tribe. My new friend tells me that he has been reading GG’s column for the last one year and through this mail he has rocked his way into GG’s mailbox. Arvind who is currently doing his 12th wants know all about Marine engineering. Well buddy, for this branch of engineering in-plant training in ship(s) is also imparted, necessitating additional fee payable by the students of this branch. Candidates must also satisfy some physical fitness standards and hey, only male candidates are eligible (sorry dudettes). This is highly suited for those with a flair for travel, seeing new places, interacting with new people and new cultures (and if you really got it what it takes, you get to do it all at the employer’s cost!) and high emoluments. Unlike aeronautical engineers, who do not travel in plane on job, marine engineers normally have to travel in the ship and hence must be ready to be away from dear and near ones for certain lengths of time. (So get on board dude and just do it…simply because GG thinks that you’ll make one rockin’ sailor in the E-Tribe) All the very best.

Let’s say hello to Silas (Now that’s a cool name dude!) who is doing his 12th and he wants to know all about Mechatronics. Simply because of the fact that GG is just about to say what he’s got to say about something new and also owing to the fact that this an interesting one…lemme start off with the definition that goes to say “Mechatronics is the synergetic combination of precision Mechanical engineering, Electronic control and Computing technologies to enhance the performance of products, systems and process.” In this modern times that are fitted with sophisticated technological advancements, we get to be the witness to see a new era of highly sophisticated and ultra machines to cater to the rapid demand in manufacturing industries worldwide. Complete automation like robotics, CAD/CAM/CIM and flexible manufacturing systems that have come to stay have revolutionized industries universally and in the process transcending the traditional boundaries that existed among mechanical electronics and computer engineering. Thus as an natural outcome of this awesome phenomena, came a new branch of engineering that takes advantage of microelectronics to reduce the demand on human and other error prone elements and hey, quite appropriately called the Mechatronics. To put it simply…it’s a fusion of precision mechanics and electronics in design, engineering and manufacture of CNC machines, robots, automation systems and computer integration of all functions of manufacturing (now that really sounds like one exciting line to get your feet in…right?!) So the opportunities are plenty and it’s just up to you to rock in.

Lakshmi says that GG is one of the coolest dudes around (Merci beaucoup dudette! And hey, I can’t resist but to give away the gyan that you had asked for!) My friend Lakshmi is in 10th now and she wants to study law in the US and she wants to know how. Well dudette, basically in order to study in the US, you’ve got take standardized tests such as the TOEFL, SAT, Subject Tests, ACT, GRE, GMAT and others. To find the right institutions and to know what the right tests that you need to undergo, all you need to do is log onto and also to find more on the tests.

Hey…I just realized that I am right at the bottom of the page exactly where I get to sign off…and before I do just that, lemme throw a little trivia. Did you guys know that the first issue of National Geographic Magazine was on the newsstands this very day way back in 1888. That’s a cool one eh?!... and hey did you guys remember when was the first time you got to meet GG in the E-plus…write into me and win a cool prize pack from me! Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more GG’s gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Historically speaking, it originally meant ‘Old rags”…
In the late 1800s it was akin to a “dandy” – a meticulously dressed man especially in the west.
And hey…it became “cool” in the 1930s & 1940s and it is the keyword now among the youth.
Alright…you guys are wondering what I am talking about…?!
Yes…I am talking about the word ‘Dude’ and hey whatever the history it might have had in its long journey, it sure has become the coolest opening line in the GG’s column and that explains all those in the E-Tribe who wanted to know about the ‘dude thing’ that GG started off a year back, ofcourse with the inevitable “dudettes”. And I am sure you guys are drooling over my new outfit…right?! And hey watch out for more to come guys.
Whoa, Dude! Cool gift vouchers, computer tables, short computer courses, entry tickets for multiplexes & gaming arena, a mobile phone and much more exciting prizes. That’s exactly what happened to those in the E-Tribe who had what it takes to the winners of the contests in our one & only E-plus 1st Anniversary special. Watch out for more such contests and keep winning guys! Lemme join the entire E-Tribe to congratulate our winner for the Mega Anniversary special prize…B V Karthik from Velammal Engineering College. Way to go dude!

Ok folks…its Monday and I am back with all the gyan for this week just for you hungry souls and here I go. Let’s roll:

Hey Narayan…Wassup dude?! Lets welcome our friend into the E-Tribe all the way from Dubai who has moved into our own Chennai. (You just rocked your way into this cool City by getting into the one & only E-Tribe man!...and you stay addicted to E-plus) My buddy Narayan, who has got an aversion to American lingo…yet sounds like one and he has an unique interest. He wants to know all about Ventriloquism and wants to learn the art. (GG thinks we sure have someone here who wants to expose his talents on belly-speaking with a sidekick of his own in the likes of those well known Danny O’Day, Howdy Doody, Charlie or our own Venky’s monkey). Well Narayanan, first when you are in the E-Tribe you get to speak the world languages dude! And hey in an effort to try and give all the gyan I could on an interesting topic like this to all those in the E-Tribe, lemme start right from the basics. The word Ventriloquism has its origin from Greek word ‘engastrimythos’ which has three elements – en meaning in, gaster meaning belly and mythos meaning word or speech and hence in English a ‘ventriloquist’ is a belly speaker. And what’s more interesting to know is said to have started in ancient times way back in sixth century BC and it is believed that it was used to supposedly communicate with dead. The belief was that the spirits of the dead went to the stomachs of the prophets and continued to exist there thereby enabling them to foretell the future by the spirits who were speaking from his or her belly and this the name ‘ventriloquist’…(hey…now that’s really sounds eerily cool…ahh?!) Well the modern day ventriloquists have turned this cool talent of their into a money-spinning entertaining idea and some just do it for fun. (I am sure we gonna have one cool ventriloquist right here in the E-Tribe…way to go Narayan!) As some of you may know ventriloquist use a wooden dummy or doll which he or she places on their hand in order to operate their movements and then pretends to carry on a conversation with the dummy by moving its mouth and providing its voice. The dummy's voice actually comes from the ventriloquist, but since there is no sign that he or she is moving his or her mouth or lips, then the voice seems to come from the wooden dummy. (And that is an awesome talent guys!) If you wanna learn ventriloquism, you’ve got to unlearn a few things such what your phonetics professor taught you to open your mouth adequately simply because you’ve got to talk keeping your mouth shut. Well as you are looking for some books on this art…your pick could well be the book ‘Ventriloquism made easy’ which you find in Landmark right away or you can visit the Chennai Book Fair. (Right on time for you …and that’s Chennai for you dude!) You can also check out the performances by our City’s own veteran in this art Mr.Venkatesh with his most popular show ‘Venky & Monkey show’…to get all the tips you need. All the very best dude.

Prabha Kumar, Sneha Narayanan and all those who are looking to learn Japanese, you guys can check out institutes such as The Indo-Japan Center @ Teynampet (24352010) or ABK-AOTs DOSOKAI @ Nelson Manickam Rd. And Sneha as you are looking to become a translator / interpreter, it really is a good venture dudette as a lot of Indian companies are looking at nurturing in-house localization and multilingual expertise that can actually make a lot of difference to their business in the international arena especially the non-US countries.

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Cometh the month May…Cometh the incredible excitement that rolls in with all the heat in town and the high anticipation on the exam results…and hey, its just gonna get ‘double’ the fun this year with the most exciting, the biggest and the mother of all the events on education, which is all set to happen right here in Chennai for the first time. Oh yes guys…it’s just round the corner and the best thing the E-tribe could ever do is to hold on for another eleven days till the mega “educationplus FAIR’05” kicks off in great style on 27th of May. Now you may have had witnessed many ‘Mays’ gone by…but hey, this ‘May’ is going to be a very special ‘May’ like never-before.
Alright guys…with that ‘build up’ I just announced my arrival on this beautiful, really ‘hot’ and happening Monday just to continue where I left you guys ‘awestruck’ with all the gyan last week. So…lets rock & roll:

Let’s welcome Dipti Mahendran into the E-Tribe who has just finished her 12th. (Now that sounds like a more relaxed Dipti…and you bet she is!) But hey, she is definitely not relaxing too much dudes…simply because she is already got herself focused on planning her next move. (When you are looking at the future and getting all set to enter it with a specific plan…the first best thing that you get to do is to ask questions. The questions that are made to bring out the answers which actually turns out to be the ‘wipers’ on the glass of a car called ‘the plan’ to take on the incredible road called ‘Life’, wiping away the dangerous dust called ‘the doubts’ that could actually hinder your clear sight on the road to get to the destination called ‘success’!) And that’s exactly what our Dipti is doing out here. She wants to know all about Geo-Informatics engineering. Well Dipti (that’s a lovely name you got there dudette!) Geoinformatics Engineering is an applied engineering science with a pretty strong inter-disciplinary character in close connection with applied mathematics, computer science, physics and geosciences as well as civil and electrical engineering. (Now that is really interesting…and I am sure our Dipti here has got all what it takes to master this line of study…right guys?!) Well Geoinformatics Engineering requires a sound knowledge of maths, physics and computer science…and hey as an aspiring student you will get to expose yourself to the latest technological developments of the shape of the earth, the use of spatially referenced data for cartography as well as the measurements required for the construction and monitoring of engineering structures, in other words it deals with spatial and non spatial data, their methods of acquisition, management, analysis, display and dissemination. As GG always says…if you really got what it takes, just go ahead and do it dudette!

We’ve got Vinayak who is doing his third year Mechanical engineering, thinks that GG’s column is very good and helpful (Thank you dude! Your appreciation is the best & the strongest dose of motivation…that GG thrives on!) Next we have Chenab who has just finished his 12th and a great fan of GG who wants to see GG with his girlfriend soon. (Well dude, GG’s girl might just wouldn’t want all the media glare…so bad luck buddy!) And we have karthik who is a regular reader of E-plus (Stay addicted dude!) and a commerce degree holder. Finally we have Chiki (who is mailed in for his brother) who tells me that GG looks FAB in the new car. Now all these guys want to know about the art of Cinema, film making, editing and the courses thereof. Well people, your destination could well be the Film and TV Institute of Tamil Nadu, CPT Campus. They have some exciting diploma courses on Direction & Screen play writing, Cinematography, Film processing, Film editing etc. You guys can check out L V Prasad Film & TV Academy who have just launched some new and exciting courses ( (All the very best guys…and hey, never forget to send in your maiden autograph to GG when you guys turn stars!)

Venkat who is doing his B E Electronics & Communication wants to join the Merchant Navy as an Electro- Technical Officer and wants to know where to begin. (It all begins @ ECR dude!) Well Venkat, you can check out the special ‘Electro-Technical Officers’ twelve week Training Programs for the Officers of Merchant Navy, which is a first of its kind, and by Academy of Maritime Education and Training (AMET), Chennai. But hey gentleman, you first need to become an Officer in Merchant Navy

Riyaz M (A faithful sishyan of GG) mails in to say that seemingly endless journey is GG’s and be it summer or winter GG remains the hottest in the long tabular column in E-plus every week…and he also goes on to take a guess…that GG might probably be someone who is tall, fair with French beard or a goatee. (Well you are right and wrong pal!) Riyaz doing his BCA from IGNOU, wants to know if there is any course on Creative writing as he is very interested in it. Well buddy, all you have to do is get yourself enrolled for a Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE) at the same campus of IGNOU and for more details log onto

With that I get to say those very lines that only GG can say the way they had to be said…stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan, keep smiling simply because it makes you look better; keep the E-tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing o screen. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked." – Mark Twain

Could there be any better way than to simply write a quote as awesome as this one that says it all in a most wonderful way…to start my column in this beautiful Monday morning quite extraordinary as it happens to be the very special Monday that dates to be the 15th of August with all its importance in the history of India, our country. With our minds high on the sweet thoughts of that very success our men of courage witnessed as a result of their honourable acts of commitment completely driven by their heart’s desire to see our great India independent…lemme start this day giving all you guys out there a slice of what I am talking about in the very own words of a French scholar Romaine Rolland who said…
“If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India!"
And as we might go completely helpless but to feel extremely proud whenever we get to read a line like this one…
“We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made!" --Albert Einstein
Alright folks, with those awesome thoughts triggered purely by those wonderful quotes and absolutely thrilled by the very fact that I get a chance to share these lines with I go with all the gyan for this week:

Let’s welcome into the one & only E-Tribe a new friend, who has mailed in with a weird name ‘Something Stupid’ (now that sounds different…and hey, I have no choice but to refer you this way as you haven’t written your real name!) My friend here, very unlikely of his email-name, is all out to get himself/herself well equipped with the best of the management degree from across the seas. SS (lemme call you that…ok?!), who loves GG’s column, has just completed under graduation in business and is interested in doing a MBA in Australia and wants to know all about how to go about doing it. Well SS talking about education in Australia and hey…you are right on time to get the best of all the information on the top class universities and the happening courses that are offered out there. Yes, all you need to do is to visit one of those many road shows that are happening in town…which includes the IDP show, Planet Education show and so on. IDP Education Australia is having their student interview session in Chennai at the end of this month (for the exact date you flip through the golden pages of the E-plus and I am sure you will find their advertisement!) which could well be the right place for you to be in to meet up with most of these Australian education institutes and to find just what you are looking for. (Isn’t that really great to know that you are a part of the one and only E-Tribe that gives you all the info that you just wanted to know…and hey that’s exactly why E-plus rocks!) All the very best.

Say hello to M Ravi Krishnan who has finished his B.E Mechanical Engineering from Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering in 1997 and currently working in his own business. Ravi Krishnan has mailed in to tell me that he wants to do a MBA course (As GG says…there is no limits whatsoever in this world for one’s quest to keep acquiring the knowledge…and hey it sure is a never ending process and the best thing about the whole thing is that it keeps getting better as you keep acquiring more.) Well Ravi, you can choose institutes like LIBA or any other institutes that offer MBA (the two year course that you are looking for) or if you wanna get yourself an international degree, something like the one from the University of London and you wanna get it right here…your destination could well be the newly launched Stansfiled Business School. So, make your move now and I am sure you are gonna get there alright!

Nareshkumar, who is doing his third year engineering with EEE as his branch, mails in to say that his interests are very much in IT field and he wants to take up a course in Software testing and wants to know where. (Well dude, one of the best things in life is the very nature of it…the very ingredient of it that actually offers you the best of the chances to keep discovering your own traits and interests and ultimately to keep reinventing yourself…And hey, isn’t it great to know that just being in the E-Tribe keeps giving ourselves a better chance to do just that?!) Well Nareshkumar, if you really know that your real interests are in it…just go ahead and do it buddy and you can check out STC as they offer some of the best courses on Software testing.

For all you dudes and dudettes who wanna know all about education in Singapore…I am sure you guys had the best of it all last Sunday with our special ‘Singapore – Education Destination’ and hey…if you happen to be a part of the unlikely few who missed it…grab your copy that along with The Hindu dated 7th of August 2005 or log onto to and find it all under the same headline. Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subjectline. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Wassup! Having experienced a thoroughly wet weather all through the week and now consciously hoping that we’ve had enough of it all so that we could avoid further damage around us, here comes the time, like it does on every Monday mornings when you could sit back and enjoy all the gyan from the one and only GG as I make that awesome entry into your territories with just that. “If being first is always made to excite one like nothing else does…it also gives success that ultimate shine which actually makes the first one to succeed in a particular feat, glitter for ever…at least as long as the feat is attempted upon and even talked about. And in the process it also sets up a benchmark for future successes in the same feat. This proves a point that it’s simply great to be the first one to do succeed. Being the ‘first one to do it’ doesn’t come in that easy folks…we need to really put in that extra effort both mentally and physically in a way that has been never done before. Only such efforts can show off the real winners under the spotlight that can never fade away as it exactly did to Samuel Pepys when he reported on the 1st blood transfusion (between dogs) way back in 1666, Louis Timothee when he became the first US professional librarian to be hired in Philadelphia in 1732 and the ‘first of its kind’ act when the 1st airplane took off from the deck of a ship, Norfolk, Va in 1910…and hey, all these happened on this very day. With those amazing facts just enough to trigger off our inner most desires to be the best and the first in whatever we are looking to achieve, lemme start all the gyan for this week.

Let’s welcome Selvi who is regular reader of E-plus (stay right there addicted to E-plus) and she has mailed in wanting to know all about AFMC (Armed Forces Medical College) for her son who is doing his 12th currently. (Hey…this is exactly why a Mom is the best thing that could happen to us all…right guys!?) Well Selvi, the graduate wing of AFMC is affiliated to the University of Pune and is recognized by the Medical Council of India for conducting programme leading to MBBS degree. The admissions to MBBS course is on the basis of an objective type written examination conducted in various centers across India which will be followed by an interview and the final selection and out of the total seats which is likely to be close 130, 25 are reserved for girls. Prospectus and application forms can be obtained from the head post offices…usually given during the month of January and the competitive written test usually happens in May. On passing the final MBBS examination, the students of AFMC are formally inducted into the Armed Forces Medical Services and they are commissioned as officers in the rank of Lieutenant or equivalent ranks in the Navy or Air Force and they are posted at various recognised service hospitals for one year to undergo the mandatory internship training. Thereafter, they are granted the rank of Captain in the Army or equivalent ranks in the Navy or Air Force. (Now that really sounds cool eh?!) The other courses that are offered by AFMC are In-Services Courses (Officers), Paramedical Courses, Nursing Training, Post Graduate Degrees. To know more you can log onto The E-Tribe joins me in wishing you the very best to your efforts and to your son.

Say hello to Manish, a final year Computer science engineering student who claims to be a regular reader of the GG’s column. (Way to go dude!...and hey, this is one of those few things in life which you could actually never cease to stay addicted to it!) Manish has gathered from talking to his friends that it’s an added advantage to learn a foreign language to get into the big MNC’s. Well Manish it does help especially as you about to groove into the ‘all-active & innovative’ IT industry and hey, knowing the unknown or even the lesser known is always a plus and a plus is always good in life…as you walk your route in search of success (No wonder why we named it the E-‘plus’…and hey, I can’t help but to only say that it really rocks…right guys!?) So go ahead and learn the languages that you could and I am sure you will have that incredible edge when it comes to you making you moves in those highly competitive angled IT space. You can check out Alliance Franchaise for French, ABK AOTS Dosakai for Japanese and centers such as Bright Foreign Language training center, Centre for foreign languages in University of Madras.

Vinoth who is doing 12th now is confused as to what course he should take and he tells me that he is interested in taking up biotechnology. Well buddy as GG always says “it is as easy to be clear & confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly and act accordingly” and hey ‘Life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying’, so make sure you live it king size guys! And Vinoth you can check out those earlier editions of E-plus, wherein we have carried a number of articles on Biotechnology and also in GG’s columns…Log onto

I sign off right here just to be back with you with all the gyan for the next week…and hey, till then stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams."

It could be very exciting…so prepare yourself by spending quality time;
It could be really a tough ask…so play hard and be your best;
It could even get boring sometimes…so refresh yourself and give each day and the things to take on a brand new look;
It could easily make you nervous…so get a strong hold on yourself and bring out the best of confidence in you and hey…with that incredible smile on your face, get on with the parade!
And with those lines of mine I urge every dude and dudette in the E-Tribe to come out with flying colours this hot and exciting exams’ season…and I am sure that the one & only E-tribe with that kind of an awesome attitude and an incredible habit of winning, is gonna do just that…right guys?! Hey it’s Monday and I am back, much sooner (on Page 2) this week too, with all the gyan for this week ready to be served hot for all those who stayed hungry the whole week. Here I go again:

Let’s put our hands together for our new friend Nikhil (Welcome to E-Tribe – the most happening thing in town) who mails in to tell me that GG has established himself as a ‘know-all’. (Thank you dude! Though I really wouldn’t agree that I am one…but hey, it’s the guys like you who actually make GG to try and be his best!) Nikhil wants to know how a ‘Deemed University’ is different from a regular university. Well Nikhil (Getting to know thoroughly where you’re heading is as good as covering half the distance towards your successful destination) a ‘deemed University’ is one, which is fully described as a ‘deemed-to-be-university’ and is awarded that status by the Ministry of Human Resources & Development and is governed by UGC, and not by any State Government rules and regulations. It is more than an autonomous college which functions within a university, but less than a full fledged university. Hey Nikhil…I guess that sums up an exclusive piece of gyan from GG to you.

We’ve got next on line a dude who claims that he has been bugged with all those different entrance examinations. Let’s welcome Praveen Kumar who is doing his 11th Std and wants to know the names of these different entrance examinations and the details thereof. (GG thinks that we sure have someone here who wants to get all his routes and the navigational points, right for the journey towards success, right on time just before he gets going on preparing for it…and that’s really a cool thing to do dude!) Well Praveen Kumar, here goes the list…TNPCEE - Tamil Nadu Professional Courses Entrance Examinations, IIT-JEE -Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam, AIEEE - All India Engineering Entrance Exams, PMPD - PreMedical, PreDental (Entrance Exams), AFMC - Armed Forces Medical College (Entrance Test) (Pune), AIIMS – All India Institute of Medical Sciences (New Delhi), JIPMER – Jawaharlal Institute of Post graduate and Educational Research (Pondicherry), CMC – Christian Medical College (Vellore), EAMCET – Engineering and Medical Common Entrance Test (AP), BITSAT – Birla Institute of Technology and Science Aptitude Test (Pilani)… (And that really made GG gasp for breadth now!) Hey…Praveen you owe me a good treat when you walk out successfully after taking one of these exams dude!

Khader (A regular reader of E-plus) who has just moved into Hyderabad on work has mailed in to say that E-plus rocks and wants some gyan for his brother who is doing his 12th on what the degree options are having taken ‘business group’. Well Khader your bro could get on with BBA, Actuarial science courses, followed by relevant master programme like MBA.

It’s always been a happy and a thoroughly exciting moment right at the beginning of this vertical column purely in anticipation to start rolling with all the gyan just for the E-Tribe on a Monday morning… and its also always been quite thrilling an experience whenever I get to realize that I have reached the very bottom of the same column as it throws up the challenge both for you to be hungry for more and for GG to come up with the best of gyan. So here I am signing off, urging you to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ at the exams and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Wassup folks! It’s Monday morning and hey…it’s just about time to start a wonderful week in the most exciting manner and you guys really know how to do just that. And for those who are just joining in…hey, I am talking about starting the week with the one & only E-plus in your hands in a beautiful morning like this. And I am back as usual jiving in on the your favourite right corner of the page 6, and folks…there is ‘love’ in the air, and for all those dudes & dudettes who are just about getting ready for a this ‘Valentine’s Day’…GG wishes a ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’! As somebody not so adventurous…you could send an e-card, a greeting card, gift your valentine, go out, have a candle light dinner, visit places or someone as an adventurous type…you could go on a long ride on ECR, shake a leg on the dance floor, hire a carriage driven by horses and take your valentine around the town or as someone looking to be wacky…you could go on a blind date, hire a band to accompany you so that you could sing your own song on your valentine…but hey whatever you do, keep the E-Tribe rockin’.

Ok with that lemme give you all the gyan for this week:

Let’s say ‘Hi’ Vignesh who is doing his 12th Std in D.A.V with computer science as his major. Vignesh tells me that he is a great fan of GG (Thank you dude…and you stay addicted to E-plus!) and he wants see GG in Dumbledore’s attire (hey…I am sure you wanna see the younger version Dumbledore…right ?! Well with you guys playing the Harry Potters’, Ron Weasleys’ and Hermiones’, it’s really sounds exciting to play a ‘Dude Dumbledore’ in our own house called “the rockin’ E-Tribe”) My buddy Vignesh wants to do his Computer science engineering and then go on to do his MBA and wants to know if that’s a good plan and if yes what he should specialize in. Well Vignesh (GG thinks we sure have someone here who really knows where he is heading…with some concrete plans and preparations. Way to go dude!) Well Vignesh I am say that you are on the right track…and yes you can get to do your MBA and you could get your specialization done in Information systems (IT based) and you could find yourself on the right grip to the top. (All the best!)

Let’s welcome Janz! (Any guesses on what the full name could be!) Janz is a regular reader of E-plus who tells me that she usually look forward to E-plus for some interesting articles and likes to check out GG’s column and also the Virtual Views. (That’s a good thing to do dudette! And hey stay addicted to E-plus and that’s the only way you’ll get to give you more!) Janz says that although GG still preserves his aura of the ‘mystery man’, she thinks that GG is kinda familiar…like some VJ…she guesses and hey…she tells me that she’s gonna find out soon and reveal it to the world. (Well dudette…now do I see someone getting ready to play the smart Nancy Drew…and what a case to handle…all the very best dudette!) Janz is currently in 12th Std. slogging her way through for her exams and wants to do English literature as English is the only thing that she can be totally passionate about. But she is kinda confused when people give her weird looks about her plans and wonders what she could get to do after her UG / PG in English Literature apart from teaching. Don’t you worry dudette…as you said it, teaching is one of the best things that you get to do…and hey, the opportunities are plenty and they are all right there if you are looking to make it in Journalism, Creative / Copy writing and so on to name an exciting few. So go ahead and follow your passion dudette (I am sure you’ve got what it takes to make it to the top)

GG wishes to thank K.Muralidar who has mailed in to say that it is really nice to correspond to GG (It’s great to see you on my screen) and he tells me that E-plus is getting more and more interesting and during his college days as he had no such articles to read on. He also goes on to say that the selection of articles in E-plus is commendable as they are directed to every section of the student community. (Thank you and that really motivates us to keep getting better and better) My friend Muralidar tells me that E-plus is also popular among the ‘ex-students’ community…(now that’s a great news to hear guys!) Well Muralidar, you are always a student to the E-Tribe and you continue to stay addicted to E-plus.

I just realized that I am right here on the bottom of the page with just enough space to once again wish every dude & duttete in the E-Tribe a ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ and my usual lines…urging you to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep smiling and look good, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s the time of the year when most of you guys get into this world of questions…to sample a few…‘What’s the cut-off marks?’, ‘What are my chances for my admission in a particular course?’, ‘Will I get into that University / College?’…and the Q’s goes on and on. Well yes…you’ve got to get your campus right and in the process of getting all these Q’s rightly answered you guys are sure to get perturbed and distracted. This is exactly what most of the mails from the E-Tribe to GG indicates and most of you guys have mailed in to say that you are kind of confused and worried. Lemme give you guys some simple gyan in a typical GG’s style…Always remember that “it is as easy to be clear & confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly and act accordingly” and hey the other thing is “Life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying and you make sure you keep it that way”…and don’t you guys ever forget the fact that the worst thing to be without is “HOPE”.

Alright guys it’s Monday and lemme start all the gyan for the week. Here I go again:

Let’s welcome Thiruvenkatesan Nagendiran (a perfect example of how some people command respect just with their names…right?) who wants to know all about Naonotechnology as he wants to pursue it in his post graduation too. Well Thiruvenkatesan, Nanotechnology is a hybrid science combining engineering and chemistry and nanotechnology in the broader and more inclusive definition is referred as “moleculer nanotechnology” or “moleculer manufacturing”. While not providing a cure for everything, is defined by the length scale when scientists and engineers discover new phenomena and provides exquisite new tools to engineer novel materials and devices at the nano-scale, and to study biology. A nanometer, one billionth of a meter, is about 10,000 times narrower than a human hair (Did you guys know that?!) The goal of nanotechnology is to manipulate atoms individually and place them in a pattern to produce a desired structure. Nanotechnology is a powerful innovative tool in the hands of the researchers, so it not a managerial profession. Most of the organizations connected with Nanotechnology are engaged in the research to find out new structure and studying the properties of Nano particle. So, a good background of physics and chemistry is called for and apart from that an open mind, analytical skill, mathematics, computer programming skills in simulation and algorithm development and implementation would be an asset and one should put lot of effort in developing them. Medicine and electronics are the two major areas where we would be seeing lot of activity in this field and you can get to do a M.Tech in Nano-Technology and for which you need to have a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical/Mechanical/Electronics & Communication/Computer Engg./ Instrumentation / Biotechnology / Computer Science or M.Sc. in Physics/ Chemistry / Electronic Science / Material Science / Electronic Instrumentation/Biotechnology or equivalent. Check out Amity Institute of Nanotechnology, New Delhi and all the very best dude!

Say hello to Nithiya who can easily qualify herself for having sent in the longest mail to GG…so let’s proclaim that my friend Nithiya is indeed the ‘longest mail Nithiya’ of the one & only E-Tribe. Nithiya is doing her final year B.E in instrumentation and she says that E-plus really rocks with valuable and useful info in every nook and corner of it and that it is a good guide. She tells me that she collects all the E-plus issues (way to go dudette!) and she appreciates GG for his patience (GG takes a perfect bow!) She wants to know all about GATE and where to look for coaching. Well Nithiya, GATE (The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is an All India Examination conducted by the seven Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Some engineering colleges / institutes specify GATE as a mandatory qualification even for admission to their postgraduate programmes. The candidate is required to find the procedure of final selection and award of Scholarship / Assistantship from the respective institution to which he / she seeks admission. Attractive scholarships / Assistantships for postgraduate courses in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Pharmacy in engineering colleges or institutes in the country, are available to those who qualify through GATE and qualified candidates (in Engineering subjects) are also eligible for the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in CSIR Laboratories. With regards to the preparation, well dudette, you need to be equipped with the basic understanding of the subjects and application of mind. .. and hey, with a cool mind and lots of confidence I am sure you can crack it well dudette. This examination is generally happens during February of every year and you can check out institutes such as Brilliant tutorials for the coaching classes. All the best dudette.

With that I sign off and before I zoom off in my cool bike, lemme thank S.Ramalingam & Geetha Ramalingam who had mailed in to appreciate the E-plus team for organizing the Educationplus FAIR’05 as they along with their son were thoroughly benefited by every bit of it and they also wish that we take it to other towns. Well Mr.Ramalingam…you wanted it and you shall have it…yes the Educationplus FAIR’05 is all set to rock Madurai on 2nd & 3rd of July. (And that’s exactly E-plus is all about…right guys!) Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“Be yourself, always…simply because no one can ever come up to you to tell that you are doing it wrong!” And hey, as it’s always good to be yourself, what matters most is to have the guts to be yourself only by knowing your own strengths and weaknesses well. So all it takes is to have a dream, work towards it, never underestimate the real winner in you and never give up. Now this might have just been some of the ways most achievers looked at life and in the process ended up with some incredible success. It was this very day way back in 1928 actress Katherine Hepburn made her debut on stage with that kind of determination just enough to become the “First Lady of American Screen” and one of the greatest movie legends of all times. Talking about determination and the courage to win, a star was born this very day in 1913, who against all kinds of odds, obstacles or whatever we may call them, went on to break 3 world records and tied the fourth…all in a 70 minute span. And he created history when we won those 4 gold medals, even upsetting the mighty dictator in 1936 Berlin Games. Having grown up poor, longing for the good things in life, on achieving success Jesse Owens went on to purchase one new car every year for the rest of his life, as well as large homes for both himself and his parents. What a man and what better way to put this kind of a ‘success act’ than to think of an apt song by Diana Ross “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”, which also hit the top of the charts! Alright folks having talked about taking care of the parents did you guys know that today is being celebrated as the ‘Respect for the Aged Day’ in Japan and as ‘National Grandparents Day’ in US…and hey, let’s give it all it takes to show the world that we care about the elders around us and take pride in owing a big part of our success to them.

Lets welcome Aishwarya (Well guys…she could well be the queen of our own E-Tribe!) who has mailed in to tell me that though she is not a regular reader E-plus, the editions that she read had really been very informative (Thank you dudette…it’s just a matter of time that you are gonna find yourself addicted to E-plus very soon…right guys?!) and she wonders why this wasn’t introduced when she was a student. Alright folks, my friend Aishwarya here is a chartered Accountant working in a MNC with a thirst to learn more and improve. (That’s exactly what we need to have in ourselves to get the maximum out of what life offers and hey…always remember it’s absolutely never too late to acquire knowledge…way to go Aish!) She wants to know all about the “Certified Financial Planner” course and wants to know how to go about doing it. Well a career in Financial Planning really offers you the ability to help people from all walks of life fulfill their life goals through the sound financial advice / plan. (Now that really sounds cool eh?!) As a student you choose to be a part of the most dynamic and fastest growing professions in the financial services industry. The Association of Financial Planners (AFP) is a professional membership & Certification organization –part of leading Global Confederation and it offers the highest Financial Planning credential called the Certified Financial Planner and can be obtained in India only through the AFP. You can check out the AFP recognized education providers such as International College of Financial Planning, Ritu Nanda Insurance Service Pvt. Ltd, Ritu Nanda Insurance Service Pvt. Ltd – in Delhi and Guardian Institute of Financial Planning (GIFP) and Indian Institute of Financial Planning & Management in Bangalore. To know more on CFP log onto

Let’s say hello to Sudha, who claims to be an easy-go & care free kind of a person and is determined to stay on top of the world all the time (now that, GG would say, is some attitude you’ve got there girl…and hey, in most cases this is exactly what it takes to be successful…and keep smiling and keep rockin’ dudette!) She is thinking about a course in HR and contemplating whether its gonna be in MBA or MA. Well from what you have written to me bout how good you are in developing the connect with people and your interests in assisting and dealing with people…I am sure you’ve got what it takes to see yourself rockin’ as a HR Manager in a cool organization very soon. So just go right ahead and do it…and hey, GG would say that MBA is sure to have an edge. Stay addicted to E-plus and never cease to share the GG’s gyan with all your friends and always stay hungry for more. All the very best dudette!

And hey…I am sure the E-Tribe showed the world of teachers how we love them and owe them a lot for what we are. Let’s always remember that if I am writing these lines and if you are reading them now…we’ve only got to thank our teachers folks. Remembering our real gurus, this exactly where the one and only gyan guru gets to sign off urging you all to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“Change is the only constant thing that happens around us” and yes…if someone had told us some years ago that the good old hot city like Chennai would be rocked with some extreme climatic changes, and be threatened by those unfriendly versions of nature’s fury in the form of cyclones and storms that are christened well in advance so that they get their due respect…we as real Chennaites would have never even taken it seriously simply because it is too much of a change. But hey, it happened…and that’s the way life rolls out for all of us in this world competition where the rule ‘survival of the fittest’ stays good. In such an ever changing atmosphere it’s all up to us on how well we adapt ourselves not only to suit the change but also to embrace them well enough to succeed. Alright folks…now its time for some ‘GG’s Thought provoking Trivia’…on this very day on 1901 Marconi received first transatlantic radio signal, England to US (Man…what an inspiring moment that would have been!) and hey, it’s season to love, share and give and keeping in line with that thought let’s get inspired to do so…and it’s the same spirit that led the group known as Band Aid - 38 of Britain’s top rock musicians to record the song "Do They Know It’s Christmas?" for Ethiopian famine victims in 1984 on this very day. Alright with that lemme roll out what I’ve got just for you guys:

Let’s welcome Vishakh who is currently doing C.A and he is also doing his BBA through correspondence (Hey…this is one busy dude we have here!) mails in to tell me that he is a faithful reader of GG’s Column. (Thank you buddy…and you stay just that way addicted to E-plus…alright?!) Vishakh wants to know if MBA would help him in case he decides to get into mainstream auditing and wants to know what the specialization should be. He is also looking to know what other courses that he could do after his CA. Well Vishakh, to answer the first part of your question lemme confirm that…yes it will help if you get to do your specialization in Financial management in your management course simply because it is always gonna be an added advantage in your skill sets thereby giving you the edge. And with regards to the other courses after your C.A, you can motivate yourself to do courses such as CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) (to know more on this all you need to do is lay your hands on the last week’s issue of E-plus or log onto it’s only jus that simple dude!) and CPM (Certified Portfolio Manager course) and this will help you in seeking those cool careers in portfolio management and mutual funds, investment and treasury departments of banks, financial institutions and corporates, and in equity research and portfolio management. (Now that really sounds like a fantastic field to get in and play the number games and hey, these financial courses will surely get you right there…All the best dude!)

Let’s say a big ‘Hello’ to Nandini who is a regular reader of E-plus. She tells me that she is wants to basically specialize in Bioremediation or waste management and she is confused whether she should do MSc Environmental science or molecular biotechnology for that. Well Nandi (now that is in an effort to bring out that smile on your face even before I get to answer your query and get you off the confused state) As GG always says it is as easy to be clear & confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly and act accordingly. With that ‘confusion- buster’ of a line, lemme try and answer your query now…Well Nandi, you can get to specialize in those subjects of your preference by taking up either MSc Environmental Science or by getting yourself into the Biotechnology course which has these specializations such as Bioremediation and Waste management. Both these options are cool and hey, you could check on the profiles of these similar courses and let what triggers you most be the one that you get to choose (simple because GG thinks you will anyway come out a winner…and that’s exactly what E-Tribe is all about…right guys?!) All the very best dudette!

Lavanya Lodd, who has mailed in all caps and frequent underlines, has sure caught GG’s attention right and she is written that she is very sure that GG would never wanna break a sweet girl’s heart like hers by not answering this query. She claims that she is one big fan of GG and she has proclaimed that GG is really the ‘Coolest’ (with an overdose of numerous o’s in between) dude with the funkiest hair do and a sexy beard. (Ooooh…la…la… thank you dudette for all those showers of praise that almost turned GG red…and hey, you really made me melt like the hot fudge on a Monday!) Lavanya is doing her 12th now and she has chosen a combination of Commerce, Economics, Accountancy, English for communication (A newly introduced one) and French as her subjects in the State Board…and she wants to know what are the options for her graduation. Well dudette, as you chosen a cool combination with a varied choices you can get into any of the Commerce or Humanities based speciality. And to select one among those, all you need to do is an SWOT on yourself just enough to find out where your greater interests and strengths are…and once you do that I am sure you will find yourself well parked in those exciting benches in one of those cool colleges in town listening to one of those interesting lectures given away by one of those smart teachers…all picturized well in focus to succeed.

Pratheesh Chand R who never misses E-plus tells me that GG is getting cooler week after week and thinks that GG is one real Gyan Guru with loads of Gyan jus for student like him. (That’s really nice of you to think like that dude…and hey you stay addicted to E-plus and by just doing that you get to keep GG - the Gyan Guru the way what you think he is!) Pratheesh is doing his BCA from Manipal University which is an UGC approved Deemed University, and he wants to know if it is possible for him to get into Anna University or Madras University for his higher studies. Well Pratheesh, I am afraid you cannot get into Anna University with a certificate from a deemed University, but hey you can get to do your higher studies such MCA in Madras University depending upon your performance…so give it your best shot in your BCA and I am sure you are gonna land up in the right place to et a jumpstart to your career.

Alright folks…I’ve just realized that I am at that very edge of the page where I get to zoom off only to be on the ‘Gyan-hunt’, so that I get to bring you all the goodies exactly as the Santa would in this season of Christmas and hey, let the spirit of love grip us all and urge us to do our little bit in whatever way we could to lend a helping hand to those who really need them. With that, I sign off by saying…Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ all the time and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG
Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It knows no boundaries…and it’s the only thing that can bring in and bind people together for a common cause like nothing else can! The language you speak, the land you come from, the way you worship God, the things that you eat, the dress that you wear, the kind of work that you do, the style that you live your life in…nothing can stop you from getting yourself lost in its purest form of performance and more so when it’s all done for a noble cause. Yes…I am talking about MUSIC…and hey, that’s exactly what happened around the world on 9 different stages with over 150 bands featuring some of the Gods of Music in their own styles, performing to a live audience of over 2 million and over millions watching it all happen on TV. All those in the E-Tribe who didn’t miss the LIVE 8 concerts to ‘make poverty history’, will know what exactly I am raving about. And hey…let’s not forget that we all have a bit of a role to play too…for a cause like this…and I leave it all to the one & only E-Tribe to decide what that little role gonna be…small or big, it really doesn’t matter as long as you make an effort dudes!

Alright, it’s Monday…and the very fact that you got to read those thoughtful lines as written above is just enough to announce the arrival of the one & only GG with all the gyan for this week to feed all those who stayed hungry all week. Here I go again:

Let’s welcome S Sudarshan who thinks that GG is the coolest guy in the world and the best friend that anyone could have (Wow…now that is some compliment dude!...and hey, I am really delighted to have you recognize me as a good friend…and thank you buddy for the motivation you’ve given me…well ‘that’s what friends are for’ right?!) Sudarshan is entering his final year engineering in Electronics and Communications and he mails in to tell me that he wants to do his post graduation in any of the Universities in UK in a related field and wants to know what the requirements are and how to go about it. Well Sudarshan (GG thinks that our friend here really knows where is heading…and that’s exactly what makes our road to success much clearer and wider!) to know the entire list of Universities offering you the right kind of course in your preferred field and the details on the exams that you need to take and to get equipped…all you need to do is log onto and you will get to know exactly how ‘best you can be’. All the very best dude and don’t you ever forget to drop in that memorable email to the one & only GG the day when get into one of those absolutely lovely campuses somewhere in London or Coventry.

Say hello to Vandhana who is a great fan of GG and she tells me that whatever it takes she never will miss GG’s column on Mondays in the most happening E-plus. (Merci beaucoup dudette…and you stay addicted to E-plus the E-Tribe way and that’s exactly how you make that incredible difference in your campus!) Vandhana wants to know if she can take up biotechnology and wants to know about the career opportunities as she is very confused. Dudette, you’ve got two options…one you can get your hands on the E-plus issue dated 20th of June 2005 or you can log onto www.hinduonnet/edu and get to the E-plus page of the same date and find all the gyan on biotechnology in the original GG’s style. As she tells me that she has a crush on genetic engineering…well Vandhana I’ve got only one thing to say…just go ahead and fall in love with it, simply because that’s one exciting field you can get into and the opportunities are in plenty…and hey always remember not to get confused as it is very easy to be clear with a little bit of proper planning and smart execution. (So…just chill out dudette ‘cos I am sure you are gonna be a winner!)

B S Karthik…my good old friend, ‘whither have you been pal?!’ It’s good to have you back in my mailbox. Our BSK who is a great admirer of GG has mailed in to express his concern on the situation with CET and what’s in store for the those who are waiting to get into the professional courses…Well BSK, its good to know that you care (That’s what E-Tribe is all about…right guys?!) and don’t you worry dude…all that is debated well ends really well…and hey, I am sure it will all fall in place just right enough for the E-Tribe to rock the campus. (GG joins BSK in wishing all the dudes & dudettes who are just about to enter the new campuses…rock the campus – the E-Tribe way, folks!)

Sangeeth ‘Simon’ says that he is a +1 student who is an addict to E-plus and that it helps him in knowing various career options and update on education affairs (Thank you dude…you guys are one big motivation that makes GG better and keeps E-plus rockin’!) and he goes on to say that he always gets excited about GG’s column…Well Simon, the ‘Team E-plus’ appreciates you for mailing in just to say that we really rock. Thank you dude and stay addicted to E-plus.

I sign off here urging you all to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ at campus and don’t you guys ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“If you say…one half of life is luck, then the other half is got to be discipline and hey…that’s the most important half…for without discipline you will never know what to do with luck”
I am sure the E-Tribe had their lives cut out with these two halves…more so with that latter half which mattered the most for all those who’ve just finished their exams in terms of their disciplined preparation…and for some of you guys who are yet to come out of the exciting exams…remember, what matters most is the latter half. And hey…as I said it last week, there is absolutely no right way to do something wrong and I am sure E-Tribe is all about doing the right thing and making ‘winning’ a habit…right guys?!

Hey…as GG always says ‘the first and most important step toward success is that incredible feeling that we can succeed’ and urging the E-Tribe to feel the success, I am back this Monday, as usual with these “GG’s Style” – lines of motivation…once again because people often say that motivation doesn’t last…well, bathing too doesn’t last and that’s exactly why we recommend it daily.
Alright folks…there is some fresh gyan right out of the oven, simply ready to be served hot to all those who remained hungry for the whole week and here I go again;

Let’s welcome my new friend Aravind who mailed in to tell me that GG looks so handsome in this hairstyle and on the bike and he would never want GG to change this style. (Thank you buddy…and hey GG’s style is unique and you bet, it’ll never be changed and I promise you…it’ll only get better dude! So you stay addicted to E-plus and be a part of one & only ‘exciting’ E-tribe.) Aravind who is doing his 11th wants to know all about becoming a pilot or an aeronautical professional and he also wants to know if it is better to get a degree before he gets his Commercial Pilot License. (Well GG thinks that we sure have someone here who is all set to make his mark right there up in the sky, with a feel of success already as a high-flier!) Well Aravind first you’ve got to be not less than 18 years of age to get your CPL and you should have a Senior School Certificate from the Central Board of Secondary Examinations, or an equivalent Board or University i.e. 10+2 (Physics and Mathematics essential). And hey…it is always good to have a degree in your hand simply because that is gonna be your foundation to all your plans in future. And as for the other options…the same requisites (10 +2 with physics & Mathematics) goes if you are looking to take up a course such as Aircraft Maintenance Engineering or say Aeronautical Engineering. As an engineer you get to specialize in the maintenance of instruments, electrical and electronic equipment, navigation, radar and radio communication…only to prevail as the most responsible person on the job. The rise in the number of private air taxis and the liberalization of air space as we are witnessing currently, has opened up many avenues for bright & aspiring dudes like you in this it as a pilot or as an engineer. (And hey…the E-Tribe believes that you’ve got what it takes to be up there right at the top dude…right guys?!)

This piece of high-flying gyan also goes to my friend Prakash who has just completed his 12th and he has mailed in to tell me that he has been addicted to E-plus since the time when he was first introduced to E-plus by his friend. (GG along with the entire E-Tribe salute to your good friend who did that to you and hey…that’s what E-Tribe is all about…it’s simply contagious and yes…it rocks!) Aravind, Prakash and all you guys looking to make it up there…check out institutes such as HIET and many others for such specific courses in this line. All the very best dudes!

Karthik, Vijay, Harini, George and the rest of the E-tribe who wanted to taste some gyan on Astrophysics…you guys just got lucky! Astrophysics is one of the very specialized fields of study (now that really sounds cool…right?!) and therefore it is not offered as an undergraduate programme generally. It is offered as a Ph.D specialization in a few institutions in science stream. According to GG’s ‘expert’ friends in the field, IUCAA (Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune) is a highly specialized Institution in this area…and as a B.Sc / M.Sc graduate in Physics / Mathematics you guys can get to specialize in M.Sc / Ph.D in Astrophysics, respectively.

Ok folks, just before I say what I always get to say as I sign off…let’s have some trivia…Did you guys know that it was on his ‘left’ foot that Mr. Neil Armstrong landed on the moon…and hey, should we call it the most ‘coolest’ left foot in the history of mankind.

With that I urge you to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

“If ‘ability’ is what exactly you are capable of doing and ‘motivation’ is what that actually makes you do, it is your ‘attitude’ that simply determines how well you get to do it!” and hey, as the byline in an advertisement would say…you’ve really got to ‘wear your attitude’, after all it’s absolutely yours and yours alone for your own good or bad. So let’s be the ones to choose and wear the right attitude that throws out the best of what we’ve got to be in a winning shape. And talking about wearing the right attitude, it was exactly this very day in 1886, and all it took was the right attitude to a small group of friends to break the tradition of white-tie and tails and wear the first ever tail-less dinner jackets to Autumn Ball at Tuxedo Park, New York. Thus was born the elegant garment forevermore to be popularly known as ‘Tuxedo’ adopted by the rich and the poor as the symbol of celebration. And hey, this trivia also goes to show exactly what it takes to make history and that’s the exact attire with utmost determination, Dimitrion Yordanidis of Greece would have worn when he became the oldest man to compete in a marathon and finish in 7:33 on this very day in 1976, at the age of 98.

Alright guys it’s that special morning in the whole of a week when the one & only GG gets to wake you up to get on with life in the best way possible, which is with E-plus in your hands and hey, it’s the 10th day of the 10th month and as America celebrates the Columbus day on this second Monday in October in commemoration of the discovery in 1492 of the New World by Christopher Columbus, lemme roll out all the gyan for this week to the world of ever-rockin’ E-Tribe.

Let’s say hello to Aakash who is currently doing his 12th and has mailed I to say that GG really rocks every Monday through E-plus and keeps students like him on the upbeat in whatever they do. (Thank you dude! It’s always good to hear that we at the E-plus team are making a difference and hey, you are the guys who are making it all possible…so keep the E-Tribe rockin’ dude at your campus!) Aakash wants to know all about Leather Technology in engineering stream as he would want to get on to it. Well buddy, it is concerned with the methods and equipments related to leather tanning, footwear production, manufacture of leather garments and other industrial and commercial leather products. And you as a leather technologist will have to necessarily address the environmental problems too. The job opportunities exist both with the central and state level industries and institutions dealing with leather processing, manufacture of leather chemicals and research. Higher studies within and outside the country are possible in leather technology, footwear science, remote sensing, laser, computer science, management and the like. So go ahead and just follow your interests in this field as it all sounds as exciting as any other field and hey, if you really got what it takes and with the determination to see yourself where you wanna be, aakash (Sky) is the limit.

Say hello to Aryan who is currently doing his masters in life sciences and wants to know about the scholarships that are available from universities abroad for his PhD. He also thinks that taking a bank loan is not that cool as he needs to pay it back with interest which is on the rise. Well Aryan, to answer the first part of your question, all you need to do is to check on these official websites of all these different education board’s such as for UK, for Australia, for Singapore, for US…wherein you will get to find all the details on the genuine scholarships that are available. And for the second part, it’s not easy for everyone to win the scholarship and hey, bank loans are really the alternative and if you look at it otherwise, it just turns out to be the only option to get you the jumpstart and when you get to land on the right place in your career you’ll really not mind that interest factor…right?!

Prasanth mails in wanting to know the subjects that e should choose in his 12th that will enable him to get into B.Sc Biotechnology. Well Prasanth, though you are eligible to get into Biotechnology with Chemistry, Physics and biology…what the experts say is that it is better to have studied Maths in 12th…so the group with Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology gives you that sharp edge to get yourself on board in one of those classrooms on Biotechnology.

And hey…as we are in this special month October which was a witness to one of the greatest revolution a hundred years ago, that is considered to have altered the entire course of human history…as written in one of the greatest books ‘History of the Russian Revolution’ by Leon Trotsky, lemme throw some parting trivia on this month. Did you guys know that October begins on the same day of the week as January in common years, but no other month begins on the same day of the week as October in leap years. Cool eh?! With that I sign off right here…Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rocking and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

If ‘education’ is the power to think clearly,
let e-plus be the battery that powers the best of your moves
If ‘education’ is the power to act well in the world's work,
let e-plus be the stage that brings out the best in you
If ‘education’ is the power to appreciate life
let e-plus be an addictive habit in your campus life.
And if the purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one…
let e-plus make that inevitable entrance offering you that incredible urge to seek success.

That’s exactly what happened in our 1st Anniversary special…and hey I am sure that the entire E-Tribe had one big party. Congratulations to all those who jived in early & correctly to be the winners! Hats off to all those who were not that lucky yet gave their best shot…and hey, you guys really rocked our inbox with those loads & loads of entries for all those contests. GG thinks that you guys just did what it takes to tell the world that “E-Tribe really ROCKS!”

With the last issue of E-plus setting an awesome tone to what’s in store for this whole New Year ahead, lemme roll out all the fresh gyan for this week exclusively for you – the hottest & the happening E-Tribe who keep making all this possible. Here I go:

Lets welcome Ranjith who is doing his 1st year B.E Mechanical in T.E.C (now which one is that…any guesses guys…!?) Ok, first things first…Ranjith wishes GG a very happy New Year. (Thank you dude and I wish you a double portion that is just enough to keep you rockin’ with the one & only E-Tribe!) My friend Ranjith, as a brand new year blossoming before him, has started thinking about his future and he tells me that most guys who got into jobs easily are those who have done E.C.E, C.S.E or IT and he wants to know what it takes for a mechanical guy like him to get into software line. Well Ranjith…as you are looking at the future the way you are looking at it…lemme start off the way GG usually does…with a one-liner, which goes like this…"Telling the future by looking at the past assumes that conditions remain constant. This is like driving a car by looking in the rearview mirror…and hey its time we start looking at future with tomorrow’s eyes dude!". And yes, with the ever-changing colour in the Indian industries and the markets thereof…don’t you ever be surprised to realize that you could be the next hot head they are looking for, dude. Now with what the ‘expert’ friends of GG had to say…you can get that IT edge by starting off to acquire the basic software knowledge by doing suitable course that fits exactly to a Mechanical student like you to get that IT strength. This will help you in presenting yourself to the industry better especially when your engineering stream sets a perfect background as a functional area in IT. (All the very best dude and we are sure you are gonna get there!)

Say hello to my friend A.S. Arun Kumar who wants to join the E-Tribe simply because he thinks that
“GG is really hot in winter and cool in summer’. (Ooooh…man that really is a line dude! And a revelation
too!) A Smart Arun Kumar tells me that he wonders how GG could always be cheerful in life (Hey…as GG
always says) ‘Life is luckily too wonderful to be spent worrying man and more so when you are in that part
of your life where you need to be rockin’!) Ok… Arun Kumar who is doing his final year B.E Computer
Science wants to know what is the basic difference between .Net and J2EE and their relative advantages.
Well…different platforms, different frameworks, different technologies. J2EE commands high usage since
it is on JAVA and at the same time .Net is growing at a faster pace. Arun also has an urge to do his bit for
those affected in tsunamai attack and wants to know where to start.
Well for Arun and for all those in the E- Tribe who are looking to make that incredible difference…here
are some of the contacts that you make that much needed start. The Indian Red Cross (28554548/4425)
AID India ( (28350403) Trust Children (55712040) World Vision
( (24807070)

Now this is exactly the place where GG gets to thank Devi, Arun Kumar, Sara, Safia, Aravind (who sent me a lovely Christmas card), Ganga, Chandra Prabha, Vignesh (Oops …am I running out of breadth here!?) and ‘all’ those for sending in your wishes and wishing you guys only the best things to happen to each and everyone in the E-tribe all through this whole New Year 2005. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s the first day of the week again and all those in the E-Tribe who are reading these lines are just about give yourself the best chance to have an exciting week ahead…but hey, what else could possibly happen to someone who starts the week with the one & only and the most happening thing in town. Oh yes…I am talking about your most favourite E-plus and all the things that we put together for you and the fact that the most exciting, the biggest and the mother of all the events on education, is all set to happen right here in Chennai for the first time. Alright dudes and dudettes…listen up, here’s your chance, finally, to hear me say it!
The Educationplus FAIR’05 is scheduled to happen in Chennai at the ‘calm & serene yet intensely flavoured with knowledge kind of an atmosphere’ filled campus of the grand old Madras University, Chepauk on 27, 28 & 29 of May 2005. Did you guys realized that I may have just spelled out not one, but three ‘red-lettered’ days in your lives…well, you being there in all these three days might just be that one of the most significant things that you did in shaping up your career. To know more, one flip of a page and you see it all on page 8.

Ok folks…it’s Monday and it also means that you guys end you wait for all the gyan from your all-time favourite ‘GG’, so lemme start rolling with all the stuff that I’ve got:

Let’s welcome Senthil Kumar from D G Vaishnav College who mailed in to say that GG looks great in the new car (Thank you dude…you just made my day and hey, here’s a question to everyone in the E-Tribe…How do you like to see GG? A) Car or B) Bike…now, rush your mails with your answer right into my mailbox!) My friend Senthil Kumar wants to know all about the studies of Logistics. Well buddy, as we all know, in today’s business environment one needs to know how to manage time simply because ‘time is money’ and to get that much needed edge over the competition, it absolutely essential that you’ve got to move your supplies efficiently…And to say more, it’s a must for the survival. Companies are turning to fast cycle logistics and a McKinsey study goes to show that about 20% of the items manufactured are sold across borders…but hey it also estimates that by 2020, 80% of all production will be distributed globally. In other words Logistics and Supply Chain Management is all set to have bright future and so would you if you are looking to take up a course in this line. All the premier B-Schools in India offer these courses on Logistics and Supply Chain Management and IIT-Madras offers a course under their Management studies department. Well is are looking to study abroad…your destination could well be Singapore where you can get to do a Dual Degree Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management which is a prestigious program pioneered by TLI-Asia Pacific, which is a collaboration between National University of Singapore and Georgia Tech. All the very best dude!

Lets say ‘Hi’ to Veda Narayanan (he tells me that we could call him Karthik if his other name is big…!) and he wants to all about the IELTS and the TOEFL and whether he needs to do either of these two tests to study in Singapore. The International English Testing (IELTS) system is a direct English language assessment of the highest quality and integrity readily available throughout the world and is highly dependable, practical and valid assessment primarily used by those seeking international education, professional recognition, bench-marking to international standards and global mobility. IELTS is owned, developed and delivered through the partnership of the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. On the other hand Testing of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a must to be taken for any non US educated student to study at a North American University and it has also become the required qualification for many educational institutions throughout the world and as mandatory or desired job qualification. Now as for your second question…though these qualifications will be recognized, they are not mandatory for you to study in Singapore and to know more log onto

I sign off right here…and hey, let the sun shine or the clouds burst to shower the rain…whatever, be there @ the Educationplus FAIR’05. Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

With all the exciting actions of some great games with the bat and the ball, all happening in the beautiful Island and also from across the seas shown on TV, with our own ace star exhibiting her prowess in showing the world how good an Indian player could better her rankings in the world of Tennis, with our home grown speed-star giving us all the excitement in life on Sunday mornings and making us proud in the world of racing…it really goes to show what a week we had and hey, it’s Monday and to spice it all up like nothing else can…this is the day when E-plus hits your doorstep and you get to be with the one & only GG, all geared up to start on great week in the best possible way. Alright that’s just for an intro and I guess it’s time for some ‘GG’s – motivating trivia’ and here we go. When it was just a casual fun for the world to look at a balloon just as a balloon, we had one man who had a dream and believed in it just enough to make that first known ascent in a hot-air balloon. This very day, way back in 1709, Father Bartolomeu de Gusmao of Portugal did just that in indoors and hey what a moment that must have been and more so when we see this very act now as a great sport all over the world. And this is what success does for someone – it actually takes you higher and higher over the years purely for what you have achieved and remembered for. With that motivating trivia just enough to give you guys the much needed fuel to start a whole new week, I announce my arrival and hey lemme start all the gyan for this week. Here I go again:

Let’s say hello to Preeti from Ashok Nagar. Preeti claims that she is a very regular reader of E-plus and she tells me that it is indeed a superb Tabloid and GG is simply great.(Merci beaucoup dudette! It really helps whenever you spill some of these motivating chips on us right from your heart…and hey you stay addicted to E-plus girl!) Preeti has completed her 12th and she wants to do B.E in Computer Science. She likes to know what the difference is between Computer Science and Information Technology. Well Preeti, though the experts in the field might just manage to tell you the little difference between the two courses in terms of the way the subjects are handles, I would put it this way…don’t you worry because overall it’s the same and hey, it all depends on how well you take it in and use all the knowledge to shine when you are out of the campus. To add more value to it, you could even look at doing something extra to get that speciality…and I am sure have what it takes to come out in flying colours. So just go ahead and do it dudette!

Say ‘Yo’ to Bharath J who is doing his 3rd year engineering in Computer Science. Bharath who is regular reader of the Gyan Guru (GG) Column tells me that GG is the coolest dude in the planet (Ooh…la…la, now that’s really a cool compliment buddy…and hey you’ve got to be that cool to handle the most happening and the hottest E-Tribe) Bharath is interested in DJing and he wants to know where he cud learn it. (GG thinks that we sure have someone here who really wants to show the world that he can well be one talented dude in handling the turn-table to play the best music just enough to set the floor on fire!) Well Bharath, you can check out SAE – the Audio engineering college which offers a course in DJing…and hey, tries not to miss those workshops organized by some of the best known DJ’s that happen in town now and then. Always remember it’s completely your style that matters most in this trait and hey, you could even pick up one those turn tables that comes cheap, so that you get your hands on to develop an unique style and it all depends on the right selection of music you play. All the very best dude and don’t you ever forget to invite me to that first ever party you get to rock!

Let’s welcome Sushil Kumar ho has mailed in on behalf of his sister (What a good brother to have!) Sushil tells me that his sister has pursued her B.A – Home Science in Hindi medium and he wants to know if she can go on to do post-graduation in the same line in Hindi medium…Well Sushil, first you haven’t told me from where you are mailing in, so if I had to assume that you are in Chennai then I am afraid she will not be able to do that in Chennai, in Hindi medium. But hey, let her not worry…there is always a way out…and it could be through a correspondence course.

Here comes those few last lines that actually goes to indicate that I’ve got to sign off right here…and yes I love writing these lines as much as you do reading them simply because it just keeps you guys hungry for more…right?! Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ @ campus and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed…and the quickest way to reach the point of success is to follow a straight line that carves through failure."

Or should I say, as one of those many dudes and dudettes highly inspired by our own champion in the making Narain Karthikeyan, that one has to first feel the success within and with that incredible feel we get to take on those challenging laps with all those curves in top gear towards success but yet not without giving ourselves the chance to beat the failures.

With that inspired thought in our minds and when the E-Tribe is all set to start a brand new week in this shortened version of a month in 2005, lemme share all the gyan as fresh as ever with all those who stayed hungry for more. Here I go:

Let’s say hello to my buddy M.D.S Prabu (the Most Dedicated Sishya to GG and the Most Dedicated Supporter of E-plus!) who has graduated in Corporate Secretaryship @ Loyola College, Chennai and is currently pursuing a part-time PG Diploma in Personnel Management and industrial relations at Madras School of Social Work. And hey…that’s not all, he is also doing a full time PG Diploma in Media Presentation @ ACE, Loyola. (Now that’s a lot of learning that you are into, dude! And GG thinks that we sure have someone who’s got that incredible urge to acquire the best of knowledge in an effort to get that competitive edge…just enough to reach for the success) Prabu who has always been a regular reader of E-plus right from it’s inception and has never missed even a single issue (Way to go dude…and you stay exactly that way!) has appeared on my screen on behalf of his cousin Ramya who is doing her final year B.Sc (IT) @ R.L. College of arts & Science, Madurai. (GG thinks that Prabu is one good cousin to have…lucky you, Ramya!) Prabu tells me that Ramya wants to pursue a course in animation and wants to know all about it. Well Prabu, we’ve got some best institutes that specialize in animation, such as Arena Multimedia, Image College, Animaster…where Ramya could just find the right course that she is looking for. And if you wanna know what the animation field holds for the future…you’ve got great news for Ramya and also for all those who are looking to make a career in this field. When it all began with that little mouse as a foundation for a fifty-billion–dollar company called Walt Disney and the mouse itself turned out to be the biggest brand world over and drawing all the inspiration from this little mouse, the Indian experts are unanimously in view that Brand India in animation with our own Indian Characters has just began and is all set to conquer the world. So Ramya could well be on the right track and if she’s really got what it takes, I am sure she is gonna turn all her animated dreams to reality. (All the best dude and to Ramya too.)

Let’s welcome P.Sivalakshmi who tells me that she has been reading E-plus for more than six months and finds it very useful on many counts. (Thank you dudette…we sure are inspired by those words just enough to stay motivated and to try and give you the best!) She intends to do her masters at Nanyang Technology institute, Singapore (now that’s an awesome choice dudette…and hey you might just be in for a thoroughly exciting learning experience out there in that beautiful lion city!) and in order to prepare for GRE she is looking for institutes to get herself enrolled. Well Sivalakshmi you can check out institutes such TIME, Shashi Consultancy, Vidhyasthaan and many more.

M.Surveswaran has mailed in thanking GG for all the gyan given for his niece Iswarya who wanted to join the army. (You are welcome! And hey…that’s exactly what GG loves doing…and it’s you who bring out the best from us!) All the very best to Iswarya.

For all those in the E-Tribe who are looking at UK as a destination for your education and wanting to know all the details…You’ve just got lucky guys! Watch out for an exclusive special on ‘Education in UK’ along with The Hindu on 9th of February.

I sign off here…urging you to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep smiling and keep the E-=Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screnn. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo. GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

With the exam fever getting hotter everyday and with the weather outside showing all the signs of a summer getting warmed up, just enough to shimmer its way to be in its scorching best in the days to come…the atmosphere is right for our one & only E-plus to get to be the hottest and the most happening thing in town…and yes, rightly playing as an education & career guide with GG trying to be at his best in pepping you up as a friendly ‘cool’ dude to each and everyone of you who is caught up well in the warmth of this kind of an atmosphere.
Okay folks…If exams are there to be taken, then the E-Tribe is there to rock it out and hey…I am sure you guys are gonna show the world that E-Tribe is all about being the fittest and the best with an awesome habit of winning. With a strong belief and a hope that these little lines in your favourite corner of this make-shift ‘peppy’ page no-2 in this special issue of E-plus will do their bit in motivating you guys, lemme roll out all the fresh gyan for the hungry ones and this specially 4 page earlier (for all those who start with the front page) and a few pages later (for all those who start with the back page first). Whatever!…lets roll:

Starting from where I had left with that specific gyan to Ignatius on being confused, let’s welcome another friend Divya who is doing her 1st year B.Sc Maths in Ethiraj (who’s been addicted to GG’s columns) Divya tells me that she loves reading GG’s stuff and it really leaves her hungry for more gyan everytime GG signs off and she goes on to say that she too is confused about MCA or MBA. Well Divya, looking at what you’ve mailed in…GG’s guess is that you heart is for MCA and as a Maths graduate two years from now you might just be doing the right thing in taking up MCA. And always remember (as GG says… ‘It is as easy to be clear & confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly and act accordingly’)

Let’s say hello to Praveen who tells me that though many may think that GG is cool, he thinks that GG is hot with the looks of a Bollywood hero…(well thanks for the compliment dude…but hey don’t you think that the hero is lucky enough to be resembling GG…however watch out buddy…there can be only one GG!) And my pal praveen a commerce graduate doing his CA wants to know all about CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) Well Praveen the CISA certifications are among the hot certifications to over in the near future and hey…according to the expert friends of GG and the studies conducted this certification course is all set to rock with the current trends contributing to increase in its value...and hey, the IS Audit is a nascent profession which is rapidly gaining roots in India. CISA is presently recognised mostly in the banking sector. In private sector, it is the multi-national firms and Big Audit firms who recruit CISA's for doing IS Audit and if this sounds exciting enough to you….all you have do is to check out ISACA website ( ...and yes they have their exam center in Chennai too. All the best dude!

And hey…Ashwin who is doing B.Tech in N.I.T Jamshedpur and he thinks that GG is really a cool guy with all the gyan and Charisma and is fast becoming an idol in the student community (Oooh…that is too much of a statement buddy…well thank you dude for your appreciation), Pavan who is doing 1st year B.E and tells me that he never misses E-plus and wants to see GG in a BMW or a Benz soon (well…you might just get lucky very soon pal…so you stay addicted to E-plus) and all you guys who are interested in Robotics…I am sure had a blast @ IIT, Chennai with Mechanica 2005 showcasing the best of Robotics.

Don’t miss the AIEEE model question paper in this issue of E-plus and hey...I sign off right here urging you to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more gyan, keep smiling simply because it makes you look better especially when are all warmed up to take on the heat of the exams, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s Monday and I am back in the early hours of this wonderful morning which happens to be the first Monday morning of this seventh month of the year celebrated as the Labour Day in some part of the world and hey…did you guys know that September begins on the same day of the week as December every year! Well that really is a rocker of a trivia…and talking about starting a new month, let’s get ourselves charged with the right kind of motivation that is just enough to work towards success. It’s all about getting motivated to set goals and give it all it takes to achieve them one by one and hey…that’s exactly what our own tennis sensation from Hyderabad did to herself right there in the flushing meadows and in the process making history. With those inspiring lines and with that hope to experience those moments of success the way Mr.Cassius Clay would have this very day way back in 1960 when he won the Olympic light heavyweight gold medal, lemme roll with all the gyan for this week just enough to keep guys rockin’ all through this week:

Let’s welcome Krishnan, Subbu and Aarthi from different campuses but with the same interests. They all wanted to get themselves ready to take on GATE and wanted to know where they could get to do it. Well folks…(GG thinks we’ve got some smart dudes out here who are all set to enter those GATEs to find themselves enjoying their swift walk through the exciting path to success.) you guys can check out some of the special institutions such as Brilliant’s, Vishnu Consultancy, etc.
Say hello to Vandhana who mailed in to say that GG really rocks and she thinks that GG is the most dependable friend in this world. (Oooh…la…la, now that’s quite a cool compliment dudette! Thank you and hey, you really made me melt like a hot fudge on a sundae! it’s always exciting to know that someone finds you as a good friend!) My friend Vandhana has big dream and her dream is to find herself walking on the planet Mars. She is really fascinated by astronomy and wants to know all about this line of study. Well dudette, the first tip that I would like to give you is “never cease to dream big simply because the ones who got to rock their way to super success have always been big dreamers” and always remember “dreams are the touchstones of our character”. Well now for the gyan…Most important for astronomy is to study physics and maths. As you know there are many fields of astronomy right from the instrument building teams who work with their hands to the theoretical branches where mathematical ability and physical intuition is absolutely essential. Good programming skills are invaluable in all branches of astronomy and what really matters is your curiosity and the ability to search out answers…so you’ve got to be the ‘answers-mongers’. To take this study further and to realize your awesome dreams to become astronauts, you should note that there is no manned space flight in India. Should there ever be one, it is likely that the first candidates would come from one of the Armed Services, perhaps the Air Force. Geocities provides all sorts of astronaut resources (mostly from an American viewpoint). However, the requirements would probably be the same for any space programme and basically, the most important subjects at school level are physics and maths and it is essential to do well in academics. What would really be great news for all those dudes and dudettes like you is the fact that there is a severe shortage of serious research astronomers in the country. However, there are also a limited number of institutions which actually do research in astronomy. All you need to get closer to realizing your dreams is that you should try to get yourself a B.Sc. or B.Eng. in Physics or Engineering subjects and apply for a Master's degree programme in one of the Indian Institutions. If you are looking to do instrumentation/experimental astronomy, you may go in for the engineering option. On the other hand, if you want to do theoretical astronomy or observations, you may go through the science stream. As far as the future career options are concerned, especially if you later decide you do not want to do science, the engineering option might be preferable. If you want to end with the B.E., there are many jobs open for technicians at various places in the country, including ISRO and if you wanna continue on to do research, it is mandatory that you get a Ph.D. At most institutions, you can join the Ph.D. programme with a B.E.
It’s just the right time and the right kind of ‘gyan-sharing’ atmosphere for me to introduce another friend S Karthik who has mailed in seeking all he wants to know on Astrophysics and the job opportunities. Well Karthik there are several astronomical institutions in India including IIA where the astronomers are employed and you can pick and choose from these institutes such as Indian Institute of Astrophysics, (Bangalore), Indian Institute of Science, (Bangalore), Raman Research Institute (Bangalore), Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (Pune), National Centre for Radio Astronomy (Pune). For further details log onto and hey…the opportunities are there to be explored in the big government institutions such as ISRO and DRDO. All the best guys!
I sign off right here urging you guys to stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more GG’s gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ in the campus and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s December and hey, it’s Monday morning and is there any better way to start a whole new week with the one and only GG wakin’ you guys up with all the most happening gyan in town. And hey…Am I hearing already hearing those sweet sounds of those bells ringing and the carols being played…letting all that incredible feel of a season of love out in the air. Alright…with that clue, lemme be the first one to get you all in that Christmas mood and hey…as GG always says ‘it’s all about getting to be the first one to just do it’ and what matters most is that very spirit that really drives you to do it. Having spoken about being the first, on this very day in 1879 Daniel, Thomas Connolly and Thomas McTighe received a patent for the first automatic telephone system (Boy…I bet they wouldn’t have even imagined the boom in this very technology in the present day!) and in 1868 the first American bicycle school opened in New York City announcing courses for velocipede riding (Could you imagine how exciting it would have been to the first guy who took the cycling lesson!) With that little bit of what I call “the trivia that triggers you to think”, lemme roll out all the gyan for this week. Here I go again:

Lets welcome Nithin who is currently doing his final year Aeronautical engineering in HIET and he wants to know all about Solar energy and solar panels as he’s got his interests in them. (Hey that’s a cool interest you have there buddy!)Well Nithin, to begin with solar energy is there in plenty for us to be tapped for good. Now when we wanna dry our clothes by hanging them out in the open under the sun, we use the energy of the sun and in the same way solar panels absorb the sun to provide heat for cooking and for heating water. Such systems are available in the market and are being used in many homes and factories…and hey, this is exactly the concept that we need to reach people with and encourage the use of solar energy simply because the advantages are many. Solar energy can also be used to meet our electricity requirements…as in through Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) cells, solar radiation gets converted into DC electricity directly and this electricity can be either used as it is or can be stored in the battery…and hey, this stored electrical energy can used in many ways with different applications such domestic lighting, street lighting, village lighting, desalination of salty water, water pumping, railway signals and so on (Isn’t that really cool?!) And in the process it would reduce our dependence on non-renewable sources of energy and make our environment cleaner. (Now that’s the coolest thing that we can ever get to do…right guys?!) There are two types of solar panels – polycrystalline and amorphous and to know more on solar energy you can log onto or

Say hello to Shanmugam R who mails in to say that he is a regular reader of GG’s column (Thank you for being that way dude…and hey you stay addicted to E-plus!) and he wants urges GG to happen on a cool bicycle in one of the future issues of E-plus so that it encourages the E-Tribe to use cycles more and thereby reduce the pollution and save fuel.(Well buddy, that’s a real cool idea and hey, you just gonna get lucky very soon to watch GG on his all-new pedal- mobile!) Shanmugam is doing is 2nd year Mechanical Engineering and he wants to know about doing his further studies such as in Engineering and MBA in Canada and he also wants to know about CFA and its scope. Well pal, for your first quest for gyan on education in Canada ( Now that’s a real cool place to do your higher studies dude…and hey, don’t you ever forget to pack some real winter clothes before you board the flight!) there are many well known Universities out there and for the details on them and the various courses that you could get yourself in you can log onto websites such as,, And now for your second quest on CFA, here’s what you get as the one & only GG’s gyan…Well the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) programme has been brought into being by the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts and this qualification as a CFA is not merely an additional qualification as it is a specialization that gives you a distinct advantage over others in the field and this course enjoys a wide recognition over the country and even abroad. As a fresh CFA you get to begin what’s all set to turn out to be a colourful career, as an executive trainee in the financial sector and the areas where you can use your skills as a CFA are in Financial accounting, management accounting, financial management, investment management, security evaluation, project planning, venture capital management, credit rating and a lot more. (Now that really sounds exciting dude…and I am sure we have a bright dude in our E-Tribe in you who is al set to become the financial guru…right folks?!) Employment opportunities really rocks in banking, insurance and other corporate sectors…and hey, you can even get yourself eligible for admission to Ph.D. programmes in management. A part of this gyan also goes my friend Vishakh who is currently doing his CA and also BBA through correspondence…and hey, you could position yourself well by getting that incredible edge in terms of a specialization like this one. All the very best dudes!

Amrutha who is in 12th wanted to know all about the course on Sound engineering and well dudette, all you need to get an insight on the subject and the very field, is to get your hands on the last issue of E-plus dated 28th November 2005 or log onto and you will find it all.

I sign off right here and I get to say what I wait to say all week…Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more of GG’s gyan, keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen…Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s Monday and hey…this very day some 229 long years ago was the ‘most happening day’ simply because some thirteen States united with one another to unanimously declare themselves their independence from Britain which actually meant that thousands of men could come into this ‘land of the free and the home of the brave’ so that they can begin their American dream. As they say it ‘No guts, no glory’, this great Nation witnessed the birth of Democracy and hey what we need to realize is ‘success is not an event, its an incredible process’.
Alright guys…today happens to be the 4th of July and lemme wake up the E-Tribe to wish the United States of America a ‘Happy Birthday’ and I happen to be in the right kind of mood for some trivia…Are you guys ready?! Here eat these…named the ‘Old Glory’, this is older than the Union Jack of Britain or the Tricolour of France; the colours it displays are red, white and blue; has in its depiction the thirteen stripes and 50 beautiful stars; demands absolute respect to its full glory whenever the band plays ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’; and rising first over thirteen states and for some three million people, now finds itself flying over fifty states, across continent, over great islands of the two oceans with over two hundred million people owing it allegiance.
Yes I am talking about the great American Flag and hey…as you read these lines I am sure many in the E-Tribe are running in their minds, those incredible scenes of Will Smith and Bill Pullman conquering all those weird looking aliens in that super cool Hollywood flick…right?!

Now that was really some dose of trivia…and what a way to announce the one & only GG’s arrival on this special Monday, the first of its kind for the month of July and hey…here I am with all the gyan for this week:

What do you guys think of this new and cool profession called ‘Bartending’? This is exactly what Arun, Eddie and Maria wanted to know all about. All these guys claim that they are addicted to E-plus and will always remain as great fans of the ‘dudest of the dudes’ – the one & only GG. (Hey…that’s one of the coolest statements you guys can ever make…thank you folks for that super sounding tag ‘Dudest of the dudes’…it really sounds so cool!) Have you guys heard someone say that drinking is all about enjoying it…and if yes this exactly is the philosophy that works behind this profession of Bar and Beverage management. It’s all about knowing the different styles of drinking and the very difference between the different drinks that are served. Bartending is an interesting career option of the new world around us and hey…it actually requires the same amount of hard work that any other profession demands. One could choose this as a long-term career or just as an part-time job and all you need to become one is the basic interest and the professional training that deals with in-depth knowledge of beverages such as the history of a beverage, its origin, production, and new and old trends; different styles of drinking every beverage; their tendering; the art of bartending; how to make a heady cocktail / mocktail; the right blends; perfection in making, presenting and tasting cocktails & mocktails. Then there is this entirely separate duty on bar management which entails knowing technicalities of a bar, controlling a beverage, controlling the bar and promotion of a beverage. In India, there are two ways for becoming a professional bartender - one through an F&B specialisation after a competition-oriented Hotel Management course and two, by joining the School of Bar and Beverage Management. With hospitality industry booming, the need for professional bartenders has doubled over the years. As for the job opportunities…there are plenty both in India and especially abroad, on cruise liners, as a consultant, as a designer, as a trainer, as a freelancer and you can even become a beverage journalist. With a little bit of what it takes to do a Tom Cruise as in ‘Cocktail’, I am sure you guys can make it big in this business by taking on the right courses in those specialized institutes on bartending (HTI or The Stir Academy of bartending in Mumbai) or in any of the catering institutes where bartending is handled as a specialty course. All the very best guys!

Let’s welcome Sanjay who mailed in to say that he is an ardent fan of GG (Thank you dude…Lemme always try my very best to live up to your expectations!) Sanjay who has just finished his 12th tells me that he is motivated by his friend (what a good friend you’ve got there dude…keep it going and never loose the friendship!) to study printing technology in Engineering. So he wants to know all about the scope this course has. Well Sanjay with the use of modern gadgets like the microprocessors, lasers and computers, and the advancement in graphics, printing has evolved as a captivating multi-disciplinary branch of engineering. As a printing technologist you can find yourself making it big in newspaper and magazine industries, advertising agencies, packaging and printing equipment units in both public and private enterprises. Self employment potential is also very high and hey…if you really got what it takes and to make your friend’s dream come true for your own good, then just go ahead and do it dude.

With that I sign off (in an all American Yankee style) just to be rockin’ with you on the early hours of next Monday with all the fresh gyan. Stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Main me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

‘Oh! What a feeling…it really feels like I am flying’!
And that’s exactly how all those in E-Tribe who have completed their exams must be feeling right now. Congratulations guys and I am sure you guys simply kept the E-Tribe rockin’ @ the exciting exams. Hold it right there! There are many who haven’t finished yet and for all those…here’s what I had to say:
It’s that best time of your campus life when you get to prove it to your teacher that you are the best …get to prove your family that they are efforts will never go a waste…get to prove your friends that you’ve got what it takes to be a winner…and most significantly you get to prove it to yourself that ‘YOU CAN’. So grab this chance and with all the confidence give it your best shot and when you do just that…success becomes inevitable and you better ready to rock with it. And hey…it’s the E-Tribe style to do the right thing in the right spirit simply because winning is a habit out here…and always remember
“There is no right way to do something wrong”.
With that small line with a big meaning lemme start all the gyan for this week. Here I go again:

Let’s welcome Komal (GG thinks she is one good aunt to have!) who has mailed in on behalf of her nephew. Komal’s nephew is doing his 12th and he wants to join the National Defence Academy and hence he is preparing for the entrance exams. But hey…he doesn’t want to depend upon just on this one option and therefore is setting his eyes also on courses such as BSc Nautical Science and BSc Industrial Electronics and he wants to know what are subjects to be taken for these courses. Well Komal, it’s always good to have a couple options to choose from and what matters most is to prepare yourself in an effort to adopt yourself to take up that specific option that suits you most…and hey I am sure your nephew scores high in this aspect as he is already working on it. Alright now for the gyan…Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (as for the engineering group) are the subjects that have to be taken for those professional courses.

And hey…did you guys know this?!
Tomorrow…April 5th marks the National Maritime Day of India and hey…On this very day in 1919 navigation history was created when SS Loyalty, the first ship of the Scindia Steam Navigation Company, journeyed to the United Kingdom.

Say hello to Gayathri who claims to be a gr8 fan of GG and she tells me that GG is too cool. Gayathri wants to see GG in some new outfits every month and in some cool cars. (Thank you dudette…and hey you just stay addicted to E-plus and I bet you are gonna get lucky very soon to see GG in a brand new ‘GG-mobile’!) Gayathri wants to know about the scopes for BSc allied courses in medicine and mainly occupational therapy in both India and abroad. Well dudette a degree program BOT in occupational therapy is usually one of the options for students completing BSc as a paramedical course and therefore the BSc degree is not really going to play any role in admission to this program and I guess you could plan well and make your move in this direction. And hey…the opportunities are plenty both in India and abroad and if you really got what it takes (as GG always say it) just go ahead and do it to excel. All the very best dudette.

Next we have Mythreyi (now that’s a lovely name dudette…right guys!?) who is doing her 12th and she has taken Maths, Physics, Chemistry with Computer Science…and now she is interested in biotechnology and she wants to know if she can do it without having taken biology in her group. Well Mythreyi…Biotechnology and other bio based engineering programs, like biomedical engineering and bioinformatics engineering offered in constituent and affiliated colleges of Anna University are treated as engineering programs only and hence, only mathematics, physics and chemistry subjects of HSc (or equivalent) will be considered for admission in them.(so that’s sounds like a good news to you dudette!) and hey…however many among the eleven Deemed Universities in engineering in TN, admit HSc candidates with Biology and without mathematics, as well as with mathematics and without Biology in these courses.

Ok folks! With some sensational cricketing action and some rib tickling speed show with our own hero on the wheels…being beamed on TV, I bet you guys(the ones who had done away with their exams) are gonna have ball…and for the rest of the E-Tribe…I urge you to stay focused on your exams and keep the E-Tribe rockin’ out there. Mail me at with GG I the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It’s the first Monday of a brand new Month and that’s just a natural reason for the one and only GG to be back wakin’ you all up on a nice morning like this, in an effort to create the right kind of a jumpstart that might end up giving you the nicer edge to leap from…to successful heights all through this month of October. As the Nation remembers the father of our Nation, lemme urge you guys to always remember the great deeds that were done and with a thankful heart for the peace we have, yet to be filled with the spirit to do all it takes to achieve total peace and harmony among ourselves. that entirely is in our hands folks and I am sure we’ve got what it exactly takes to be one in this army of peace. So as we march ahead in this fashion, lemme roll out all the gyan for this week, freshly baked just for you guys out there:

Let’s welcome Aarthi who tells me that she has been reading E-plus for a long time and she mailed in to thank GG for rollin’ in the gyan every week as she thinks that it is very useful to everyone. (Merci beaucoup dudette!...we really value those chips from your brain when you spill some to us…and hey, never cease to stay addicted to E-plus!) My friend Aarthi is currently doing her 12th and she wants to do her engineering but she is also interested in journalism and wishes to take up a course. Well Aarthi, just going by your mail I think you need to decide whether you really wanna do journalism or stick to engineering as it seems to be your original plan. And this you can do only when you get to do a self analysis weighing down your big interests and the actual strengths that you possess in such a way that it provides you with a clear insight on what you’ve really got and what you really wanna be. To answer your query on journalism, you can check out Asian College of Journalism for a full time course in journalism and if you are looking for a part time course then you can check out Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan. And hey…whatever you do always remember ‘never cease to pursue your interests and if you really got what it takes…just go ahead and do it’!

Say hello to a new friend Bhargavi who has recently come to Chennai and the best thing that she got to do is to get into the one & only E-Tribe (Way to go dudette…and welcome aboard!) She tells me that GG’s column is so cool (Thank you dudette… You make me melt like hot fudge on a Monday!) and she is gonna miss it because she’ll be going to Bangalore for her MBA. Don’t you worry dudette, as you can see all the E-plus content and the GG’s column too be it Bangalore or anywhere in the world…all you need to do is to log onto (Isn’t that simply cool!?) Bhargavi wants to know what specialization she should take up in her MBA. It’s pretty simple dudette…just follow your will end up finding what your real interests are and hey…and that’s exactly what you should end up doing. The opportunities are there in every line and it’s all up to you to make the best of it. All the very best dudette!

Okay…we’ve got two dudes who have rolled in with same kind of gyan-hunger…let’s welcome Josyula Krishna (that’s a cool name buddy!). Josyula is basically a Chennaite pursuing his B.Tech in IT in NIT –Allahabad. He is an ardent fan of GG and he tells me that he is missing E-plus and GG a lot. (Don’t you worry dude…as I am on the net and you can vibe with me right from where you are!) Now that he remembered that he could get into the one and only GG’s mailbox, he has landed right with query on Animation as is very keen to take up a course on it. And our other friend who is looking for the same gyan is Swaminathan, who thinks that foreign universities are ahead of he course contents in Animation and wants to know more. Well dudes, India is emerging as a destination for outsourcing assignments from global studios such as Walt Disney Pictures and Cartoon Network and a study by NASSCOM had a forecasted that the global animation market will generate revenues worth $50-70 billion by 2005 and a recent study conducted by Andersen Consulting states that the Indian animation industry is expected to reach $15 billion by 2008. Various end user segments such as TV programmes, TV commercials, games, online education, CAD/CAE applications apart from feature films are slowly increasing the usage of animation in their work but professionals who can handle animation and multimedia software like Maya, 3D Studio Max and Tictactoon, Flash, Giff Animator, Ulead, Adobe After Effects are in shortage. (This is exactly where you dudes are gonna rock your way in!) A lot of India’s existing multimedia and animation work is currently being done in emerging centres such as Chennai and Hyderabad. Chennai, in fact, has emerged as a major outsourcing hub of the global entertainment industry. (Isn’t that really cool…way to go Chennai!) To fit into this rosy picture and explore opportunities in this sector, it is important that you guys are trained on the latest multimedia technologies in such a way that you get to enable yourself to leverage on your creative talent. Creative and technical skills make a perfect winning combination in the world of animation and hey, you guys might just be the very reason for the entire world to watch loads of cool movies like the ‘Lion King’, ‘Finding Nemo’, ‘Stuart Little’ and The Mummy’. If you are looking at studying abroad…check out Lasalle-SIA or the specialty institutions in Australia ( UK ( locally you’ve got Arena Multimedia, IMAGE, Animaster, MAAC, etc. All the very best dudes!

With that I sign off right here…urging you to stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’ and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

"The future comes one day at a time."
And if you guys thought that ‘the future has a way of arriving unannounced’…hold it right there, simply because I am talking about the grand arrival of one of the best things that could actually determine and help you build your own future. Ok what am I talking about?!
Well if you are one of those dudes and dudettes out there, wanting to know the right answers for those innumerable questions that are currently occupying most part of your head and tickling your brains thoroughly, such as…
- Which is the best course for you in the Engineering stream…?!
- How to get into the right course in your preferred stream of study…?!
- How do I get into that exciting study of medicine…?!
- What’s in it for me in IT…and what’s that best course in IT that can give me that much needed edge in life…?!
- How do I get counseled by the experts…?!
- How do I plan my career and what are my opportunities…?!
- How do I get to choose those exciting alternate career options…?!
Well you guys are just about to get incredibly lucky…simply because you are gonna get all of them answered. Alright…(GG is running out of breadth here) now that’s the kind of build-up, only GG can give you guys as always and hey…it’s just the tip of the iceberg that is all set to sweep you off your feet with a world of exciting things packed up just for the E-Tribe. So all you have to do is sit tight and keep watching for the announcements right here in the exciting pages of your all time favourite E-plus and also in the main pages of The Hindu…It’s coming soon guys.

Ok…with that one ‘rocking trailer’ just enough to get the E-Tribe to sit up and listen…lemme start rolling in all the gyan, baked fresh and fine for those hungry souls…here I go again:

Lets welcome Govarthana who tells me that GG gives every week a rocking start that really makes the E-Tribe hungrier for more of GG’s gyan.(Thank you dude…and that is exactly what you get when you stay addicted to E-plus!) Working in BPO, Govarthana mailed in to say that when he had visited his native place Trichy, he missed GG out there (Hard luck dude…what can I say some of the best things in life are not always available everywhere you go!) Well Govarthana wants to know all about Nutrition and Dietetics and the options on higher studies and he wants all this on behalf of his sister Mohana (Mohana…you are one lucky sister out there dudette!) Well Govarthana, I guess you just missed the last week’s edition of E-plus, which had the GG’s column serving the best of gyan exactly on this subject…so grab a copy of it or log onto and you might find the piece of gyan that you are looking for.

Say hello to Prabhu from Tambaram who claims that he is a part of the one & only E-Tribe and he tells me that he never misses GG’s column (now that makes you one of the best part of the E-Tribe dude! Keep it going buddy.) Prabhu who is doing his MCA in Madras university through correspondence, wants to know if the IT companies would see him as they see the regular ones…Well Prabhu, though its common to see a regular student getting preferred…but hey it all depends on how good you make of that opportunity at that very moment when you get to present yourself. So don’t you worry dude (GG thinks you sure have what it takes to be winner), figure out if you can take up that best suited additional course to get that edge. All the very best pal.

Archana who is doing Maths from Ethiraj College wants to get into one of the top Business schools in Chennai (now that’s exactly what GG calls the E-Tribe dudette…simply because at E-Tribe you’ve got to aim or the best and make the best out of what you get to do…and that’s exactly why it rocks!) How about LIBA dudette…and hey there are other colleges too in Chennai that you can get into for that prestigious masters in business.

Navail (a die hard reader of E-plus, who tells me that he loves it because it’s the guide for the future) doing his BBA and all set to do his MBA visited NIIT and got to know about GNIIT and is wondering if he is on the right track. Well Navail you are right dude as it actually offers the dual qualification and the much need work experience too.

It’s exactly that point when I get vroom off in my ‘all new yellow thing that gives speed the thrill’ (GG thanks all those who fell so much in love with my new machine, that you guys mailed in raving about it!) and hey…stay addicted to E-plus; remain hungry for more gyan; keep the E-Tribe rockin’; keep appearing on my screen and get ready for all the excitement, the E-plus event has to offer you in the near future. Till then take guts to say…YES, I am dreamer…simple because a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

It just took only minutes…
Exposing us ‘ the intelligent humans’ to the most inevitable and powerful truths in life…so unbelievably tragic that it left us all in absolute shock…and if at all some of us have just managed to reach the stage of getting out of it, it is only to realize…
- that ‘nature’ is a self-made machine, more perfectly automated than any automated machine that you can think of…so much so when it comes forth to the light of things, we get to see ‘nature’ as an ultimate destroyer, a time stopper, a punishing teacher among its other manifestations…and reiterating the fact that it does nothing in vain
- that we could only find it impossible even to hear someone say poetically ‘Be open to your dreams, embrace that distant shore…as our mortal journey is over all too soon’…
- that we need to learn from yesterday to live with a hope for tomorrow…
and hey…we are alive, so lets look around, listen to that cry for help, choose our role and act appropriately…now.

GG salutes all those in the entire E-Tribe who made an effort to make that difference…the much needed one and hey…that really is what E-Tribe is all about…right?
Ok folks…its our 1st Anniversary…so lets wish the one & only E-plus a Happy Birthday before I roll out with all the gyan for this week…and you have all the chances to be a winner by the time you get to the bottom of this column. Here I go:

Lets welcome Allen Koijam, a great fan of GG tells me that he enjoys reading E-plus and GG’s column as he waits for every Mondays (Stay addicted to E-plus dude!) Allen wants to know all about the Institutes offering courses on Animation and Multimedia for his friend who is interested in taking one. (GG thinks that Allen is one good friend to have…right guys!) Well Allen that is one exciting field with colourful opportunities and your friend’s destination could be institutes such as Arena Multimedia & Image College.

Say hello to M.Ravikumar who is doing his 4th year B.Tech –IT and busy with his project tells me that he heard a lot about E-plus & GG and got into the E-Tribe (Way to go dude! just rocked your way into the most happening thing in town and hey…you stay addicted buddy!) As our new friend Ravikumar also is very much interested in Animation and Multimedia, Allen as a good friend shares the gyan. (It’s a new year …and in this season of new beginnings…it’s all about caring and sharing, and when you are in the E-Tribe you couldn’t ask for a better place to start it all…Isn’t that really cool guys!?)

GG takes this opportunity to thank all you guys in the one & only E-Tribe who mailed in their Season’s Wishes (You guys really rocked!) and just before I sign off, lemme urge you to be the winners…as this Anniversary special offers a number of contests and some fabulous prizes to be won…I am sure you guys are having one party of an issue in this one. Stay addicted to E-plus, remain hungry for more, keep the E-Tribe rockin’, don’t forget to keep appearing on my screen and hey…be the one to make that awesome difference to the world around you. Yo, GG

Hey Dudes & Dudettes,

Wassup!...How have you guys been…and hey, I am back! And did you guys miss me last week…I bet you did! It’s nice to be back in this early morning hours of this first day of the month of harvest- August, right on time to wake you up with the one & only E-plus in your hands…way to go dudes and hey, that’s exactly what E-Tribe all about and could you ask for anything better than this appearance of GG especially after a one week break?! Alright folks…talking about August and when I started the engine to hear the awesome roar from my ‘All new jazzy yellow thing’…it just made me wonder how excited and proud those guys from Willy’s Truck Company would have felt when they heard the sweet noise like a beautiful song from the engine of that first ever ‘Jeep’ that rolled off the assembly line, way back in 1941. Now that’s exactly how it feels when you experience success and nothing in this world can out do that magic…right guys?! And talking about traits that take you to such heights where you get to smell the sweetness of success, it was this day in 1744 a brightest French dude called Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck was born and as a naturalist he believed in the inheritance of acquired traits and did you guys know that some his ideas influenced none other than Sir Charles isn’t that an awesome trait to influence someone to do some great stuff in the history of mankind!...And hey, just to tell you guys something sweet this morning…the first ‘Mars Bar’ – the candy bar was introduced this very day in 1932 and to mark this sweet event try and have one today folks.

With those super cool trivia and some motivating thoughts that were embedded in those lines written above, lemme unleash all the gyan that I had gathered for this week. Here I go:

Lets say a big ‘Hello’ to my friend Deepthi who had visited Chennai for two weeks all the way from Bangalore and she is kind of upset that she might not be able to read the GG’s column out there…(Welcome aboard dudette…and remember always it’s not where you come from, it’s all about being in the most happening E-Tribe…and hey, don’t you worry girl as you can always be in the thick of it all online…simply log onto there you will be grooving in with the one & only GG along with the rest of the E-Tribe) Deepthi, from the mail she had sent in, seems to be a lot confused and worried about her academic plans for the future…as she has done her BSc Environmental Sceince and wondering now whether to do her MSc in the same line and if yes what specialization. Alright Deepthi, first shed off your worries…and always remember as GG alkeeps saying it all the time…It’s as easy to be clear & confident as getting confused, if only we make a conscious effort to think positively, plan clearly and act accordingly. And hey…as for your worry about you not having taken Biotech…"The problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us", so cheer up dudette because you’ve got the whole big world of opportunities waiting for you to step in and succeed and ‘The best way to conquer the future is to create it’. Well Deepthi the ideal thing that you could do is to take up that course MSc in Environmental Science with Waste Management as a speciality…as you know that’s the most happening thing around the globe today and the need for professionals in this field is on the high. Deepthi also tells me that she actually feels good just by mailing GG as its her first time (there is always a first time for everything dudette and yours I am sure simply rocked) and thank you for mailing in…and that makes you a cool member of E-Tribe…keep rockin’ the city of Bangalore and stay addicted to E-plus – the online edition.

Lets welcome Gnanam who has finished a diploma in mechanical engg. In 1999 and has been working in India for some time and now in Singapore (That’s a cool place to be in dude!) Gnanam is on a work contract there and wants to know if a course can be done in India through correspondence. Well Gnanam, learning is always a lifelong process…and it never ends, so just go ahead and do it buddy. And hey, you could do just that as we have Madras University offering you some interesting courses through correspondence for students like you. All the very best.

S Dhanu Priya (Thank you dudette from the bottom of my heart) as she mailed to say that she pray to God to shower all the blessings to GG and the E-Tribe with all the gyan hungry souls (now that is very thoughtful of you dudette…and we all owe you one friend!) Dhanu Priya, I am sure you must have chosen the right course by now and all the very best to you dudette.

I sign off right here just to be with you guys the next Monday and hey…stay addicted to E-plus as always; remain hungry for more; keep rockin’ with E-plus at campus and don’t you ever forget to keep appearing on my screen. Mail me at with GG in the subject line. Yo, GG


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